The software described in this documentation is either no longer supported or is in extended support.
Oracle recommends that you upgrade to a current supported release.

3.3 Setting up an Egress Gateway

The Istio egress gateway allows you to set up access to external HTTP and HTTPS services from applications inside the service mesh. External services are called using the sidecar container.

The Istio egress gateway is deployed automatically. You do not need to manually deploy it. You can confirm the Istio egress gateway service is running using:

$ kubectl get svc istio-egressgateway -n istio-system
NAME                  TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                    AGE
istio-egressgateway   ClusterIP   <none>        80/TCP,443/TCP,15443/TCP   9m26s

The upstream documentation provides an example to show you how to set up use an Istio egress gateway.