Content Reference Class Properties

In this section, we discuss the Content Reference class properties. The properties are discussed in alphabetical order.


This property returns the complete URL to the content from the content servlet (psc).

Use the URL property to return a partial URL beginning with the content type—that is, minus the portal URI text, portal name, and node name.

This property is read-only.


The following is an example absolute content URL:


This property returns the complete URL to the content from the portal servlet (psp).

This property is read-only.



This property returns an AssignedPagelet collection.

This property is read-only.


This property returns an Attribute Collection containing the AttributeValues for this content reference object.

This property is read-only.

Related Links

Attribute Collection


This property returns the author (PeopleSoft user ID) for this content reference object as a string.

This property is read-only.


This property specifies whether the author of the content reference has access to the content reference. This property takes a Boolean value. The default value for this property is True.

This property is read/write.


This property specifies whether the user is authorized to view this content reference.

This property is used when you access a particular content reference using FindCRefByURL, FindCRefForURL, or FindCRefByName. If you specified a valid content reference with either of these methods, a content reference is always returned, whether you are authorized to view it or not. This is the only property you can view from an object for which you are not authorized.

The initial value of this property depends on the other permission properties (PublicAccess and AuthorAccess) and the permission list values in the PermissionValue object associated with this content reference.

This property is read-only.


This property returns a PermissionValue Collection. This collection contains the value of the non role-based permissions for all the parent objects (up to the root folder). To determine only the permissions of the object use the Permissions property instead. To access the role-based permissions, use the CascadedRolePermissions property.

Note: You cannot add any PermissionValue objects to a collection returned by the CascadedPermissions property. You can add values only to the collection returned by the Permissions property.

This property is read-only.


This property returns a RolePermissionValue Collection. This collection contains the value of the role-based permissions for all the parent objects (up to the root folder). To determine only the permissions of the object use the RolePermissions property instead. To determine non role-based permissions, use the CascadedPermissions property.

Note: You cannot add any RolePermissionValue objects to a collection returned by the CascadedRolePermissions property. You can add values only to the collection returned by the RolePermissions property.

This property is read-only.


This property returns or sets the name of the node for the content reference as a string.

This property takes the following values:



Node name

Specify the exact name of the node.


Specify the node for the content reference as the node defined as the default local node.

This property is read/write.


This property returns the creation date for this content reference object as a string.

This property is read-only.


This property returns the data for this content reference. This property is valid only when the StorageType property is LOCL.

The length of this property depends on your system database limit for LONG fields.

This property is read/write.


&MyData = &MyCRef.Data;


This property returns or sets the description for this content reference object as a string.

The length of this property is 256 characters.

This property is translatable.

This property is read/write.


Use the DisplayInproperty to set or return a number value representing how the target transaction or content appears once a user taps the tile.

Use the following integer constants (integer values are provided for reference only):

Numeric Value

Constant Value




Display the content in the current browser window.



Display in a new browser window.



Display in a modal window.



Display in the NavBar (used by NavBar tiles only).



Display in the current browser window (used by NavBar tiles only).



Display the fluid component within the activity guide.



Display the fluid component within the master/detail target area.



Display the classic component within the master/detail target area.



Display the classic component within the activity guide.

This property is read/write.

Important! Use this property within fluid applications only.


Use the DisplayModalParams property to set or return a string value representing the custom modal options.

This property is read/write.

Important! Use this property within fluid applications only.


Use the EventName property to set or return a string value representing the name of a push notification event used to dynamically update the tile’s content.

This property is read/write.

Important! Use this property within fluid applications only.


Use the GroupletAltHeight property to set or return a number value representing the alternate height for a resizable tile.

Note: If either GroupletAltHeight or GroupletAltWidth is a non-zero value, then the tile is assumed to be resizable. There is no specific property to set the tile as resizable.

This property is read/write.

Important! Use this property within fluid applications only.


Use the GroupletAltWidth property to set or return a number value representing the alternate width for a resizable tile.

Note: If either GroupletAltHeight or GroupletAltWidth is a non-zero value, then the tile is assumed to be resizable. There is no specific property to set the tile as resizable.

This property is read/write.

Important! Use this property within fluid applications only.


Use the GroupletAutoSize property to set or return a Y/N string value indicating whether to allow the fluid content to dynamically resize itself based on the size of the content. Note the following conditions and limitations with respect to the autosize option:

  • The autosize option pertains to tiles and related information, but not to embedded related content.

  • The autosize option is best used on dashboards with few tiles. Be aware that layout changes can occur from the autosized content.

  • Autosize automatically accounts for resizing of the browser and rotation of the device.

  • The autosize and resizable options are mutually exclusive; both cannot be selected simultaneously.

  • The tile will not resize itself to larger than the dimensions of the device.

  • If the content is larger than the size of the tile, the tile will display scroll bars.

  • Due to the same-origin policy implemented by web browsers, for the autosize option to work with external content, the external content and the PeopleSoft application must either reside within the same domain or they must both set the document.domain property to the same value. Otherwise, the autosize option is ignored. For more information on how the domain and same-origin is determined, see Same-origin policy.

This property is read/write.

Important! Use this property within fluid applications only.


If &CRef.GroupletAutoSize = "Y" Then
   &CRef.GroupletAltHeight = 0;
   &CRef.GroupletAltWidth = 0;


Use the GroupletContentProvider property to set or return a string value representing the local or remote node name for the dynamic tile content.

This property is read/write.

Important! Use this property within fluid applications only.


Use the GroupletContentURL property to set or return a string value representing the full URL to the dynamic tile content. Use the GroupletURL property to return a partial URL beginning with the content type—that is, minus the portal URI text, portal name, and node name.

Note: When the dynamic tile content type is none (that is, GroupletURLType is NONE), this property returns an empty string.

This property is read/write.

Important! Use this property within fluid applications only.


For example:


Use the GroupletDisableHotspot property to set or return a Y/N string value indicating whether to disable displaying the target content defined for the tile when the tile is tapped. However, any links displayed dynamically within the tile are not disabled.

This property is read/write.

Important! Use this property within fluid applications only.


Use the GroupletHeight property to set or return a number value representing the height of the tile.

The default dimensions of a tile are 1 tile unit by 1 tile unit. Tiles up to 8x8 are supported. Note the following conditions and limitations with respect to the height and width of a tile:

  • A tile can never be larger than the width of the device. For example, if the width of a device is 2 in portrait mode, and 3 in landscape; the tile can only be maximum of width 2 on this device.

  • The valid size is checked only when the tile is initially loaded. If the device is rotated, or if the browser is resized, the tile is not resized.

  • Any tile sized larger than 2x2 is not guaranteed to display at the specified size depending on the device used to access the PeopleSoft system. For example, a 4x4 tile on a small form factor device in portrait mode would only show as a 2x3 tile.

  • Therefore, tiles larger than 2x2 need to implement variable sizing to accommodate different device sizes. Use large size tiles sparingly.

This property is read/write.

Important! Use this property within fluid applications only.


If applicable, use the GroupletId property to set or return an optional string value representing the ID of the specific group box from which the content is rendered. Use the page field name as defined on the General tab of the group box definition.

This property is read/write.

Important! Use this property within fluid applications only.


Use the GroupletImageName property to set or return a string value specifying an image (in SVG format only) from the database to display a custom static image as the fluid content. Otherwise the default image is displayed.

Note: When dynamic content is also configured for a tile, this static image is displayed only until the dynamic content is loaded.

This property is read/write.

Important! Use this property within fluid applications only.


Use the GroupletPageName property to set or return a string value representing the fluid page name. This property is valid only when the dynamic tile content is specified as PeopleSoft Component.

Note: Because multi-page components are not recommended as dynamic content, the page name is not required.

This property is read/write.

Important! Use this property within fluid applications only.


Use the GroupletTimer property to set or return a number value representing the refresh timer for this tile.

Enter the time in seconds to set an automatic refresh period for dynamic content on a tile. When the timer limit has been reached, the system re-draws the tile so that it displays the current data, such as in the case with chart.

The default value of 0 disables any automatic refresh.

Note: The system enforces a 10 second minimum limit. Any value entered less than 10 seconds is ignored and is treated as 10 seconds. When setting this value, be sure to monitor performance of the page refreshes and adjust accordingly.

This property is read/write.

Important! Use this property within fluid applications only.


Use the GroupletType property to set or return a number value representing the type of grouplet.

A grouplet is the encapsulation of content from one source (for example, a component, an iScript, or external content) that is presented within the context of another fluid application page. Tiles, embedded related content, and related information are all examples of grouplets. In each of these scenarios, the grouplets are created by the system at runtime based solely on configuration details. However, you can use this and other methods and properties of the Field class to generate grouplets from group box fields programmatically.

Use the following integer constants (integer values are provided for reference only):

Numeric Value

Constant Value




Not a grouplet (also referred to as a tile). This is a regular group box with its content coming from the same page records.



Grouplet with style. This producer tile includes its own style sheets, JavaScript, or both.

Important! Be aware that this setting can inject style settings or JavaScript code that conflicts with those defined for the page.



Grouplet without style. This producer tile does not include style sheets or JavaScript.

Note: This is the recommended setting.



Interactive grouplet.



Interactive grouplet for external content.



Interactive grouplet with autosizing.

Note: Use this setting for homepage and dashboard tiles only.



Interactive grouplet for external content with autosizing.

Note: Use this setting for homepage and dashboard tiles only.



Interactive grouplet with vertical autosizing. The system will autosize the grouplet height based on the content at initial load. The grouplet will be automatically resized by the system when:

  • The window is resized.

  • Any field change or server trip is invoked within the grouplet.

  • Any group boxes within the grouplet are expanded or collapsed.

  • When either side panel is opened or closed.

This property is read/write.

Important! Use this property within fluid applications only.


Use the GroupletURL property to set or return a string value representing a partial URL to the dynamic tile content. This partial URL begins with the content type—that is, it does not include the portal URI text, portal name, and node name. Use the GroupletContentURL property to return the full URL.

Note: When the dynamic tile content type is none (that is, GroupletURLType is NONE), this property returns an empty string.

This property is read/write.

Important! Use this property within fluid applications only.


For example:



Use the GroupletURLType property to set or return a string value representing the URL type for the dynamic tile content.

String Value



No dynamic tile content.


Non-PeopleSoft URL.


PeopleSoft Generic URL.


PeopleSoft Component.


PeopleSoft iScript.

This property is read/write.

Important! Use this property within fluid applications only.


Use the GroupletWidth property to set or return a number value representing the width of the tile

This property is read/write.

Important! Use this property within fluid applications only.


Use the HasGrouplet property to set or return a boolean value indicating whether any of the properties have been set on the Fluid Attributes page of the content reference definition.

This property is read/write.

Important! Use this property within fluid applications only.


This property returns the HTML text associated with this content reference as a string.

This property is read-only.


Use the IsFluid property to set or return a boolean value indicating whether fluid mode is enabled for this content reference. For local component-based fluid content, this setting is maintained on the component definition in Application Designer; do not reset the property in PeopleCode.

Otherwise, programmatically specify fluid mode only for:

  • iScript based URLs.

  • Generic PeopleSoft URLs.

  • Remote component-based fluid content.

This property is read/write.

Important! Use this property within fluid applications only.


Note: PeopleSoft Mobile Agent is a deprecated product. This mobile property currently exists for backward compatibility only.

This property returns True if this content reference is used with mobile applications, False otherwise.

This property is read/write.


Use the IsSmallFFOptimized property to set or return a boolean value indicating whether the tile for this content reference definition has been designated to display on small form factor devices such as smart phones. If this property is False, this tile will not be available when the user is signed in on small form factor devices.

For local component-based fluid content, this setting is maintained on the component definition in Application Designer; do not reset the property in PeopleCode.

This property is read/write.

Important! Use this property within fluid applications only.


This property returns True if the Hide from Portal Navigation check box is not selected when the content reference is created. If the content reference is hidden from portal navigation, this property returns False.

Considerations Using IsVisible

If you do not specifically set this property on a new or copied content reference object, the IsVisible property is set as follows:

  • If the ValidFrom date is less then or equal to that day's date, the IsVisible property is set to True.

  • If there is no ValidTo date the IsVisible property is set to True.

  • If the ValidTo date is greater then or equal to that day's date, the IsVisible property is set to True.

This property is read-only.

Related Links

ValidFrom, ValidTo


This property returns or sets the label for this content reference object as a string.

The length of this property is 30 characters.

This property is translatable.

This property is read/write.


This property returns a reference to a Link collection. This collection contains all the links that are associated with this content reference.

This property is read-only. However, a link collection is updated in realtime when a new link is created on the object.


This property returns the name for this content reference object as a string. The name is a unique identifier for each content reference object.

Every content reference name must be unique in the portal, not just in the parent folder.

This property is read-only.


This property returns or sets the owner ID of the content reference object as a string.

This property is read/write.


This property returns the parent folder name for this content reference object as a string.

This property is read-only.


The following example uses the ParentName to return a folder object for the content reference.

&Folder = &Portal.FindFolderByName(&CRef.ParentName);


The Path property returns a path to this content reference, with each element of the path separated by a period. The path has the following syntax:

ContentReferenceLabel{Name}.[ChildContentReferenceLabel{Name}.]. . .

This property is read-only.


This property returns a PermissionValue Collection. This collection contains the value of the non role-based permissions for this content reference. To determine the permissions for all the parent objects (up to the root folder) use the CascadedPermissions property.

If you want to find role-based permissions for the content reference, use the RolePermission property.

This property is read-only.


This property returns or sets the PeopleSoft product for this content reference object as a string.

The length of this property is 4 characters.

This property is read/write.


This property indicates whether a content reference is generally accessible, that is, if it will always be included in the general content reference collection. This property takes a Boolean value.

The default value for this property is False.

This property is read/write.


Note: This property is being kept for backward compatibility only. If your code uses this property, the value returned is actually from the AbsoluteContentURL property. New applications should use the AbsoluteContentURL property instead.


This property returns the relative URL in the following format:


The following is an example of a full URL:

The RelativeURL property returns the following:


This property is read-only.


This property returns a RolePermissionValue Collection. This collection contains the value of the role-based permissions for this content reference. To determine the permissions for all the parent objects (up to the root folder) use the CascadedRolePermissions property.

If you want to find non role-based permissions for the content reference, use the Permission property.

This property is read-only.


The sequence number is used when returning a collection. The default order of the returned content references is based on the sequence number. Use this property to reorder content references. This property takes a number value.

If there are duplicates in the sequence number, the content references are returned alphabetically.

The length of this property is 4 characters.

This property is read/write.


In general, content references contain information about where to get the content, and do not store the content. However, content references that are template or portal component types can have their content accessible directly from the content reference. In these cases, the Data property is valid and can be read or written, and the data is stored locally in the portal database.




Local: Data property on content reference is valid.


Remote: Data property is not valid.

When UsageType is a target this property must be set to RMTE and the URLType property should specify what format the Node and URL are in.

When UsageType is either a template or a portal component this property can be set to either LOCL or RMTE.

Note that when StorageType is LOCL, it specifies a static template or portal component. But, when StorageType is RMTE it can specify either:

  • a dynamically generated template or portal component

  • a static template or portal component

In both cases, the Node and URL properties specifies how to get the template or portal component.

Only templates and homepage tab content references can have StorageType LOCL. The StorageType is always LOCL for homepage tabs. For templates LOCL means that corresponding URL is stored in database, not retrieved by URL.

The following table indicates the usage type, and what type of storage is available.




FRMT (Frame template)



HTMT (HTML template)



HPGT (Homepage tab)


HPGC (Pagelet)


TARG (Target)


RMTE is the default value for a new content reference.

The length of this property is 4 characters.

This property is read/write.

Related Links



This property returns or sets the name of the template used with this content reference as a string. You must specify the name of an existing template.

This property uses the name not the label of a content reference.

This property is used only when the UsageType property is specified as Target (TARG) and the TemplateType property is specified as HTML.

To return a reference to the content reference that contains the template specified by this property, use the TemplateObject property.

The length of this property is 30 characters.

This property is read/write.


This property returns a reference to a content reference object that contains the template specified by the Template property as a content reference. If no template is specified with Template, this property returns NULL.

This property is read-only.

Related Links



This property indicates whether a template should be used to wrap the content. This property takes a string value.

Values are:




An HTML template should wrap the data (URL) in the content reference.


No template should be used. The text should not be wrapped.

HTML is the default value on a new content reference.

Use the NONE value if the URL should not appear in the portal. An example is when the content reference is a template itself.

If the homepage template for the user is un-retrievable, the system tries to use the default user's template first, before resorting to the portal default template.

When the content reference describes content, this property should be set to HTML.

This property is read/write.


Use this property to set or return the partial URL to the content. This partial URL begins with the content type—that is, it does not include the portal URI text, portal name, and node name.

Use the AbsoluteContentURL property to return the full URL.

This property is read/write.


The following is an example the URL property:



This property indicates what kind of URL is used to retrieve the content. This property takes a string value.

Note: This property is used only for content that has the StorageType property set as Remote.

Values are:

URLType Value



URL points to a non-PeopleSoft (external) URL


URL points to a PeopleSoft mobile page


URL points to a component.


URL points to a homepage tab


URL points to a template


URL points to an iScript


URL points to a generic PeopleSoft URL


URL points to a Worklist URL

UPGE is the default value on a new content reference.

This property is read/write.

Related Links



This property indicates what the content reference is used for. Several other properties depend on this property.

This property takes a string value.

The length of this property is 4 characters.




Frame template: the content reference is a frame-based template.


HTML template: the content reference is an HTML template.


Homepage tab: the content reference is a homepage tab.


Pagelet: the content reference is a pagelet used in the homepage.


Target: the content reference is the target content its template determines what else must be loaded and how it will look.


Link: the content reference is a link.

TARG is the default value on a new content reference.

This property is read/write.


This property returns or sets the date this content reference is valid from as a string.

This property is read/write.


This property returns or sets the date this content reference is valid until as a string.

This property is read/write.

Note: The portal registry API never uses the ValidTo and ValidFrom fields to determine what to return in a collection. You must check for these values in your application.