Edit your own resource properties

At the company level, you can edit your own resource properties and calendar. From your user sign in, Unifier identifies you and automatically gives you permissions to modify your properties and calendar. However, you must have View permission to the Resource Log.

To edit your resource properties

  1. Click the Company Workspace tab and go to Resource Manager > Resources in the Navigator.
  2. On the Resources Log, double-click your name. The Resource Properties window opens.
  3. Edit your information under each tab as necessary.

See Also

Unifier Resource Manager

Using the Resource Manager

View roles

View resources

Working with Resource Sheets

Viewing and Configuring Resource Dashboards

About Resource Business Processes

Understanding Reverse Auto-population

In This Section

General Tab

Roles Tab

Skills Tab

Calendar Tab

Projects/Shells Tab

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Last Published Monday, April 11, 2022