15Other Component Business Services for C/OM

Other Component Business Services for C/OM

This chapter describes the Context Service business service, as well as other important C/OM business services. Information is provided as follows:

Note: This chapter does not address three component business services that are addressed elsewhere in this guide. For information about Data Validation Manager business service, see Data Validation Manager For information about ISS Approval Business Service, see Approvals Manager For information about ISS Copy Service, see Copy Service.

Context Service Business Service

The Context Service business service has two main functions, as follows:

  • The Context Service business service provides the infrastructure for the C/OM-specific invocation mechanism called “Raise Signal” Through use of a signal, you invoke multiple actions (either of a business service or of a workflow) in a certain order. All associated actions are fully configurable by an integrator. A signal can be triggered through UI buttons—with the standard Siebel Invoke Method—or it can be triggered specifically by business services or business components.

  • The Context Service business service acts as the data broker for other C/OM modules, such as Pricing, Eligibility, Product Recommendation, Promotion, and so on. Through the variable map APIs (GetRowSetData and SyncRowSetData), Context Service retrieves the current context data, and then constructs input property sets for other business services. After the property sets are processed by other business services, they can be synchronized back to the database through the SyncRowSetData API.

The Context Service business service provides APIs for constructing a property set from the current ordering context and synchronizing changes to that property set back to the source.

It includes the following methods.

    ISS ATP Service

    The ISS ATP business service contains methods for the ISS Fulfillment Service.

    It includes the following methods.

      CSSISSFulfillmentService::SetATPInputArgument Method

      This method is called by the signal ATPInquire. It prepares input arguments before calling the ATP business service.


      Argument Description


      [in] The action to be specified at the line level: Inquire, Reserve, UnReserve.


      [in] The RowId to process


      [in] "Order", "Quote"

      Example Arguments

      [ATP Action ]= "Inquire";
      [RowId]= "42-4ZBY1";
      [Mode] = "Order";

        CSSISSFulfillment Service::ATPRunCheck Method

        This method provides a business service wrapper function for ATP ASIs.


        Argument Description


        [in] The header ID for the quote or order.

        Line Item Id

        [in] If “inquire at line level” is called, this contains the line ID. If “inquire all” is called, then this is empty.

        Inbound Integration Object

        [in] The inbound internal integration object must be quote-specific or order-specific. This is used for database write.

        Outbound Integration Object

        [in] The outbound internal integration object must be quote-specific or order-specific. This is used for database query.


        [in] The action to be specified at the line level: such as Inquire, Reserve, and so on.

        Example Arguments

        ["ATP Action"] = "Inquire";
        ["Outbound Integration Object"] = "ATP Check Interface Request - Orders";
        ["Inbound Integration Object"] = "ATP Check Interface Response - Orders";
        ["Id"] = "99-2AICU";
        ["Line Item Id"] = "42-4ZBY1";
        ["Outbound Integration Object1"] = "ATP Check Interface Request - Orders";
        ["Inbound Integration Object1"] = "ATP Check Interface Response - Orders"; 

          ISS Credit Card Transaction Service

          The ISS Credit Card Transaction business service performs credit card authorization tasks.

          It includes the following methods.

            Auth Charge Method

            This method authorizes and settles payment for the current payment line item.

              Authorization Method

              This method authorizes payment for the current payment line item.

                Charge Method

                This method settles payment for the current payment line item.

                  Refund Method

                  This method refunds payment for the current payment line item.

                    Reverse Method

                    This method reverses authorization of payment for the current payment line item.

                      ISS Credit Check Service

                      The ISS Credit Check business service performs credit status checks and writes status information to the database.

                      It includes the following methods.

                        CreditCheckRunCheck Method

                        This method runs a credit check for the selected order or quote from an external ASI source, then writes the credit status to the database.


                        Argument Description


                        [in] The ID of the quote or order.

                        Inbound Integration Object

                        [in] The internal inbound integration object for Quote or Order.

                        Outbound Integration Object

                        [in] The internal outbound integration object for Quote or Order.

                        Return Error

                        [in] A flag for which, when set to “N”, the function will return an OK regardless. (This is used for situations in which even if the credit check errors out, you want to create the order.)

                          SetCreditCheckResults Method

                          This method writes the credit status data to the database. If the credit status is empty, it is set to indeterminate.


                          Argument Description

                          Credit Status As Of

                          [in] The date that the status is valid.

                          Credit Status Code

                          [in] The status code. A number from 1 to 6 or a value pre-LOV lookup (such as Okay or Indeterminate).

                          Credit Status Message

                          [in] A string describing credit status.


                          [in] The ID of the quote or order.

                          Return Error

                          [in] A flag that, when set to “N”, the function will return an OK regardless.

                            ISS Disable Service

                            ISS Disable business service is used to disable certain activities when using ISS Copy Service. This service is used in the ReviseCopyQuote signal.

                            Note: For information about ISS Copy Service, see Copy Service.

                            It includes the following methods.

                              DisableCopyXAService Method

                              This method disables the generation of XA attribute copy on the business component.


                              Argument Description


                              [in] ISS business component instance name.


                              [in] Name of the business component inside the ISS instance business object. The BusComp class must be derived from CSSBCOrderMgmtBase.

                                DisableCheckCanInsert Method

                                This method skips the CanInsert check on the business component when new records are inserted.


                                Argument Description


                                [in] Y or N. When Y, the business component will skip the CanInsert check.


                                [in] ISS business component instance name.


                                [in] Name of the business component inside the ISS instance business object. The BusComp class must be derived from CSSBCOrderMgmtBase.

                                  RestoreServiceState Method

                                  This method restores the business component state modified by DisableCopyXAService or SkipCheckCanInsert methods.


                                  Argument Description


                                  [in] ISS business component instance name.


                                  [in] Name of the business component inside the ISS instance business object. The BusComp class must be derived from CSSBCOrderMgmtBase.

                                    ISS Package Product Service

                                    The ISS Package Product business service allows you to collect any number of simple products into a single package or to remove simple products from a package when in the Quote Line Items or Order Line Items views. After selecting one or more related simple products, you can then collect them into one package and treat the package as one line item. Later, you can also separate a packaged collection into its separate pieces and treat the separate pieces as separate line items.

                                    Note: You cannot package customizable products. When you package simple products, they get collected into one product called a Package. You cannot package Packages.

                                    It includes the following methods.

                                      MergeIntoOnePackage Method

                                      This method collects simple products in one package.

                                        RemoveFromPackage Method

                                        This method takes one or more simple products out of a package.

                                          ISS Payment Profile Service

                                          The ISS Payment Profile business service provides the functions to update the existing profile from a Quote or Order, or to create a new payment profile from the current Quote or Order for the current account.

                                          It includes the following methods.

                                            SaveAsPaymentProfile Method

                                            In the Quote or Order screen, Payment, and then the Payment Detail view, click Create Profile to bring up a pop-up applet in which the user can specify a name for the payment profile.

                                              UpdatePaymentProfile Method

                                              In the Quote or Order screen, Payment, and then the Payment Detail view, click Update Profile to update the existing associated profile.

                                                ISS Promotion Agreement Manager

                                                The ISS Promotion Agreement Manager business service provides a set of methods that deal with commitments associated with the promotion process to be implemented in workflows.

                                                This business service is used to check commitment compliance, and to generate agreements, agreement items, and covered assets for promotions that require a commitment from the customer.

                                                It includes the following methods.

                                                  CalculateDates Method

                                                  This method is used to calculate the Start and End dates for a new agreement.


                                                  Argument Description

                                                  Root Product Id

                                                  [in] The row ID of the promotion record.

                                                  Promotion Source Instance Id

                                                  [in] Promotion instance upgrade integration ID. This is relevant only in the case of a promotion upgrade. (Optional)

                                                  Start Date

                                                  [out] The start date of the new agreement.

                                                  End Date

                                                  [out] The end date of the new agreement.

                                                  Effective Date

                                                  [out] The effective date of the new agreement.

                                                  Old Agreement Id

                                                  [out] Row ID of the agreement for the original promotion. This is relevant only for promotion upgrades, when the input argument Promotion Source Instance Id is passed in.

                                                  Old Agreement Item Id

                                                  [out] Row ID of the agreement line item of the agreement for the original promotion. This is relevant only for promotion upgrades, when the input argument Promotion Source Instance Id is passed in.

                                                  Old Promotion Id

                                                  [out] Row ID of the original promotion. This is relevant only for promotion upgrades, when the input argument Promotion Source Instance Id is passed in.

                                                    CheckCommitmentCompliance Method

                                                    The CheckCommitmentCompliance method allows the user to verify commitment compliance on all records in the current document. This method is invoked in the Verify Promotion workflow process. This method returns a property set of promotions that have violated an active agreement.


                                                    Argument Description

                                                    Active Document Type

                                                    [in] The type of document that is currently active, for example, Quote or Order.

                                                    Advance To

                                                    [in] Date for which the penalty amount is calculated.

                                                    Buscomp Name

                                                    [in] Name of the business component.

                                                    Buscomp Additional SearchSpec

                                                    [in] Additional search specification that may be applied to the business component.

                                                    Sort Specification

                                                    [in] Sort specification for the business component.

                                                    Promotions Violated Flag

                                                    [out] A flag (Y or N) to indicate whether there are any promotions that violate an active agreement. "Y" indicates existence of promotions violating active agreements after filtering on the current document is done. "N" indicates absence of promotions violating any active agreements.

                                                    Violated Promotions

                                                    [out] List of promotion violations, if Promotions Violated flag is 'Y'.

                                                      FilterCurrentDocument Method

                                                      This method takes as input the property set of violated promotions returned by the CommitmentComplianceCheck method and removes from the property set all promotions that exist in the current document with an action code set to Delete.


                                                      Argument Description

                                                      Buscomp Name

                                                      [in] Name of the business component.

                                                      Buscomp Additional SearchSpec

                                                      [in] Additional search specification that may be applied to the business component.

                                                      Active Document Id

                                                      [in] Row ID of the active document, for example, Quote or Order.

                                                      Promotions Violated Flag

                                                      [out] A flag (Y or N) to indicate whether there are any promotions that violate an active agreement. "Y" indicates existence of promotions violating active agreements after filtering on the current document is done. "N" indicates absence of promotions violating any active agreements.

                                                      Violated Promotions

                                                      [in] List of promotion violations.

                                                      Violated Promotions

                                                      [out] List of promotion violations, if Promotions Violated flag is 'Y'

                                                        FilterPAC Method

                                                        This method assumes that Projected Assets Cache has been initialized. This method queries the Projected Assets Cache based on the search specification passed in as an input argument. If the promotion in the violated promotions list does not exist in the Projected Assets Cache, then assume it is already deleted and remove it from the violated promotions list.


                                                        Argument Description

                                                        Asset Cache Key

                                                        [in] Cache key assuming that Projected Assets Cache has been initialized.

                                                        Search Expression

                                                        [in] Search specification to be used for querying Projected Assets Cache.

                                                        Violated Promotions

                                                        [in] List of promotion violations.

                                                        Violated Promotions

                                                        [out] List of promotion violations, if Promotions Violated flag is 'Y'.

                                                          GetPromotionDetails Method

                                                          This method is used in workflows to load promotion-related fields from the input SiebelMessage. This method returns a promotion status that is used in the workflows for branching.


                                                          Argument Description


                                                          [in] Contains a single complex Open Order line item.

                                                          Account Id

                                                          [out] Row ID of the Account associated to the Order.

                                                          Asset Integration Id

                                                          [out] Asset integration ID that is used to open order items for an asset.

                                                          Contact Id

                                                          [out] Row ID of the Contact associated with the Order.

                                                          Old Promotion Id

                                                          [out] Row ID of the existing Promotion that is already an Asset. This is set in the SetOldAssetDetails method. This argument is used in the case of a Promotion Upgrade.

                                                          Old Promotion Instance Id

                                                          [out] Promotion Instance Integration ID of the old promotion that is already an asset. This is set in the SetOldAssetDetails method. This argument is used in the case of a Promotion Upgrade.

                                                          Product Type

                                                          [out] Type of the Root Product on the line item. For example, Product or Promotion.

                                                          Promotion Id

                                                          [out] Row ID of the Promotion associated with the line item.

                                                          Promotion Instance Id

                                                          [out] Promotion Instance Integration ID of the line item. This indicates the promotion instance with which the line item is associated.

                                                          Promotion Rule Id

                                                          [out] Row ID of the promotion component rule that this line item references.

                                                          Promotion Source Instance Id

                                                          [out] Promotion Instance Upgrade Integration ID on the line item. This is relevant only in the case of a promotion upgrade.

                                                          Root Product Id

                                                          [out] Row ID of the root product or promotion.

                                                          Root Product Name

                                                          [out] Name of the root product or promotion.


                                                          [out] Promotion Status returned by this method. This argument is used in workflows for branching.

                                                            InvokeCopyService Method

                                                            The InvokeCopyService method invokes the ISS Copy Service business service to copy the promotion details set up in Promotion Administration—such as Charge Plans, Terms and Conditions, Conditional Charges, Related Assets—to the corresponding Charge Plans, Terms and Conditions, Conditional Charges, Covered Assets in the Agreement that has been created for the corresponding Account for this promotion.


                                                            Argument Description


                                                            [in] Name of the destination business component.


                                                            [in] Name of the destination business object.


                                                            [in] Search specification used for the destination business component.

                                                            Map Object Name

                                                            [in] Name of the data map object that has been set up to do the field-level copy from the source business component to the destination business component.


                                                            [in] Name of the source business component.


                                                            [in] Name of the source business object.


                                                            [in] Search specification used for the source business component.

                                                              SetProfileAttributes Method

                                                              This method saves the Start, End, and Effective dates for the new agreement to be created for the promotion in the user profile.


                                                              Argument Description

                                                              Promotion Start Date

                                                              [in] Start date of the promotion agreement.

                                                              Promotion End Date

                                                              [in] End date of the promotion agreement.

                                                              Promotion Effective Date

                                                              [in] Effective date of the promotion agreement.

                                                                RemoveProfileAttributes Method

                                                                This method clears the Start Date, End Date, and Effective Date from the user profile.

                                                                  SetOldAssetDetails Method

                                                                  This method is invoked in workflows to maintain the Row Id of the current asset, the Integration Id of the current asset, the Row Id of the promotion associated with the current asset, the Promotion Instance Id of the current asset, and so on, in internal storage, so these IDs can be used for further evaluation by the GetPromotionDetails method.


                                                                  Argument Description


                                                                  [in] Contains a single complex Open Order line item.

                                                                    ISS Promotion CP Admin Service

                                                                    The ISS Promotion CP Admin business service allows you to add more constraints for a customizable product (CP) when the CP is covered by a promotion. In the process of defining a promotion, you can change cardinality or add more domain and attribute constraints for a CP when the CP is covered by a promotion rule. At run time, the constraints will be checked against the CP when it is covered by the promotion. The CP constraints are cached along with the promotion definition.

                                                                    Note: When you make changes to the CP constraints under a promotion, you must clear the cached promotion information.

                                                                    It includes the following methods.

                                                                      ClearCache Method

                                                                      This method clears cached promotion information.


                                                                      Argument Description

                                                                      Prod Prom Id

                                                                      [in] String

                                                                      Prod Prom Rule Id

                                                                      [in] String


                                                                      [out] Hierarchy

                                                                        GetPromotionConstraints Method

                                                                        This method retrieves CP constraints for a promotion rule.

                                                                          ISS Promotion Edit UI Service

                                                                          The Promotion Edit UI business service provides a specialized user interface that displays promotions or products grouped by each promotion rule. This service helps to generate required data structures and to render this Promotion Edit UI.

                                                                          This is the entry point function to invoke the Promotion Edit UI session from the product catalog.

                                                                          Note: The business component that invokes this service must support the AddtoCart operation.

                                                                          It includes the following methods.

                                                                            ApplyEditPromotion Method

                                                                            The ApplyEditPromotion function triggers the AddtoCart operation on the Promotion Selection Catalog business component, then retrieves the LastItemId value from the profile attributes, and continues the rest of the Edit UI rendering operations.

                                                                            Note: The product type for the selected record must be set to Promotion.


                                                                            Argument Description

                                                                            Promotion Def

                                                                            [in] The Promotion Def Id of the selected promotion record.

                                                                            Return View

                                                                            [in] Returns the view name when the user completes an Edit UI session.

                                                                              EditPromotion Method

                                                                              This method is an entry function to enter a Promotion Edit UI session.

                                                                              Note: The product type for the selected record must be set to Promotion.


                                                                              Argument Description

                                                                              Promotion Def

                                                                              [in] The Promotion Def Id of the selected promotion record.

                                                                              Promotion Instance

                                                                              [in] The Promotion Instance Id of the selected promotion record.

                                                                              Return View

                                                                              [in] Returns the view name when the user completes an Edit UI session.

                                                                                ISS Promotion Management Service

                                                                                The ISS Promotion Management business service is used to handle product promotions at run time, such as Apply Promotion, Integrity Check, Recommend Promotion, and so on. This service also provides functions to integrate with Unified Messaging and to support Asset-Based Ordering, such as Load Message and Load Promotion-Related Assets.

                                                                                It includes the following methods.

                                                                                  ApplyPromotion Method

                                                                                  This method applies the promotion in the current document.


                                                                                  Argument Description

                                                                                  Active Document Id

                                                                                  [in] String

                                                                                  Prod Prom Id

                                                                                  [in] String

                                                                                  Prod Prom Instance Id

                                                                                  [in] String


                                                                                  [in] String

                                                                                  Target Document

                                                                                  [in] String

                                                                                    ClearAssociation Method

                                                                                    This method dissociates items with a promotion.


                                                                                    Argument Description

                                                                                    Active Document Id

                                                                                    [in] String


                                                                                    [in] String

                                                                                    Prod Prom Instance Id

                                                                                    [in] String

                                                                                    Target Document

                                                                                    [in] String


                                                                                    [in] Hierarchy

                                                                                      ClearMessages Method

                                                                                      This method clears previous UMS messages related to promotion.


                                                                                      Argument Description

                                                                                      Promotion Messages

                                                                                      [in] String

                                                                                        CollectAssetList Method

                                                                                        This method collects assets selected by the user and assets not selected but covered by selected promotions.


                                                                                        Argument Description

                                                                                        Active Document Id

                                                                                        [in] String

                                                                                        Target Document

                                                                                        [in] String

                                                                                        All Asset List

                                                                                        [out] Hierarchy

                                                                                        Promotion Instance List

                                                                                        [out] Hierarchy

                                                                                        Promotion Num

                                                                                        [out] String

                                                                                        SIS Delete Num

                                                                                        [out] String

                                                                                        SIS Select Num

                                                                                        SIS Delete Num

                                                                                        SIS Select Num

                                                                                        [out] Hierarchy

                                                                                        Unselected Prom Related List

                                                                                        [out] Hierarchy

                                                                                        Unused Selected List

                                                                                        [out] Hierarchy

                                                                                          GetContext Method

                                                                                          This method retrieves the current active document type and document ID.


                                                                                          Argument Description

                                                                                          Active Document Id

                                                                                          [out] String

                                                                                          Target Document

                                                                                          [out] String

                                                                                            GetResponseType Method

                                                                                            This method retrieves the user's response type (for example: Accept or Reject) for a UMS message.


                                                                                            Argument Description

                                                                                            Message Response

                                                                                            [out] String

                                                                                              InitializePAC Method

                                                                                              This method loads the projected asset for a contact or account based on ABO Type.


                                                                                              Argument Description

                                                                                              ABO Type

                                                                                              [in] String

                                                                                              Account Id

                                                                                              [in] String

                                                                                              Active Document Id

                                                                                              [in] String

                                                                                              Asset Cache Key

                                                                                              [in] String

                                                                                              Asset Cache Key

                                                                                              [out] String

                                                                                              Contact Id

                                                                                              [in] String

                                                                                              Target Document

                                                                                              [in] String

                                                                                                IntegrityCheck Method

                                                                                                This method executes an integrity check for promotions in the current document. It returns a flag indicating whether there are violations, and if so, a list of all violations.


                                                                                                Argument Description

                                                                                                ABO Type

                                                                                                [in] String

                                                                                                Account Id

                                                                                                [in] String

                                                                                                Active Document Id

                                                                                                [in] String

                                                                                                Contact Id

                                                                                                [in] String

                                                                                                Target Document

                                                                                                [in] String

                                                                                                Integrity Violation Flag

                                                                                                [out] String

                                                                                                Violation List

                                                                                                [out] Hierarchy

                                                                                                  LoadMessage Method

                                                                                                  This method invokes the UMS business service to display promotion-related UMS messages.


                                                                                                  Argument Description

                                                                                                  Account Id

                                                                                                  [in] String

                                                                                                  Active Document Id

                                                                                                  [in] String

                                                                                                  Charge Amount

                                                                                                  [in] String

                                                                                                  Commitment End Date

                                                                                                  [in] String

                                                                                                  Commitment Start Date

                                                                                                  [in] String

                                                                                                  Contact Id

                                                                                                  [in] String

                                                                                                  Message Type

                                                                                                  [in] String

                                                                                                  Prod Prom Id

                                                                                                  [in] String

                                                                                                  Prod Prom Name

                                                                                                  [in] String

                                                                                                  Recommendation List

                                                                                                  [in] Hierarchy

                                                                                                  Target Document

                                                                                                  [in] String

                                                                                                  Violated Promotions

                                                                                                  [in] Hierarchy

                                                                                                  Violation List

                                                                                                  [in] Hierarchy

                                                                                                    LoadPromRelatedAssets Method

                                                                                                    This method loads assets covered by a promotion, but not selected by the user.


                                                                                                    Argument Description

                                                                                                    Account Id

                                                                                                    [in] String

                                                                                                    List Type

                                                                                                    [in] String

                                                                                                    Prod Prom Instance Id

                                                                                                    [in] String

                                                                                                    Unselected Prom Related List

                                                                                                    [out] Hierarchy

                                                                                                      MsgResponse Method

                                                                                                      This method executes the response actions defined for a UMS message

                                                                                                        RecommendPromotion Method

                                                                                                        This method recommends promotions to the user based on items in the current document. It returns a flag indicating whether there is any promotion to recommend, and if so, a list of recommended promotions.


                                                                                                        Argument Description

                                                                                                        Account Id

                                                                                                        [in] String

                                                                                                        Active Document Id

                                                                                                        [in] String

                                                                                                        Any Recommendation

                                                                                                        [out] String

                                                                                                        Asset Cache Key

                                                                                                        [in] String

                                                                                                        Asset Cache Key

                                                                                                        [out] String

                                                                                                        Match Percentage

                                                                                                        [in] String

                                                                                                        Recommendation List

                                                                                                        [out] Hierarchy

                                                                                                        Target Document

                                                                                                        [in] String

                                                                                                        Top Number

                                                                                                        [in] String

                                                                                                          ISS Revenue Synchronization Service

                                                                                                          The ISS Revenue Synchronization business service is used to synchronize opportunity products with quote items. The Quote method creates a new quote based on the current opportunity. The UpdateOppty method updates the source opportunity after the quote is modified.

                                                                                                          It includes the following methods.

                                                                                                            Quote Method

                                                                                                            This method is used to implement Auto Quote functionality that generates a quote based on the active opportunity. The quote line items will be created according to the opportunity products for which the Auto Quote flag is checked. The Quote method is invoked by a C/OM signal at Opportunity, Quote buscomp.

                                                                                                              UpdateOppty Method

                                                                                                              This method updates the opportunity with the current data in the line items of the quote or order. The method is invoked by a C/OM signal.

                                                                                                                ISS Sequence Service

                                                                                                                The ISS Sequence business service is used to re-sequence all line items with sequential line numbers.

                                                                                                                It includes the following method.

                                                                                                                  Sequence Method

                                                                                                                  This method re-sequences all line items with sequential line numbers.

                                                                                                                    ISS Service Product Service

                                                                                                                    The ISS Service Product business service adds a service product to the Quote, Order, or Agreement header and associates it to a regular product. This means that this service product pertains only to the product to which it is associated.

                                                                                                                    It includes the following method.

                                                                                                                      Service Method

                                                                                                                      This method creates a service (covered) product to cover the selected product.

                                                                                                                        ISS Shipping Calculation Service

                                                                                                                        The ISS Shipping Calculation business service calculates the shipping charges for a quote or order based on a combination of factors including source location, destination, shipping carrier, shipping method, and weight.

                                                                                                                        It includes the following method.

                                                                                                                          CalculateShippingCost Method

                                                                                                                          The sole method in this business service performs a look-up of the shipping zone that corresponds to each line item of the quote or order based on the source location, destination, shipping carrier, and shipping method. This result is, in turn, used to perform a look-up of the shipping rate that corresponds to the shipping zone and weight.

                                                                                                                            ISS Shipping Cost Service

                                                                                                                            The ISS Shipping Cost business service calculates the shipping charges for an eSales quote or order based on factors including shipping carrier and shipping method.

                                                                                                                            It includes the following method.

                                                                                                                              CalculateShippingCost Method

                                                                                                                              The sole method in this business service uses a customer-defined eScript to look up and calculate the shipping charges.

                                                                                                                                ISS Smart Part Number Generation Service

                                                                                                                                The ISS Smart Part Number Generation business service generates the Smart Part Number (SPN) for a product based on attribute values of its product class.

                                                                                                                                You can define SPNs for a product class using the Administration - Product screen, Product Class, and then the Part Number Definitions view of the run-time client. A product class can have two types of part number definitions: Dynamic and Predefined.

                                                                                                                                When the user picks a product for a Quote item or for an Order item, the SPN of the chosen product is generated by the ISS Smart Part Number Generation Service. The business service gets pointers for the item business component and for the attributes business component, then it traverses its attributes and saves all attribute name-value pairs into a property set that includes the ID and Integration ID of the product. The service also calls other business services to generate the SPN for the product with the property set, and then it saves the SPN value to the Quote or Order item business component.

                                                                                                                                It includes the following method.

                                                                                                                                  Generate Part Number Method

                                                                                                                                  This method generates the Smart Part Number (SPN) for a product based on the attribute values of its product class.

                                                                                                                                    ISS Spread Discount Service

                                                                                                                                    The ISS Spread Discount business service spreads the discount among selected Quote, Order, or Agreement line items, or among all Quote, Order, or Agreement line items. The upper limit for currency code precision is 6 decimals.

                                                                                                                                    The ISS Spread Discount Service includes the following method.

                                                                                                                                      SpreadDiscount Method

                                                                                                                                      This method specifies the input and output hierarchical property sets. The Spread Discount Driver Workflow Process (Spread Discount step) provides an example of this method’s usage.

                                                                                                                                        ISS Tax Calculation Service

                                                                                                                                        The ISS Tax Calculation business service is used to calculate tax for a quote or an order.

                                                                                                                                        It includes the following methods.

                                                                                                                                          Tax Calculation Method

                                                                                                                                          This method prepares the appropriate parameters and invokes the Tax Calculator business service to call third-party TaxWare software.

                                                                                                                                            InternalTaxCalculation Method

                                                                                                                                            This method calculates the tax amount based on the tax rate and total defined from Quote or Order.

                                                                                                                                              ISS Template Service

                                                                                                                                              A favorite is an object that has a structure similar to a quote or an order. The ISS Template business service allows the user to store the current quote or order as a favorite. It can also retrieve all the items or selected items from a favorite to add to the quote or order.

                                                                                                                                              It includes the following methods.

                                                                                                                                                SaveAsTemplate Method

                                                                                                                                                This method allows the user to click on the Save as Favorite menu item in Quote or Order to bring up a pop-up applet that prompts the user to specify a name for the template.

                                                                                                                                                  OrderTemplate Method

                                                                                                                                                  This method copies the saved favorite items into the current quote or order.

                                                                                                                                                    OrderTemplateSelectItems Method

                                                                                                                                                    This method copies selected favorite items into the current quote or order.