Unpublished Documents

To access the Unpublished Documents log in Project/Shell:

  1. Go to one of the following:
    • Company Workspace
    • All standard Project instances
    • All Shell instances
  2. Click the Document Manager node to expand.
  3. Click Unpublished Documents to open the Unpublished Documents log.

The Unpublished Documents sub-node is an automatic repository for files that have been attached to business processes and which have not yet been published in project or shell Documents or Company Documents. That is, when a user uploads a file from a local machine and attaches it to a business process, the document is automatically stored in the Unpublished Documents log as soon as the business process is sent. The link to the business process is also listed in the Unpublished Documents log.

The link to the BP allows the BP record to be reviewed, allowing the administrator to review where the document originated from. This provides a means to control the documents that are accessible in the Document Manager. For example, a subcontractor submits a Request for Information (RFI) with attached documents requesting input from the architect. These attached documents can be traced back to the original BP through the link, and the documents become available in the unpublished area of the Document Manager. The administrator can then review the documents and make the decision to publish them into the project or shell or Company Documents node and where to store them, or not to publish them at all.

Note the following:

See Also

Unifier Document Manager

Before you Begin Working with Document Manager

About Ownership and Permissions

Using the Document Manager

Automatic Publishing of BP Records to the Document Manager

Enabling Document Manager-Generated Email Notification

Working with Project or Shell and Company Documents

Accessing Project or Shell Documents and Company Documents

Navigating Project or Shell Documents and Company Documents (Classic View)

Navigating Project or Shell Documents and Company Documents (Standard View)

Working with Document Logs (Classic View)

Working with Document Manager in Company and Project or Shell (Standard View)

Creating and Managing Folders

Creating and Managing Documents

Organize Folders

Rename a Folder (Classic View)

Creating and Managing Shortcuts


Uploading Files

Downloading Documents and Folders

Importing and Exporting in Document Manager

The Recycle Bin

Index Reports (Standard View)

View Document Manager Audit log (Standard View)

Project or Shell Documents or Company Documents Attached to a Business Process

In This Section

Unpublished Documents Log (Standard View)

Manually Add or Remove Projects To or From a Scenario

About Automatic Publishing of Documents

Open an unpublished document (Classic View)

Open a linked business process record (Classic View)

View unpublished document properties (Classic View)

View unpublished document comments (Classic View)

Download an unpublished document (Classic View)

Delete an unpublished document (Classic View)

Renaming an Unpublished Document (Classic View)

Search for an unpublished document (Classic View)

Publish a document to project or shell or Company Documents (Classic View)

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Last Published Monday, April 11, 2022