Data Mapping

To create and update these objects as part of Integration, the user must first create a data mapping relationship between Unifier and P6 data elements. The user can create one or more data mapping for each Schedule Sheet.

To define data mapping:

  1. Navigate to your Project/Shell and open a schedule sheet.
  2. From the menu bar, choose File > Data Mapping. The Data Mappings window opens.

    The Data Mappings window lists any mappings that you have created, and their default statuses. At run time, Unifier uses the mapping status and prevents the Select Default Mapping window from opening.

  3. Click the Add button. The Data Mapping window opens.
  4. On the General tab, enter the name and the description for the data mapping and click Apply to save changes and keep the window open, or click OK to save changes and close the window.
  5. On the Activity tab, you can map Unifier schedule sheet columns to external CSV headers and XML tags for the import or export of activity information. Choose data elements from Activity and Resource Attribute forms. See the Activity Tab Fields table for details.
  6. On the Resources tab, you can map resource information through XML integration. Enter the header in the XML element that corresponds to the column. Mapping resources is mandatory only if you select Import Resource Assignments on the Options tab.
  7. On the Options tab you can configure XML options that the system uses when importing data. See the Options Tab Fields table for details.
  8. Click OK.

One of the data mappings can be selected as default.This defaulting concept will be used while processing a web services call. How to use a data mapping and where default data mapping is used is explained in Web Service Methods section.

Data mapping can be marked to override existing data or merge existing data. Based on the web services call and business need appropriate option must be selected.

Activity Tab Fields

Data format

Data mapping requirements


Select the data elements you want to import. Minimum required fields for XML import are Activity ID, Activity Name, Start Date, Finish Date, and Duration.

CSV Header

Enter the CSV header from the external source.

XML Element

Enter the corresponding XML from the external source

Options Tab Fields

In this field:

Do this:

XML Import

Define options for importing XML activity schedules into Unifier. Mapping options are the same for Primavera XML and Microsoft Project XML.


You can either retain existing schedule information in Unifier, or overwrite it complete upon importing an external XML file.

1. Merge into existing schedule. With this selection, you have a sub-option to Delete Activities removed from the source schedule.

2. Overwrite existing schedule replaces the existing schedule.

Data Elements

Select the appropriate checkboxes if you want to:

- Import activities (rows)

- Include dependencies

- Assign resources

- Assign CBS codes

Data Elements (continued)

1. Activity Dependencies: Select this checkbox to retain activities from the XML source file.

2. Activity Calendar: Select this checkbox to retain the activity calendar from the XML source file. If imported, the activity calendar will trigger the recalculation of activity dates as needed, and will override any existing activity calendar association. If a calendar is not imported, the activity will use the existing calendar defined in the Schedule Sheet properties.

Data Elements (continued)

There must be a calendar in Unifier with the same name as the calendar in the import file. (See "Creating Multiple Calendars".)

1. Resource Assignments: Select this checkbox to retain the resource assignments from the XML source file. If you want to import resources, define the resource types for the data definition SYS Resource Type. For Microsoft Project files, use standard resource types: Work, Material, and Cost. Upon import, these resource types will soft book.

2. CBS Codes: Select this checkbox to import CBS codes

3. Number of Levels: If you choose to import Primavera CBS codes, you can specify the segments that should be considered in the Primavera XML file for the codes (from 1 to 9) and the CBS code suffix mask. See "CBS code options for Primavera XML and Microsoft Project XML" for details.

4. Suffix Mask: Does not apply for Microsoft Project XML files, and this value is ignored when files of this type are imported. You can use a constant or a data element value in the Suffix Mask.

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Last Published Tuesday, February 8, 2022