
Customer Support

Remote Support Available for Oracle Linux Workstations

Oracle Customer Support agents use the Remote Support Tool (RST) to securely access Simphony Cloud users’ Linux-based workstations and perform support tasks. This includes access to the Linux terminal shell, the Simphony client user interface, and transferring files.

To use the RST, your workstations must be on the Linux platform and your organization must be provisioned for the RST.

The Simphony Cloud upgrade process automatically adds the technical requirements. Simphony Cloud users automatically benefit from the RST as soon as they are provisioned and the Simphony CAL and Simphony POS client are updated.

The new EMC Role option 30070 - Launch/Close Support Session allows privileged users to launch or close a support session from either POS operations or the Property Management Console (PMC). You can use the Page Design module to add function buttons which start or close the support session.

On the Linux workstation, Simphony Cloud users can launch the support session and provide the Support Session ID to the Oracle Customer Support agent. The status of the Support Session appears on the workstation (active or connected). Upon completion, the user or the agent can close the support session.

The following documents contain more information in the Remote Support chapter:
  • Oracle MICROS Simphony Configuration Guide: Configuring the privilege option and adding the function buttons

  • Oracle MICROS Simphony Manager User Guide: Launching and closing a support session

  • Oracle MICROS Simphony KDS Configuration and User Guide: Creating support session buttons and launching and closing a support session

Enterprise Management Console (EMC)

Support for Pickup Next Check by Service Total Time

You can create a service total time Pickup Next Check function key using the service total time in ascending sort order. When a workstation operator clicks the Pickup Next Check by Service Total Time button, the system retrieves the oldest service total time open check. This function is similar to the Pickup Next Check by Check Open Time button.

In the Page Design module, the Pickup Next Check function has been renamed to distinguish between Open Time and Service Time.

See the Oracle MICROS Simphony Configuration Guide, specifically the Configuring Pickup Next Check by Service Total Time and Configuring Pickup Next Check by Check Open Time sections, and the Oracle MICROS Simphony POS User Guide, specifically the Open Check SLU Sorting Options section for more information about this feature.


The Simphony architecture changed in release 19.2 to support the second generation of Simphony Transaction Services. Because of the change, extensibility applications developed against Simphony 19.1 and lower do not work with Simphony 19.2. Recompile your extensibility applications with the core Simphony 19.2 DLL files, such as Ops.dll, PosCommonClasses.dll, and PosCore.dll so the applications work with Simphony 19.2.

Simphony 19.2 provides an extensibility API for displaying complex dialogs across all platforms. The technology to achieve this is HTML5 running isolated in an iframe or a separate browser instance. To run extensibility applications on Oracle Linux for MICROS, make sure to change or remove any Microsoft Windows-specific references from your applications, such as Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) resources, .NET forms, and file paths, as those are not supported on Oracle Linux for MICROS. The Oracle MICROS Simphony HTML5 Extensibility Developer Reference Guide provides more information.

Gift and Loyalty and Stored Value Cards (SVC)

Support for Gift Cards with the Simphony Payment Interface (SPI)

Simphony release 19.2 introduces support for gift cards through the SPI with multiple payment service providers (PSP). Gift cards are swiped through the PIN Entry Device (PED), and the PSP reads and authorizes the card, providing a token to Simphony.

The new Gift Card Provider module in the EMC allows you to configure multiple gift card providers. You do not need to configure the Stored Value module and Stored Value driver when SPI is configured. The gift card details are no longer stored in the POS database. Gift card drivers and SPI gift card support can be used at all levels (Enterprise, zone, property, and revenue center).

The workstation operator needs to know which card to swipe at the POS client device, and which card to swipe at the PED. If the guest has multiple stored value accounts, the workstation operator can select one.

The SPI supports the following stored value card operations and transactions:
  • Balance Inquiry

  • Issue Card

  • Activate Card

  • Reload Card

  • Cash Out Card

  • Redeem Card

  • Authorize Card

  • Finalize Card

  • Void Card

The Tender Parameters module has been enhanced to consolidate the SPI default gift card configuration.

See the Oracle MICROS Simphony Configuration Guide for more information about gift card configuration with the SPI, and the Oracle MICROS Simphony POS User Guide for more information about performing gift card operations on the workstation.

Support for Account Number Prefixing and Padding

Account Length and Account Prefix fields are now included in the driver configuration for both loyalty and stored value. This allows for easier manual entry of account numbers and is useful when all loyalty or stored value accounts follow the same card rule.

See the Oracle MICROS Simphony Configuration Guide for more information about loyalty and stored driver configuration.

Support for Gift and Loyalty and SVC Command Module to Control Displaying or Printing SVC Transaction Results

Support was added for the Command Module to enable display and print options for SVC and Loyalty transactions. Prior to Simphony releases 18.2.6 and 19.2, these options were not working as expected. Access the EMC, select the Enterprise, Property, or Revenue Center level, click the Configuration tab, under Sales, and then select Stored Value. From the Stored Value Configuration section, the following options now function as expected (for both Command Module and XProcessor users):

  • 2 - Always Print (Loyalty or Stored Value) Results

  • 3 - Never Display (Loyalty or Stored Value) Results

  • 5 - Remove (Loyalty or Stored Value) Results Print Button

See Chapter 46: Loyalty and Gift Card Interfaces and Drivers in the Oracle MICROS Simphony Configuration Guide, specifically the Setting Loyalty and Setting Stored Value Options topics for more information about configuring loyalty and stored value cards.

Select a Stored Value Card Program When Using Oracle Hospitality Gift and Loyalty

Workstation operators can now choose which stored value or gift card program to apply during a transaction. If a guest’s card has been linked to multiple stored value and gift card programs, users can perform:
  • Balance Inquiries

    A Balance inquiry shows the monetary value of each stored value and gift card program associated with the card.

  • Authorization

    When a card linked to multiple programs is swiped at the workstation, users are prompted to select the program to be authorized (based on the balance inquiry results) before redeeming the specified amount.

  • Redemption

    When a card with multiple programs is used for redemption, users are again prompted to select the program to have funds deducted for payment.

Stored value and gift care programs are identified on message prompts by the Public Name configured in Oracle MICROS Gift and Loyalty (from Enterprise Back Office).

See the Oracle Hospitality Gift and Loyalty User Guide, specifically Chapter 6: Gift and Loyalty GPL Setup and Configuration (located in the Oracle Hospitality Enterprise Back Office Online Documentation Library) for information about gift and loyalty setup.

Support for the Gift and Loyalty Command Module to Print R&A Based Print Tokens on Receipts

Support was added for Gift and Loyalty Command Module users to print Reporting & Analytics (R&A) based POS Print Tokens on the POS receipt. Prior to Simphony releases 18.2.6 and 19.2, this functionality was only present for Gift and Loyalty XProcessor users, and for RES customers using the SVC interface. This functionality allows Gift and Loyalty customers using XProcessor to migrate to the Command Module without losing their present functionality.

Custom messages are configured using the print tokens in the Gift and Loyalty POS configuration.

See the Oracle Hospitality Gift and Loyalty User Guide, specifically the Printing Chits and Receipts topic in Chapter 9: Configuration References (located in the Oracle Hospitality Enterprise Back Office Online Documentation Library), for more information about configuring custom messages to be printed on POS receipts.

Support for the Gift and Loyalty Command Module to Award the Discount Type “Use POS Preset Discount”

Support was added for the Gift and Loyalty Command Module users to award the discount type “Use POS Preset Discount”. Prior to Simphony releases 18.2.6 and 19.2, this functionality was only present for Gift and Loyalty XProcessor users.

Awards can be configured to use a discount type defined in the Simphony EMC, and then configured in Gift and Loyalty POS Configuration underPoints Issue.

See the Oracle MICROS Simphony Configuration Guide, specifically Chapter 14: Discounts, to learn more about configuring discounts in EMC, and the Oracle Hospitality Gift and Loyalty User Guide, specifically the Configuring Point-of-Sale Touchscreen Keys topic in Chapter 9: Configuration References (located in the Oracle Hospitality Enterprise Back Office Online Documentation Library), for information about configuring the discount key in R&A.

Kitchen Display System (KDS)

Support for Load Balancing on Expo Displays

Orders can now be evenly distributed among several KDS Expo Displays, in addition to KDS Prep Stations. A distribution group can comprise either all prep order devices or all expo order devices.

See the Oracle MICROS Simphony KDS Configuration and User Guide—specifically the chapter on KDS Load Balancing— for more information.

Support for Order Device Dynamic Routing By Guest Check Amount

You can now route orders to order devices based on the guest check amount. To use this feature, you can assign print classes to Tender/Media records, and specify an order routing threshold amount. Guest checks with orders higher than the specified threshold amount use one print class, while checks with orders lower than the amount use a different print class.

See the Oracle MICROS Simphony KDS Configuration and User Guide—specifically the chapter on Configuring Order Device Routing By Guest Check Amount—for more information.

Support for Clearing Orders from Displays

You can now specify a time at which the system clears orders from kitchen displays. When you enable the option, the system clears orders from kitchen displays every day at the time you specify.

See the Oracle MICROS Simphony KDS Configuration and User Guide—specifically the chapter on Configuring a KDS Controller—for more information.

Logo Printing

Support Added for Logo Printing on OPOS Printers

Support has been added for printing logos on OPOS printers with multilingual printing capabilities. Configuring logo printing for OPOS printers is no different from other printers in the Simphony EMC.

For specific third-party printer installation instructions, access the vendor’s website.

See the Oracle MICROS Simphony Configuration Guide, specifically the Logo Printing chapter, for more information about configuring logo printing in Simphony.

Menu Items

Support for Allergen, Nutrition and Consumer Advisory Information

Simphony now allows administrators to configure allergen, food safety consumer advisory, and nutritional related menu item content in the EMC. This information can be used in Oracle API interfaces to meet legal requirements where necessary. The allergen, nutrition, and consumer advisory details are supported in the Simphony Transaction Services Gen2 configuration service responses.

The Oracle MICROS Simphony Configuration Guide, specifically the Allergen, Nutrition and Consumer Advisory Information topic, contains more information.

Support to Change Menu Item Price Levels

Workstation operators are allowed to change the price of menu items added to a check in the current round from the price assigned to one main menu level or sub menu level to the price assigned to another menu level.

At a casino, a Comp tender macro is used to change the price level (to a complementary price level), and then a Comp tender is used to close the check. This feature now supports the same macro functionality in Simphony. Casino administrators can create multiple price records for a menu item, with some records created as a complimentary tender macro. For example, the macro has the steps to change the price level to a configured Comp level and to use the Comp tender to close the check. A workstation operator adds items using the standard pricing, and then selects the Comp tender macro when the guest presents a Comp slip.

When used outside of a macro, you can configure the change price level function to change to a specific main or sub price level, or to prompt for the price level.

The following types of menu items are not affected and the price level cannot be changed using this feature:
  • Menu items from a previous service round

  • Weighed menu items

  • Open-priced menu items

  • Menu items that have been voided

  • Menu items that are not in the active filter (if seat filtering is in use)

  • Discounted menu items

  • Menu items associated with a service charge

  • Menu items associated with a subtotal discount

EMC Configuration Enhancements

Administrators can configure this feature using two new function buttons in the Page Design module of the EMC:
  • Change Price Main Level

  • Change Price Sub Level

In addition, two new transaction privileges in the Roles module enable the workstation operator to change the price of a menu item:
  • 305 - Authorize/Perform Change Price Main Level for Current Round

  • 306 - Authorize/Perform Change Price Sub Level for Current Round

The Main Level and Sub Level must be configured in the Menu Item Classes module on the Options tab. If 10 - On = Use Sub Level... is disabled for a menu item class, main level pricing is used. The main level pricing is set in the Menu Item Maintenance module on the Prices tab, by selecting the main or sub menu level in the Active On Level field.

When using the Change Price Level feature, you can also change the active main or sub level pricing by configuring the following new options in the RVC Parameters module for the current round (transaction, not by class):
  • 71 - Change Price Main Level sets active Main Level

  • 72 - Change Price Sub Level sets active Sub Level

Enhancements have been made to address changing the price level of combo meals in the current round, as they may have menu levels to specify pricing for combos. Side items configured with different prices in the Menu Item Maintenance module do not reflect the prices shown in the POS client. When using combo meals, the POS client applies the prices from the Combo Meal Groups or Combo Meals configuration rather than from the Menu Item Maintenance configuration. The system checks for Combo Group Item Prices from the Combo Meal Groups module based on the Active Level; if no price exists, it checks for Combo Group Prices from the Combo Meals module. If no price exists in both Combo Meal Groups and Combo Meals, nothing is displayed in the POS client. Combo Meals option 4 - Add Side Prices To Meal Price adds the side item price to the entire combo meal, and no price is shown under side items in the POS client. Regardless of the Change Price Main Level and Change Price Sub Level, this is the methodical approach to applying combo meal prices. The system calculates the price only on non-zero priced items. The Change Price Main Level function applies to all menu items on the check in the current round (not for specific items only), with the exception of voided items or zero-priced items.

See the Oracle MICROS Simphony Configuration Guide, specifically Chapter 23: Menu Levels, for more information about configuring menu levels and their associated prices.

Support for Resetting Modified Condiments to Default Settings when the Menu Item Master is Switched

Support has been added for resetting modified condiments to the default setting when a Menu Item Master is switched. The drop-down list Condiment Handling with Parent Item Switching is added to the Menu Item Classes module to configure this option. You can select one of the following condiment-handling options from the drop-down list:
  • 0 - Condiments Remain Unchanged

  • 1 - Reset Default Condiments Only

  • 2 - Reset All Condiments

See the Oracle MICROS Simphony Configuration Guide, Chapter 20: Menu Item Classes, specifically the Configuring Menu Item Classes section, for more information.

Operations on the POS Workstation

Support to Add Card Holder Name as Guest Check ID

A credit authorization function can name a bar tab after the patron whose credit card was authorized. This feature eliminates the need for workstation operators to manually enter the card holder name on a check. Simphony retrieves the card holder name from the payment service provider (PSP) and inserts it into the Guest Check ID field when a credit authorization is initiated. If the check already has a Guest Check ID, it is replaced by this action. If no card holder name is returned, the Guest Check ID is not filled. When required, the card holder name is truncated.

This feature is used with initial authorizations, but is not supported with incremental authorizations. Additionally, the PSP must support sending the card holder name in order for this feature to work.

The Check Editing option 81 - Authorize/Perform Edit of Guest Check ID In an Open Check in the Roles module grants permission for a user to set or update the Guest Check ID.

See the Oracle MICROS Simphony Configuration Guide for more information about configuring the add card holder name feature, specifically Allowing Employees to Edit Guest Check ID on Open Check and Creating Credit Card Payment Buttons.

Support Added for Wi-Fi Connectivity for Certain Oracle Linux for MICROS Workstations

Specific Oracle Linux for MICROS workstations can now be configured to connect and run operations via a Wi-Fi connection. Wi-Fi setup can occur during a workstation’s initial Mini-Setup program, through the use of the device’s Diagnostic Utility, or by deploying the latest Oracle Linux CAL package. The Simphony EMC workstation setup steps for these devices remains the same as previous releases. The workstations listed here have been validated to run point-of-sales operations (or as a Service Host) utilizing a Wi-Fi connection:

  • Oracle MICROS Workstation 6 Series:

    • Oracle MICROS Workstation 620

    • Oracle MICROS Workstation 625

    • Oracle MICROS Workstation 650

    • Oracle MICROS Workstation 655

  • Oracle MICROS Compact Workstation 310

See the Food and Beverage Hardware documentation, specifically the MICROS Hardware Site Preparation Library’s Wireless Networking Best Practices Guide for more information.

See the Oracle MICROS Simphony Client Deployment Guide for information about installing the Client Application Loader (CAL) on Oracle Linux for MICROS devices.

Enhancements for Closed Checks Operations

Starting with the Simphony 18.2.5 release, support has been removed for reopening a closed check to a new check number. Option 37 - Keep The Same Check Number When a Check is Reopened in the RVC Parameters module is no longer available.

The new option, 73 - Keep The Same Check Number When a Closed Check is Voided, replaces deprecated option 37. Enabling option 73 causes a voided closed check to retain its original check number. Deselecting 73 assigns a new check number to a voided closed check.

The Number of Days to Adjust Closed Checks and the Number of Days to Reopen/Reprint Closed Check from Previous Business Day set in the Control Parameters module have been changed to allow a maximum of 14 days.

If you are upgrading to either the Simphony 18.2.5 or Simphony 19.2 releases, and option 37 was enabled in your system prior to the upgrade, DBUPGRADE enables option 73 during the upgrade process.

The Oracle MICROS Simphony Configuration Guide contains more information about configuring closed check operations in the Guest Checks chapter. The Oracle MICROS Simphony POS User Guide contains more information about reopening a closed check in the Guest Checks chapter.

Support for 99 Seats per Table

Starting with the 19.2.1 release, Simphony now supports entering up to 99 seats per table, increasing the previous maximum limit from 64.

Equal Payments

Simphony now lets operators divide a check into equal partial payments between guests instead of manually creating a split check for each guest.

After specifying the number of equal payments, ranging from 2 to 99 for the check, a notification area shows the amount due for the current equal partial payment out of the total number of equal partial payments. The generated receipt shows details of all menu items on the check and the equal partial payment amount. Credit authorizations show the equal payment amount due. The final guest check or customer receipt shows the details of each partial equal payment used.

This functionality is available on all supported Windows and Android devices, including handheld devices.

The Oracle MICROS Simphony Configuration Guide—specifically the Configuring Equal Payment Functionality topic—and the Oracle MICROS Simphony POS User Guide—specifically the Dividing a Check Into Equal Partial Payments topic—contain more information on configuring and using this functionality.

Entry of Barcodes Enhanced at the POS Workstation

Barcode entries made from a POS workstation have been enhanced. Barcode menu item scans now have the same constraints as to when they are allowed to be sold as non-barcode menu items being entered on the workstation.

The Simphony Interface Module (SIM) Manual- specifically Appendix F, has been updated in Table 155 to include the BARCODE scan Event.

OPERA Self Pay

OPERA Self Pay is now compatible with devices using the Linux operating system. The Linux client accepts the Simphony client built-in alphanumeric keyboard.

The Oracle MICROS Simphony Configuration Guide—specifically the OPERA Self Pay and Configuring the OPERA Self Pay Button topics, and the Oracle MICROS Simphony POS User Guide—specifically the OPERA Self Pay Charges to a Room and Using OPERA Self Pay to Close a Check topics contain more information.

OPERA Guest Room Pre-assignment

Workstation operators can now validate a guest’s room number and last name after beginning a check. This is simply a query through the OPERA Payment Driver to associate the guest’s room number and name on the check, and does not pre-authorize payment. Upon validation, the confirmed OPERA account detail is stored in a way that it can be recalled for payment at a later time. The guest's name appears in the check detail area. During payment of the check, operators can process the room charge without re-entering the guest’s room number and name. The operator can optionally unassign or enter a new room number/name combination to use for payment.

In the Page Design module, the new Assign Opera Account function allows workstation operators to enter the guest’s room number and last name.

See the Oracle MICROS Simphony Configuration Guide, specifically Adding the Assign Opera Account Button, and the Oracle MICROS Simphony POS User Guide, specifically Adding the Guest Room Number to a Check for more information.

Peripheral Devices

Support Added for Sales Recording Module (SRM) Printers on Oracle Linux for MICROS Workstations

Oracle Linux for MICROS workstations now support SRM print devices.

See the Oracle MICROS Simphony Configuration Guide, specifically the Peripheral Devices chapter, in the Sales Recording Module (SRM) section for more information.

Support for the Oracle MICROS Mini-Printer

Support is now extended to the Oracle MICROS Mini-Printer for use with Simphony on the Oracle MICROS Workstation 6 Series and Oracle MICROS Compact Workstation 310. The Oracle MICROS Mini-Printer is a small form factor, limited capacity thermal printer with 2” wide paper primarily used in concessions and locations where hardware portability is desired. The mini-printer mounts to the Oracle MICROS Workstation 6 series Adjustable Stand or the Oracle MICROS Workstation 3 series Flexible Stand. It is powered directly from the workstation via its serial connection. It is also supported on the Oracle MICROS R/E-Series base stations by Simphony First Edition.


The Oracle MICROS Mini-Printer is available for limited international use. It does not support the printing of 2D bar codes (QR Codes and PDF417), which are legally required to be printed on receipts in certain countries, or logo printing. Moreover, the Oracle MICROS Mini-Printer cannot be used for SRM printing as a serial port is required for the mini-printer to receive 12 volts of power.
In addition, there is currently no support for the following international character sets:
  • Arabic

  • Chinese

  • Cyrillic

  • Greek

  • Hebrew

  • Japanese

  • Korean

  • Thai

  • Turkish

  • Vietnamese

The Oracle MICROS Simphony Configuration Guide, specifically Configuring a Printer, contains more information about configuring the Oracle MICROS Mini-Printer.

Standard Language Translation Files Included in Android APK

Standard language translation files are now included in Simphony on Android client devices. Previously, customers using Android client devices were required to configure the standard language translation files in the EMC.

See the Oracle MICROS Simphony Configuration Guide, specifically the Configuring Workstation Translations section of the Language Settings and Translation chapter, for more information.


Support for Print Class Output

You can use a Print Class to configure the output for Discounts, Service Charges, and Tender Media. This enables multiple records with a single Print Class, meaning you can define the output settings once rather than separately for each record.

A new Print Class field is available on the General tab in the Discounts, Service Charges, and Tender/Media modules. This field replaces the former Output tab. With an upgrade to Simphony release 19.2, a Print Class is automatically created for every Discount, Service Charge, and Tender Media record; this Print Class creation only happens once to ensure that no information is lost. The Print Class field automatically defaults to the Print Class created for these records.

See the Oracle MICROS Simphony Configuration Guide, specifically the Print Class Output section for more information.

Reporting and Analytics

Simphony 19.2 Release is Compatible with Reporting and Analytics version 20.1

When you install or upgrade to Enterprise Back Office version 20.1 (including Reporting and Analytics and MyLabor) in conjunction with installing or upgrading to Simphony versions 19.1.2 or 19.2, the Simphony EMC's Employee Maintenance, Reporting tab is now disabled (or has been removed). Going forward, new reporting users need to be added and configured in R&A. Reporting access passwords are no longer synced between Simphony and R&A.

If you still utilize R&A version 9.1, the Simphony EMC's Employee Maintenance, Reporting tab remains accessible and is configurable as usual.

See the Enterprise Back Office 20.1 documentation, specifically the Reporting and Analytics User Guide Adding Users section for more information about adding users from R&A.

Simphony Payment Interface

Support for Cash Back with Simphony Payment Interface (SPI)

Cash back is supported when the SPI is configured, and if the Payment Service Processor (PSP) also supports cash back.

Guests can request and receive cash back when paying a check with a debit card. The guest initiates the transaction through the PIN Entry Device (PED). Only the Authorize and Pay function is supported; cash back cannot be performed when finalizing a credit card authorization transaction. The POS workstation confirms that:
  • Cash back is enabled at the workstation.

  • The workstation operator is authorized to perform cash back.

  • A default cash back service charge is linked in the Tender Parameters module.

If these three conditions are met, a Sale with Cash Back message is sent to the PSP, the PSP determines whether the card swiped by the guest allows cash back, and if so, prompts the guest for the desired amount.

If one of these conditions is not met, a Sale (no cash back) message is sent to the PSP, and the payment is processed without prompting for cash back.

Configuration Enhancements

Administrators can enable cash back in the Simphony EMC in the Workstations module using the new option 63 - Enable Cashback. Cashback is only available where a Pinpad is present.

The workstation operator must also have permissions to authorize or perform cash back. The new option 305 - Authorize/Perform Cashback has been added to the Roles module.

The Tender Parameters module has been enhanced with a new Cashback Service Charge field to link the Cash Back non-revenue service charge with the pickup tender.

In the Service Charges module, the Tips Paid Tender/Media field has been renamed to Pickup Tender/Media. Only the Tender/Medias that are configured with 3 - Pickup in the Key Type field appear in the Pickup Tender/Media drop-down list.

The Oracle MICROS Simphony Configuration Guide—specifically the Configuring Cash Back, Configuring Service Charges, andAllowing Employees to Authorize and Perform Cash Back topics—and the Oracle MICROS Simphony POS User Guide—specifically the Authorizing and Performing Cash Back section—contain more information on configuring and using cash back with the SPI.

Simphony Transaction Services (STS) Gen 2

Support Added for a Point-of-Sale API named Simphony Transaction Services Gen 2

STS Gen 2 is optimized for the Oracle MICROS Simphony product and allows users to better handle digital transactions. It does so by being available on either the Enterprise (supports multiple tenants) or a location (supports a single revenue center (RVC) or group of RVCs (like Transaction Services currently behaves). As an enhancement, consumer-facing content fields have been added to the Simphony EMC in the Menu Item Definition, Family Groups, Discounts, Service Charges, Tender/Media, and Enterprise Properties modules. Consumer-facing content includes store and revenue center location information, menu item names, descriptions, and image URLs. This content can then be exposed to users during transactions. All consumer-facing data is also supported by the Simphony Web Portal’s Import/Export utility.

Some examples of consumer-facing content includes such information as:

  • Consumer Item Name

  • Consumer Item Description

  • Consumer Image URL / Consumer Image Description

  • Consumer Family Group Name

  • Consumer Family Group Description

  • Consumer Image URL / Consumer Image Description

See the Simphony Configuration Guide specifically, the Transaction Services chapter, and Simphony Transaction Services API Reference for more information about STS Gen2.

Support Added for Identifying Which Menu Items Contain Alcohol for STS Gen2

Starting with the Simphony 19.2.1 release, you can flag menu items that contain alcohol in the EMC’s Menu Item Classes module. A new MI Classes option named 82 - Contains Alcohol has been added. This setting can then be used by integrators (via STS Gen2) to show users which menu items contain alcohol. The alcohol flag setting is also supported by the Import/Export utility for menu items.

See the Simphony Configuration Guide, specifically the Transaction Services chapter, and Simphony Transaction Services API Reference for more information about STS Gen2.

Simphony Web Portal (SWP)

Support Added for Importing and Exporting Tax Records

You can now import and export tax records at the Enterprise and property levels through the Simphony Web Portal (SWP) and the Simphony Import/Export API. You can create and update tax records using either method. Imported tax records appear in the EMC and can be edited and assigned (for example, in modules such as Menu Item Class records). After POS workstation databases are updated, taxes can then be accurately applied to transactions.

The export includes the following tax information from the EMC:

  • Tax Rates

  • Tax Breakpoints

  • Integrated Tax Rates (includes Breakpoint details)

  • Tax Classes

See the Oracle MICROS Simphony Configuration Guide, specifically Chapter 13: Taxes for more information about configuring taxes.

See the Oracle MICROS Simphony Manager User Guide, specifically Chapter 6: Import and Export of Data for more information about importing and exporting data.

Support Added for Importing and Exporting Menu Item Group and Menu Item Group Detail Records

You can now import and export Menu Item Groups and associated details into and out of Simphony. Discount Menu Item Groups/details and Tax Override Menu Item Groups/details can also be imported and exported via the SWP and Simphony Import/Export API.

Imported Menu Item Groups/details can be edited using the Simphony EMC. Additionally, you can assign Menu Item Groups, created via import, to Discount records.

See the Oracle MICROS Simphony Manager User Guide, specifically Chapter 6: Import and Export of Data for more information about importing and exporting data.

Support Added for Importing and Exporting Data Extension Records

You can now import and export the following objects added through the Data Extensions module:
  • Employees

  • Employee Classes

  • Extension Properties

  • Extension Values (Export only)

  • Integrated Employees

  • Integrated Menu Items

  • Job Codes

  • Roles

  • Service Charges

  • Tender Media

You can import and export:
  • Values to columns that are added through Data Extensions for each of the modules listed above.

  • The columns themselves into the Data Extensions table.

You can add and edit the objects using either the SWP or the Simphony Import/Export API.

See the Oracle MICROS Simphony Manager User Guide, specifically Chapter 6: Import and Export of Data for more information about importing and exporting data.


Support for Overriding a Parent Menu Item Tax Class

The system now supports an override of a parent menu item’s tax class when ordering specific condiment menu items. Such overrides are sometimes required in locations where food is taxed differently based on its preparation. For example, a whole bagel is not taxed, but a bagel that is sliced in half is taxed. The same bagel could also be taxed if it is warmed and served whole. In both cases, the bagel’s status changes from non-prepared to prepared, resulting in a tax change. Preparation instructions, such as sliced and warmed, can be configured as condiment items in the EMC, and then workstation operators can add them to the parent item on the POS workstation.

When the Parent Tax Class Override column is set to a valid tax class, there are two available options to drive the behavior of the parent tax class if there is a conflict with an existing menu item tax class override.

This configuration is only meant for condiment menu items. A condiment item can be configured to override a parent item’s tax on all menu items associated with the condiment. The condiment only applies to the menu item to which it is added; the condiment does not change the taxes for the entire check, nor for items not associated with the parent item.

The Oracle Hospitality Simphony Configuration Guide, specifically the Configuring the Parent Item Tax Class Override topic, contains more information.