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4.1 Backing up Master Nodes

This section discusses backing up the Kubernetes master nodes in an Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment.

Adopting a back up strategy to protect your Kubernetes cluster against master node failures is important, particularly for single node master clusters. High availability clusters with multiple master nodes also need a fallback plan if the resilience provided by the provided replication and failover functionality has been exceeded.

You do not need to bring down the cluster to perform a back up as part of your disaster recovery plan. On the operator node, use the olcnectl module backup command to back up all the key containers and manifests for all the master nodes in your cluster.


Only the key containers required for the Kubernetes control plane are backed up. No application containers are backed up.

For example:

$ olcnectl module backup --environment-name myenvironment --name mycluster

The back up files are stored in the /var/olcne/backups directory on the operator node. The files are saved to a timestamped folder that follows the pattern:


You can interact with the directory and the files it contains just like any other:

$ sudo ls /var/olcne/backups/myenvironment/kubernetes/mycluster/20191007040013  etcd.tar