The software described in this documentation is either no longer supported or is in extended support.
Oracle recommends that you upgrade to a current supported release.

1.3.2 Release 1.14

Kubernetes Release 1.14 is based on the upstream Release 1.14. Major changes in Kubernetes Release 1.14 include:

  • Kubernetes Updated: The upstream Kubernetes Release 1.14 software is packaged as a Certified Kubernetes distribution for Oracle Linux.

  • Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment Module: Kubernetes is now a component of the Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment (known as the Kubernetes module for Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment). This provides a new set up, configuration, and deployment utility provided by the Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment Platform Command-Line Interface (the Platform CLI). For more information on using the Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment to deploy and manage the Kubernetes module, see Getting Started.

  • Deprecated Set up Scripts: The and kubeadm-ha-setup utilities are deprecated. The deployment of the Kubernetes module is now performed using the Platform CLI.

  • Back up and Restore: Backing up and restoring a Kubernetes master node is now performed using the Platform CLI. For information on backing up and restoring a master node, see Container Orchestration.

  • Runtime Engines: Oracle Container Runtime for Docker is no longer the container runtime engine. CRI-O is now used to delegate container runtimes. CRI-O is an implementation of the Kubernetes Container Runtime Interface (CRI) to enable using Open Container Initiative (OCI) compatible runtimes. The new runtime engines are runC and Kata Containers. The Kata Containers runtime engine uses lightweight virtual machines for improved container isolation. For information on the runtime engines, see Container Runtimes.

  • High Availability: A load balancer is provided for multi-master, high availability Kubernetes deployments. You can also use your own load balancer. For information on setting up the load balancer deployed by the Platform CLI, see Getting Started at: