Request for Bid (RFB)

The Request for Bid (RFB) is a type of line item BP. RFBs are unique in that the business process requires participation from personnel outside your company. For an RFB, you need to create two sets of forms—one for the requestor (the Primavera Unifier user who creates the RFB and invites bids) and another for the bidders (the vendors) to fill out with bid information.

An RFB must include a reference process to a vendor list business process, which contains the pool of vendors to whom the RFB will be sent. This vendor reference process will populate the upper fields of the RFB at runtime. Primavera Unifier automatically launches this reference process when the RFB is activated.

The RFB can also include a BP Data Picker that references a line item type BP that will be used to filter the available bidders in the Option tab. Once the additional bidder/vendor filtering ability option is set correctly, then the query conditions for the data picker can also be used to filter the list of vendors.

Tip: When you create the bidder’s view of RFB forms, keep in mind that the bidders may or may not be Primavera Unifier users. You might want to keep some fields hidden or non-editable. You might also want to allow bidders to modify line items, but prevent them from adding or removing them.

The RFB type BP Requestor and Bidder form do not have access to pickers.

Note: If a bidder accesses Unifier through Oracle Identity Manager (OIM), the bidder cannot change password. Changing password can be done only in Unifier when it is not accessed through OIM.

Following is a workflow for a bid process:

  1. Create Bid
  2. Review or Approve Bid
  3. Send Bid invite to Vendors
  4. Compare or View Received Bids
  5. Negotiate with preferred Bidders
  6. Select Winning Bid
  7. Create Contract with Winning Bid

Bid Comparison

The RFB business process includes a bid tabulation feature that users can use to compare all or selected bids that have been received from vendors. This feature is available after the bidding process is closed. The bid tabulation is displayed on a sheet that you can design in uDesigner. (If you do not design a bid comparison sheet, Primavera Unifier automatically provides a default sheet.)

How a Request for Bid Works

Once the RFB type Business Process is active in Primavera Unifier, the bid procedure runs as follows:

The Primavera Unifier user

To start the procedure, the user:

  • Opens the RFB, fills in the form, and sends it for internal review. During this process, the scope of the project might be verified, as well as other things, such as terms and conditions, architectural drawings, and structural materials.

When the internal review workflow is complete, the user:

  • Assembles the bid package and prepares the bid invitation for distribution.
  • Sends out the bid invitations, along with a user name and password so that the vendors can log into Primavera Unifier "Lite" and submit their bids.

Once the bid invitations have been sent, the user must wait for the bid due date to pass.

The vendor

  • Logs into Primavera Unifier and opens the bid request.
  • (Optionally) Requests clarification of any questions or issues before submitting the bid.
  • Submits the bid.

The Primavera Unifier User

When the due date is reached, the user:

  • Tabulates the bids for comparison.
  • (Optional) Opens discussions about the bids, if necessary, with company employees. (Classic View only)
  • Selects a winning bid
  • Awards the bid to a vendor and creates a contract by copying details from the bid record into the awarded contract.

Design Requirements

For these business processes to work effectively in Primavera Unifier, you will need to create the following components in uDesigner:

In order for the vendor master BP (Master Vendor BP) to work properly with the RFB, the upper form of the master list (RFB master vendor list) must include the following data elements:

Design Flow

The following table outlines the design steps necessary to create the RFB business process.

  1. Create a data structure, if necessary.

    See the instructions beginning with Creating a Data Structure.

  2. Launch the design.

    This step initializes the design process for the BP. See Starting a New Design (Edit Studio).

For the Requestor:

  1. Create an Upper form. See the instructions beginning with Designing Upper Forms. The mandatory fields for the upper form is: Date picker (uuu_rfb_due_date) to specify a due date. This is the date on which the bid will expire. Bidders will not be able to bid after this date, and requestors will not be able to see bids before this date.
  2. Create a Detail form. See the instructions beginning with Designing Detail Form. The mandatory field for the Detail form is: Short description (short_desc).
  3. Create a Line Item list. See Adding an Item Log to a Detail Form.
  4. (Optional) Create a workflow. See the instructions beginning with Designing Upper Forms.
  5. Create a log. See Designing a Business Process Log (Standard or Picker).
  6. Create a reference process. See Adding a Reference Process to Auto-Populate Data.

For the Bidder:

  1. Create an Upper form. See the instructions beginning with Designing Upper Forms.
  2. Create a Detail form. See the instructions beginning with Designing Detail Form. The mandatory field for the Detail form is: Short description (short_desc).
  3. Create a Line Item list. See Adding an Item Log to a Detail Form.
  4. Create a log. See Designing a Business Process Log (Standard or Picker).
  5. Create a reference process. See Adding a Reference Process to Auto-Populate Data.

For the Bid Comparison Sheet:

  1. (Optional) Create an Upper form. See the instructions beginning with Designing Upper Forms. The Upper form must contain the same elements that are on the bidder upper form.
  2. Create a Detail form. See Designing a Bid Comparison Sheet for an RFB. The detail form must contain the same elements that are on the bidder detail form.

Additional information about RFB

Upper Forms

You can place the Bid Picker DE (uuu_rfb_winning_bid) on any Requestor Upper form of any RFB Business Process.

The Bid Picker DE:

Detail Form

You can define an additional Detail tab for the Requestor section of all RFB type Business Process forms. This second Detail tab (non-standard tab) can be used to record the lines of the winning bid, as the user copies the data from the Bid Comparison Sheet.

Note: This applies to all RFB Business Process sub-types (Generic, Line Items with CBS Code, and Line Items with Generic Cost Manager).

The second Detail tab is similar to that of any other non-standard Detail tab on any other Cost type BP which allows multiple tabs.

When the RFB type Business Process has Line Item with CBS Code, the new Detail form allows you to include both the "Custom" DE "bitemID" and the "Standard" DE "bi_item" on the form.

Note: If you place the DE "bitemID" on the form, you must designate the DE as "Required." This DE cannot be designated as "Editable."

The second Detail Form log window contains the following options:

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