Create Schedule Sheet Templates

There are three locations for schedule sheet templates in Unifier: in company Templates, in a project template, or in a shell template. Project and shell schedule sheet templates are copied into a new project or shell during cloning, provided you selected Schedule Sheets in the cloning window.

The creation steps are similar for any schedule sheet template; however, Activity Properties in the company-level template only allow you to set up the General and Dependencies tabs. In project or shell schedule sheet templates, you can set up all properties.

To create a schedule sheet template

  1. Go to the Company Workspace tab and switch to Admin mode.
    • For a company-level template, in the left Navigator, click Templates > Schedule Sheets.
    • For a project template, in the left Navigator, click Templates > Projects (Standard) > [project] > [project template] > Schedule Manager > Schedule Sheets.
    • For a shell template, in the left Navigator, click Templates > Shells > [shell type] > [shelltemplate] > Schedule Manager > Schedule Sheets.
  2. To create the schedule sheet for the template, use the instructions on creating a schedule sheet in the Unifier User Guide, Create a project or shell cash flow sheet in Cash Flow.

The Schedule Sheets can be created by using templates at the company-level.

Conditions for Creating a Schedule Sheets setup Configuration Package

When the Setup information is packaged for the first time, then the Schedule Attribute and the Resource Assignment attribute designs must also be included in the configuration package.

This means that the design must be included in the Configuration Package. If this check fails, then the package creation will result in an error.

For subsequent exports, check will be made to ensure that the design which uses the Data Element that is specifically used in the setup is present in the Published package. As long as this condition is met, the package creation will be successful. If not, the latest design will have to be included in the configuration package.

Schedule Sheets Components in the Configuration Package

The system includes the following components of Schedule Sheets in the Configuration Package (.zip file):


Field / Option

Schedule Sheet Properties/ General

All fields. Custom calendars should also be included in the configuration package.

Schedule Sheet Properties / Gantt Chart

All fields

Schedule Sheet Properties / Tracking Gantt

All fields

Schedule Sheet Properties / Options

All fields

Schedule Sheet Properties / Schedule

All fields

Schedule Sheet / Activities

No activity related information will be packaged, meaning no rows will be included.

<Schedule Sheet Name> / Scope Management Setup (Applicable for shell templates)

No Scope setup will be brought over since the scope is tied to an activity.

Schedule Sheet / Data Mapping

All fields. Dependency checks for inclusion of Schedule Attribute and Resource Assignment forms will be performed to see if the relevant designs are part of the package.

Schedule Sheet / Budget and Progress Setup

All applicable options

Schedule Sheet / Column

All columns defined in the sheet. If column definition is based on Cost Sheet definition then the Cost Sheet also must be included. If cost sheet column does not exist, then an error will be displayed.

See Also

Setting up the Schedule Manager

Additional Options for Setting Up the Schedule Manager

Importing an Activity Attribute Form

Deleting Schedule Sheets

Grant Schedule Manager and Custom Calendar Permissions to Users

Refresh Schedule Sheet Data

Updating Schedule Sheet Properties from Templates

Update Schedule Sheet Activities from Templates

Importing Schedule Files

Scope Management Setup

About Activity-level Editing

Permissions Setting for Activity Sheet

Activity Sheet Permissions in the System Activity Sheet Permissions Tab

Permissions for the System WBS Sheet

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Last Published Friday, April 9, 2021