The software described in this documentation is either no longer supported or is in extended support.
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3.3 Connecting to the Dashboard Remotely

If you need to access the Dashboard remotely, you can use SSH tunneling to do port forwarding from your localhost to the node running the kubectl proxy service. The easiest option is to use SSH tunneling to forward a port on your local system to the port configured for the kubectl proxy service on the node that you want to access. This method retains some security as the HTTP connection is encrypted by virtue of the SSH tunnel and authentication is handled by your SSH configuration. For example, on your local system run:

$ ssh -L 8001:

Substitute with the IP address of the host where the kubectl proxy service is running. When the SSH connection is established, you can open a browser on your localhost and navigate to:


You should see the Dashboard log in screen for the remote Kubernetes cluster. Use the same token information to authenticate as if you were connecting to the Dashboard locally.