Schedule Manager Overview

The Schedule Manager is where Primavera Unifier users can create and manage schedules at both the project/shell and program level. They can create a Project/Shell Schedule Sheet that is customized to the project's or shell’s needs. When they create the first Schedule Sheet for a project/shell, Primavera Unifier automatically creates a Program Schedule Sheet. Once these sheets are created, users can then use them to create project/shell activities and tasks, assign resources to tasks, create relationships between activities, track schedule progress and variables, and calculate the schedule’s critical path.

In Primavera Unifier, users can also import project schedule records from Primavera Project Planner P3® or Microsoft® Project. These external project schedules can provide additional detail or supporting schedule information; for example, resource information, or subcontractor or vendor schedules. Imported schedules are editable within Primavera Unifier, and the data can be used in reports.

The Schedule Manager presents schedule activities as interactive Gantt charts, where users can:

Using Primavera Unifier’s snapshot feature, users can take a "picture" of the schedule sheet at any point in time. This is a way of "drilling down" into the scheduling process to expose specific activities or milestones for particular attention. Using the Schedule Manager’s baseline function, users can measure progress and determine payments against original estimates; and with the "tracking Gantt" feature, they can compare schedule dates, such as baseline estimates against the actual schedule.

If users are copying activities from one schedule to another, Primavera Unifier will immediately notify them if the change will create a schedule conflict so that they can make corrections as they work. Each change in the Schedule Manager creates a record in Primavera Unifier, which is useful for auditing purposes. An audit report of these records shows detailed information on dates, events, actions, and old values vs. new values, along with the user or proxy user who performed the action.

Each project/shell can have multiple schedule sheets, and one master schedule sheet. This master sheet drives project start and end dates, tracks the project’s progress, and serves as the interface between the Schedule Manager and other Primavera Unifier modules. In particular, the master schedule updates resource assignment information in the Resource Manager, which affects timesheets and resource utilization figures; and it integrates cost items on the schedule with the Cost Manager. Primavera Unifier users can refresh resource rates on the schedule sheet and post the new rates to the Cost Manager, update the cost sheet with assignment costs, and refresh costs on the sheet to recalculate labor costs and post them to the cost sheet.

Related Topics

Entering and Viewing Cost Data

Automating a Schedule Using Scope Management

Accumulating and Calculating Progress Data

Resource Assignment by Resource Type and Resource Effort

Design Requirements for the Schedule Manager

Design Requirements for Activity Sheet Attribute Form (AP & RAP)

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Last Published Friday, April 9, 2021