Working with Project or Shell and Company Documents

The project or shell Documents node (in the project- or shell-level Document Manager) and the Company Documents node (in the company-level Document Manager) are the root nodes in which published documents (that is, documents that are ready to be used by team members) are stored and managed. You will typically work out of these nodes when working with your company or project or shell documents. All uploads, downloads, revisions, markups, etc., are performed here.

Permission-based access: Similar to a shared network storage drive, access to specific folders, files, and shortcuts is independently controlled by permissions. The user who creates a folder or shortcut, or uploads a file, is, by default, its owner, and has full access (privileges to view, upload, delete, download, etc.). The owner (could be the project or shell or company administrator) can set these permissions to allow or disallow access by other team members. For this reason, it is important to verify the permission settings for all files or folders of which you are the owner to make sure that they are accessible by the people who need them.

Editing and version control: The project or shell Documents and Company Documents nodes have check-in and check-out, document lock, and revision history capabilities enabling full version control.

Use with business processes: The Document Manager is integrated with business processes. You can initiate a BP from directly within the Document Manager and automatically attach selected files and folders.

Reporting: In addition, document and folder properties are associated with data elements, and are therefore fully reportable through user-defined reports.

Note: The Document Manager does not support multibyte or Unicode characters in file names.

See Also

Unifier Document Manager

Before you Begin Working with Document Manager

About Ownership and Permissions

Using the Document Manager

Automatic Publishing of BP Records to the Document Manager

Enabling Document Manager-Generated Email Notification

Accessing Project or Shell Documents and Company Documents

Navigating Project or Shell Documents and Company Documents (Classic View)

Navigating Project or Shell Documents and Company Documents (Standard View)

Working with Document Logs (Classic View)

Working with Document Manager in Company and Project or Shell (Standard View)

Creating and Managing Folders

Creating and Managing Documents

Organize Folders

Rename a Folder (Classic View)

Creating and Managing Shortcuts


Uploading Files

Downloading Documents and Folders

Importing and Exporting in Document Manager

The Recycle Bin

Index Reports (Standard View)

View Document Manager Audit log (Standard View)

Project or Shell Documents or Company Documents Attached to a Business Process

Unpublished Documents

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Last Published Monday, April 11, 2022