Viewing Resource Assignments in a Gantt Chart

View the Gantt chart for a graphical display of the start and end dates for resource assignments.

To view resource assignment activities in a Gantt chart:

  1. Click Resources.
  2. On the Resources navigation bar, click Assignments.
    1. On the Assignments page, click Gantt View.
      • To view the start and end dates of assignments for a particular resource, double-click the Gantt next to the row in the resource table that contains the resource.
      • To change the timescale on the Gantt, right-click the dates at the top of the Gantt and choose another timescale.


To customize the list of resources displayed in the table, click the Filters menu and choose to use an existing filter, or create a new filter.

Related Topics

Working with Resource Assignments in the Gantt Chart

Configuring the Resources Assignments Gantt Chart Bars

Setting the Resources Detailed Assignments Gantt Chart Timescale

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