Creating and Applying Tools Delta Package

Since PUM supports multiple PeopleTools releases it is necessary for PUM to handle shape differences that may exist between different PeopleTools releases. There are 2 types of Tools dependencies:

  • Hard Dependencies - The object will not work on a lower release and is therefore stripped from the change package definition.

  • Soft Dependencies - Some of the attributes of the object are stripped in order to work on the lower release.

When the customer does upgrade to the newer PeopleTools release, any previously applied updates that contained soft dependencies need to be re-applied with the associated post-requisites to add back the attributes or objects that were stripped away when the updates were applied in the old release. The Tools Delta Package option in the PeopleSoft PIA application is used to create this change package.


You will use the Change Assistant Update Manager > Define or Create a New Change Package action to create and apply the change package. Before you can select this action, the following prerequisites must be configured and installed:

  1. Download the latest PeopleSoft Update Image (PI) from My Oracle Support and install it locally.

    See Installing PeopleSoft Update Image

  2. Configure the Microsoft Windows client running Change Assistant.

    See Configuring the Microsoft Windows Client Running Change Assistant

  3. (Optional) Configure Environment Management Framework for your target environment, if you want to use the file deploy feature.

    See Configuring the Environment Management Hub

  4. (Optional) Start EMF if you plan to use the file deploy feature.

    See Running the Environment Management Hub

  5. Define the PUM Source and EM Hub.

    Note: For the PeopleTools Upgrade these options were skipped when the original configuration for Change Assistant was completed. Depending on the PeopleSoft Image downloaded and installed, you may need to remove Change Assistant and install the version delivered with the PeopleSoft Image. After installing a new version of Change Assistant, you will need to set up Change Assistant.

If you are using the same version of Change Assistant that was used for the PeopleTools upgrade, follow these instructions. If you installed a different version of Change Assistant, follow the instructions in Configuring Change Assistant for Update Manager.

To configure Change Assistant options:

  1. In Change Assistant, select Change Actions.

  2. Select Update Manager and click Finish.

  3. Select Tools, Options.

  4. Verify that the information on the General page is correct.

    Note: PS_HOME will be the new release of PeopleTools.

  5. Select the PUM Source tab.

    1. Select Define PUM Source.

    2. Click Create and define the PUM source database.

      See Defining Databases

    3. Select the drive that you mapped to the pi_home directory when you configured the Microsoft Windows client.

    4. Enter the PUM Source PIA URL.

  6. (Optional) Select the EM Hub tab.

    You must have EMF configured and running before defining the EM Hub.

    1. Select Configure EMHub For File Deploy.

    2. Enter the Server Host Name.

    3. Enter the Server Host Port.

    4. Enter the Chunk Size.

    5. Enter the Ping Interval.

    6. Enter the Drives to Crawl.

    7. Click Ping.

      A successful ping will return Packets: Sent = 3, Received = 3, Lost = 0.

    8. Click the View button to display the Environment Management Hub Summary.

    Select the Additional tab.

    Verify that the information on the Additional page is correct.

  7. Click OK.

To create the tools delta package:

  1. Select Tools, Define or Create a Change Package.

  2. Click the button Click Here to Open a Browser and Connect to the PUM Source Database.

  3. Sign on.

  4. Select PeopleTools, Lifecycle Tools, Update Manager Dashboard, Select Target Database.

  5. If you only have one target database defined, the target database is selected by default.

  6. Select Define Change Package, Tools Delta Package.

  7. On step 2, enter a Package name and description, then click Next.

  8. On step 3, enter the From Tools Release value in the format <release>.<patch> for example 8.53.12 (PeopleTools release 8.53 patch 12). The new PeopleTools release/patch number for the target database is displayed in the To Tools Release field.

  9. Click Next. For tools delta packages step 4 is skipped.

  10. Step 5 in the Define Change Package wizard is displayed showing all the bugs that will be included in the change package.

    Note: This package may also contain additional bugs that you have not applied to the target database.

  11. Click Next.

    The change package definition is created and you can return to Change Assistant to apply the change package.

  12. Sign off and close the browser.

  13. Return to Change Assistant and click the drop-down for Change Package on the Define or Create New Change Package page. The package you just created on the PUM source should be at the top of the list. Select the change package.

    Note: If you closed Change Assistant, launch Change Assistant and select Tools, Define or Create a Change Package.

  14. If you would like to apply the package when it is created, select the Proceed to Apply Change Package Wizard after Package Creation checkbox.

  15. Click Finish.

To apply the tools delta package:

  1. In Change Assistant, select Tools, Apply Tools Delta Package.

  2. Select the change package using the drop down. Only tools delta change packages are available.

  3. Select Initial Pass.

    By default All Steps is selected.

  4. Click Next.

  5. Select the target database.

    Note: Use the Create button to create the target database if it has not been previously created. See Defining Databases and Defining Target Database

  6. Click Next.

  7. Change Assistant will connect to the target database and check compatibility. The Compatibility Check page will then be displayed.

  8. Click Next.

  9. The Apply Summary is displayed, click Finish.

    Change Assistant will begin building the Change Assistant job.

  10. The Update job will be created and open in Change Assistant.