The software described in this documentation is either no longer supported or is in extended support.
Oracle recommends that you upgrade to a current supported release.

1.2.18 Release 1.0.1

This section lists the notable changes in Release 1.0.1 of Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment.

  • Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment Updates: A procedure is added to the documentation to show how to update the Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment packages on each node. For more information on updating the packages, see Updates and Upgrades.

  • Kubernetes Updates: The olcnectl module update command is added to enable updates to the Kubernetes module. This command updates the Kubernetes release on each node in an environment.


    Make sure you update the Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment packages to Release 1.0.1 on each node before you update the Kubernetes module.

    For more information on using the olcnectl module update command to update the Kubernetes release, see Updates and Upgrades.

  • Kubernetes Installation: The olcnectl module install command is changed to automatically deploy the Kubernetes packages, and enable and start the crio and kubelet services. You no longer need to install the packages or enable and start these services before deployment.

    For more information on using the olcnectl module install command to deploy a Kubernetes module, see Getting Started at:

  • Load Balancer Installation: The olcnectl module install command used with the --virtual-ip option is changed to automatically deploy the load balancer that comes with Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment. As part of deploying the load balancer, NGINX and keepalived are installed on the master nodes, and the olcne-nginx and keepalived services are enabled and started.

    For more information on using the load balancer deployed by the Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment Platform Command-Line Interface for a multi-master Kubernetes cluster, see Getting Started at: