The software described in this documentation is either no longer supported or is in extended support.
Oracle recommends that you upgrade to a current supported release.

2.4 Verifying the Istio Module Deployment

You can verify the Istio module is deployed and the required containers are running in the istio-system namespace. To verify the containers are deployed, you need to use the kubectl command. For information on setting up the kubectl command, see Container Orchestration.

To verify the required containers are running, list the containers running in the istio-system namespace. You should see similar results to those shown here:

$ kubectl get deployment -n istio-system
NAME                     READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
grafana                  1/1     1            1           5m31s
istio-citadel            1/1     1            1           5m31s
istio-egressgateway      1/1     1            1           5m31s
istio-galley             1/1     1            1           5m31s
istio-ingressgateway     1/1     1            1           5m31s
istio-pilot              1/1     1            1           5m31s
istio-policy             1/1     1            1           5m31s
istio-sidecar-injector   1/1     1            1           5m31s
istio-telemetry          1/1     1            1           5m31s
prometheus               1/1     1            1           5m31s