BEA Systems, Inc.

WebLogic Server 6.1 API Reference

Uses of Interface

Packages that use PrefixResolver

Uses of PrefixResolver in weblogic.apache.xalan.processor

Classes in weblogic.apache.xalan.processor that implement PrefixResolver
 class CompiledTemplate
 class CompilingStylesheetHandler
           Initializes and processes a stylesheet via SAX events.
 class StylesheetHandler
           Initializes and processes a stylesheet via SAX events.

Uses of PrefixResolver in weblogic.apache.xalan.templates

Classes in weblogic.apache.xalan.templates that implement PrefixResolver
 class DecimalFormatProperties
           Implement xsl:decimal-format.
 class ElemApplyImport
           Implement xsl:apply-imports.
 class ElemApplyTemplates
           Implement xsl:apply-templates.
 class ElemAttribute
           Implement xsl:attribute.
 class ElemAttributeSet
           Implement xsl:attribute-set.
 class ElemCallTemplate
           Implement xsl:call-template.
 class ElemChoose
           Implement xsl:choose.
 class ElemComment
           Implement xsl:comment.
 class ElemCopy
           Implement xsl:copy.
 class ElemCopyOf
           Implement xsl:copy-of.
 class ElemElement
           Implement xsl:element
 class ElemEmpty
           Simple empty elem to push on the stack when nothing else got pushed, so that pop() works correctly.
 class ElemExtensionCall
           Implement an extension element.
 class ElemExtensionDecl
           Implement the declaration of an extension element
 class ElemExtensionScript
           Implement Script extension element
 class ElemFallback
           Implement xsl:fallback.
 class ElemForEach
           Implement xsl:for-each.
 class ElemIf
           Implement xsl:if.
 class ElemLiteralResult
           Implement a Literal Result Element.
 class ElemMessage
           Implement xsl:message.
 class ElemNumber
           Implement xsl:number.
 class ElemOtherwise
           Implement xsl:otherwise.
 class ElemParam
           Implement xsl:param.
 class ElemPI
           Implement xsl:processing-instruction.
 class ElemSort
           Implement xsl:sort.
 class ElemTemplate
           Implement xsl:template.
 class ElemTemplateElement
           An instance of this class represents an element inside an xsl:template class.
 class ElemText
           Implement xsl:template.
 class ElemTextLiteral
           Implement a text literal.
 class ElemUnknown
           Implement a Literal Result Element.
 class ElemUse
           Implement xsl:use.
 class ElemValueOf
           Implement xsl:value-of.
 class ElemVariable
           Implement xsl:variable.
 class ElemWhen
           Implement xsl:when.
 class ElemWithParam
           Implement xsl:with-param.
 class KeyDeclaration
           Holds the attribute declarations for the xsl:keys element.
 class NamespaceAlias
          Object to hold an xsl:namespace element.
 class OutputProperties
          This class provides information from xsl:output elements.
 class Stylesheet
          Represents a stylesheet element.
 class StylesheetComposed
          Represents a stylesheet that has methods that resolve includes and imports.
 class StylesheetRoot
           This class represents the root object of the stylesheet tree.
 class WhiteSpaceInfo
          This is used as a special "fake" template that can be handled by the TemplateList to do pattern matching on nodes.

Methods in weblogic.apache.xalan.templates with parameters of type PrefixResolver
abstract  void AVTPart.evaluate(XPathContext xctxt, FastStringBuffer buf, org.w3c.dom.Node context, PrefixResolver nsNode)
          Write the evaluated value into the given string buffer.
 java.lang.String AVT.evaluate(XPathContext xctxt, org.w3c.dom.Node context, PrefixResolver nsNode)
          Evaluate the AVT and return a String.
 void AVTPartXPath.evaluate(XPathContext xctxt, FastStringBuffer buf, org.w3c.dom.Node context, PrefixResolver nsNode)
          Write the value into the buffer.
 void AVTPartSimple.evaluate(XPathContext xctxt, FastStringBuffer buf, org.w3c.dom.Node context, PrefixResolver nsNode)
          Write the value into the buffer.

Constructors in weblogic.apache.xalan.templates with parameters of type PrefixResolver
AVTPartXPath.AVTPartXPath(java.lang.String val, PrefixResolver nsNode, XPathParser xpathProcessor, XPathFactory factory, XPathContext liaison)
          Construct a simple AVT part.

Uses of PrefixResolver in weblogic.apache.xalan.transformer

Methods in weblogic.apache.xalan.transformer with parameters of type PrefixResolver
 LocPathIterator KeyManager.getNodeSetByKey(XPathContext xctxt, org.w3c.dom.Node doc, QName name, java.lang.String ref, PrefixResolver nscontext)
          Given a valid element key, return the corresponding node list.

Constructors in weblogic.apache.xalan.transformer with parameters of type PrefixResolver
KeyIterator.KeyIterator(org.w3c.dom.Node doc, PrefixResolver nscontext, QName name, java.util.Vector keyDeclarations, XPathContext xctxt)
          Constructor KeyIterator
KeyTable.KeyTable(org.w3c.dom.Node doc, PrefixResolver nscontext, QName name, java.util.Vector keyDeclarations, XPathContext xmlLiaison)
          Build a keys table.

Uses of PrefixResolver in weblogic.apache.xml.utils

Classes in weblogic.apache.xml.utils that implement PrefixResolver
 class PrefixResolverDefault
           This class implements a generic PrefixResolver that can be used to perform prefix-to-namespace lookup for the XPath object.

Constructors in weblogic.apache.xml.utils with parameters of type PrefixResolver
QName.QName(java.lang.String qname, org.w3c.dom.Element namespaceContext, PrefixResolver resolver)
          Construct a QName from a string, resolving the prefix using the given namespace context and prefix resolver.
QName.QName(java.lang.String qname, PrefixResolver resolver)
          Construct a QName from a string, resolving the prefix using the given namespace stack.

Uses of PrefixResolver in weblogic.apache.xpath

Methods in weblogic.apache.xpath that return PrefixResolver
 PrefixResolver XPathContext.getNamespaceContext()
          Get the current namespace context for the xpath.

Methods in weblogic.apache.xpath with parameters of type PrefixResolver
 void XPathContext.setNamespaceContext(PrefixResolver pr)
          Get the current namespace context for the xpath.
static XObject XPathAPI.eval(org.w3c.dom.Node contextNode, java.lang.String str, PrefixResolver prefixResolver)
          Evaluate XPath string to an XObject.
 XObject XPath.execute(XPathContext xctxt, org.w3c.dom.Node contextNode, PrefixResolver namespaceContext)
           Given an expression and a context, evaluate the XPath and call the callback as nodes are found.
 XPath XPathFactory.create(java.lang.String exprString, javax.xml.transform.SourceLocator locator, PrefixResolver prefixResolver, int type)
          Create an XPath.

Constructors in weblogic.apache.xpath with parameters of type PrefixResolver
XPath.XPath(java.lang.String exprString, javax.xml.transform.SourceLocator locator, PrefixResolver prefixResolver, int type, javax.xml.transform.ErrorListener errorListener)
          Construct an XPath object.
XPath.XPath(java.lang.String exprString, javax.xml.transform.SourceLocator locator, PrefixResolver prefixResolver, int type)
          Construct an XPath object.

Uses of PrefixResolver in weblogic.apache.xpath.axes

Fields in weblogic.apache.xpath.axes declared as PrefixResolver
protected  PrefixResolver LocPathIterator.m_prefixResolver
          Fast access to the current prefix resolver.

Methods in weblogic.apache.xpath.axes that return PrefixResolver
 PrefixResolver LocPathIterator.getPrefixResolver()
          Return the saved reference to the prefix resolver that was in effect when this iterator was created.

Constructors in weblogic.apache.xpath.axes with parameters of type PrefixResolver
LocPathIterator.LocPathIterator(PrefixResolver nscontext)
          Create a LocPathIterator object.

Uses of PrefixResolver in weblogic.apache.xpath.compiler

Methods in weblogic.apache.xpath.compiler that return PrefixResolver
 PrefixResolver Compiler.getNamespaceContext()
          Get the current namespace context for the xpath.

Methods in weblogic.apache.xpath.compiler with parameters of type PrefixResolver
 void Compiler.setNamespaceContext(PrefixResolver pr)
          Set the current namespace context for the xpath.
 void XPathParser.initXPath(Compiler compiler, java.lang.String expression, PrefixResolver namespaceContext)
          Given an string, init an XPath object for selections, in order that a parse doesn't have to be done each time the expression is evaluated.
 void XPathParser.initMatchPattern(Compiler compiler, java.lang.String expression, PrefixResolver namespaceContext)
          Given an string, init an XPath object for pattern matches, in order that a parse doesn't have to be done each time the expression is evaluated.

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