3 Crew Members Function

The content below describes the function to access the crew data such as Crew Information, travel documents, invoice, crew history, group account and others. You can create, amend and cancel a reservation, post a charge and check out a crew account. These functions are access via Crew Members drop-down menu.

Figure 3-1 Crew Handling

This figure shows the Crew Handling

Crew Handling

Search Panel

The Search Panel function is a reservation look up by status in a tab view — Check In, Check Out, Expected, Canceled and No Show from the Crew Handling window.

Search Using the Search Panel

  1. At the Search Panel, select the Status tab.

  2. You can choose to select an alphabet corresponding to the last name of the reservation or select ALL to list all reservations in alphabetical order.

  3. You can further narrow down the search using either the crew name, document number or cabin number and date.

Crew Info Tab

Crew Info Tab

The Crew Info tab is the default tab after an account/reservation search. It provides a single view of crew’s information's such name, address, passport details, cabin information, and others, which enable you to further drill down into the reservation for more information.

Figure 3-2 Crew Info Tab

This figure shows the Crew Info Tab

New Reservation Function

The New Reservation function creates a new crew reservation. A reservation form is launched when you clicked the New Reservation button and below are the field’s definition of the form.

Figure 3-3 New Crew Information Window

This figure shows the New Crew Information Window

Table 3-1 Field Definition of Crew Information Tab (Name)

Field Description




Last name of the crew.


First name of the crew.

Middle Initial

Middle name of the crew.


Salutation of crew.

Other Name

Other Last Name in passport/ID

Other First Name

Other First Name. in passport/ID


Gender Identifier

Marital Status

Marital Status

Onboard Email

Email contact whilst on board.

Disc Template

Available discount templates.

Nationality Flag

Flag to determine if the crew nationality belongs to European Union (EU) or Non-European Union.


Smoker Identifier

Table 3-2 Field Definition of Crew Information Tab (Passport Information)

Field Description

Passport Information

Passport No

Passport number of the crew.

Issue Date

Date travel document was issued

Issue Place

Place travel document was issued.

Issue Country

Country travel document was issued.

Expiry Date

Expiry date of travel document.

Birth Nation

Original nationality of the crew if differ from Nationality field.

Table 3-3 Field Definition of Crew Information Tab (Operational Department No.)

Field Description

Operational Department No.


Operational department assigned


Operational position assigned

External ID

External System Crew ID

Internal ID

Internal Crew ID

Crew Post ID

Waiter ID number used in POS system

Ext. Res ID

External System Reservation ID

Order Emp ID

Employer number of crew incentive program


Unique Identifier for FMS. A user definable label.

Table 3-4 Field Definition of Crew Information Tab (Seamans Book Information)

Field Description

Seamans Book Information


Seaman Book number.

Issue Date

Date of issue of Seaman book

Issue Place

Place of Issue of Seaman book

Expiry Date

Expiry date of Seaman book

Issue Country

Country Seaman book were issued

Other Birth Information


Birthdate of the crew.

Birth Place

Birthplace of the crew.


Nationality of crew


Main language spoken

Language2 / 3

Other spoken language

National ID

Local identification document, for example, ID or Driving License

Table 3-5 Field Definition of Crew Information Tab (Reservation Information)

Field Description

Reservation Information

Estimated Embarkation/ Disembarkation Date

Embarkation/Disembarkation date.

Estimated Embarkation/ Disembarkation Port

Port of embarkation/ Disembarkation


Crew expected return date

Actual Embarkation/ Disembarkation Date

Actual Embarkation/Disembarkation date.

Actual Embarkation/ Disembarkation Port

Port of embarkation/ Disembarkation

Emb. Port Comments

Sign-on harbour comments

Deb. Port Comments

Sign-off harbour comments


Cabin number assigned.

Deny Boarding

Deny boarding identifier


Current Berth Assigned

Muster Station

Muster Station assigned. Linked to Cabin number.

Deny Reason

Reason boarding is denied.


Pin code setup for outgoing calls and access to Kiosk.

Longshoreman Work

Indicate crew to perform longshoreman work during next port

Life Boat

Life Boat assigned to crew. Linked to Cabin number.

Table 3-6 Field Definition of Crew Information Tab (Other Parameter)

Field Description

Other Parameter

Manifest Printout

Indicates manifest has been printed.

Switch to Passenger in Manifest

Indicates reservation has been moved to Passenger manifest.

Stay overnight shoreside

Indicates that crew stays overnight at shore side.


Intoxication identifier.

Table 3-7 Field Definition of Crew Information Tab (Others)

Field Description


Document Image Snapshot

Displays snapshot of scanned passport.


Displays saved crew photo

Notice and Consent

Mandatory field. Indicates passenger accept and agrees to the Notice and Consent Terms.

Figure 3-4 Crew Information Address/Other Info

This figure shows the Crew Information Address/Other Info

Table 3-8 Field Definition of Crew Information Address Tab (Address / Temporary Address)

Field Description

Address / Temporary Address

Address 1

Address 1

Address 2

Address 2


Street name


Zip code/ Name of city






Phone number of guest

Email 1

Email address of guest

Email 2

2nd Email address of guest

Table 3-9 Field Definition of Crew Information Address Tab (Emergency Contact Address)

Field Description

Emergency Contact Address


Name of Emergency contact person


Relationship of Emergency contact person and guest






Zip code/ City




Country of Residency


Phone number of contact person

Mobile Phone

Mobile number of contact person


Email address of contact person

Work Phone

Business phone number of contact person

Table 3-10 Field Definition of Crew Information Address Tab (Contract Information)

Field Description

Contract Information

Company Original Join Date

Crew join date for payroll contract use

Contract Type

The type of contract the linked to crew member

Sign On

Contract sign on date


Contract expiration date

Inbound Departure

Track inbound departure date for Crew members

Table 3-11 Field Definition of Crew Information Address Tab (VOIP Information)

Field Description

VOIP Information

SIP Login

VOIP login ID


VOIP extension on board

Reason for Sign-On

Reason to sign on onboard

Reason for Sign-On

Reason to sign on off board

Supervised Locations

Locations that are tagged as 'crew supervision assignment'.

PPD Category

Add PPD category assignment to a crew or guest

Travel Insurance

Travel insurance type

Manning Agent

Travel insurance number

Table 3-12 Field Definition of Crew Information Address Tab (Hotel & Bar Service Charge)

Field Description

Hotel & Bar Service Charge

Eligible Start/End Date

Service charge eligible start / end date

Common Access Area

Common areas of accessible for the onboard card

Handicapped Information

Special need information

Additional Language

Additional language other than default language.

Notice and Consent

Mandatory field. Indicates passenger accept and agrees to the Notice and Consent Terms.

Creating New Reservation

  1. At the Crew Handling window, click the New Reservation button to open a Crew Information form.
  2. Enter all relevant information, particularly the mandatory fields and then read the Notice and Consent clause to the crew before checking the check box. You are not allowed to proceed if the check box remains uncheck when the OK button is clicked, and the system prompts a warning message.
  3. Note that the ship operator sets the mandatory fields. Please refer to your company standard operating procedure.
  4. Click OK to save the form.
  5. Saved information is updated and shown under Crew Info tab and categorized the crew as Expected Arrival.

Editing a Reservation

  1. Search the reservation using the Search Panel, then click Edit Information under Crew Info tab to open the existing Reservation Form.

  2. Edit all relevant information, and then click OK to save the changes.

Cancelling a Reservation

  1. Select the Expected crew from the Search panel, and then click Cancel Reservation under Crew Info tab. You can only cancel an Expected crew reservation.

  2. Selecting Yes at the Cancel Reservation prompt places the booking under Cancelled tab.

Posting Status

The Posting Status function enable/disable an account from accepting postings coming from food and beverage or retail outlets, and provides a better management of the crew account so that it does not exceed the credit limit allowed.

Enabling a Posting

  1. Search the crew account from the Search Panel and click Posting Status at Crew Info tab.

  2. The system prompts for a response to enable the account. Selecting Yes at the prompt resets the Posting status to allowed, or No to remain as unchanged.

Disabling a Posting

  1. Search the crew account from the Search Panel and click Posting Status at Crew Info tab.

  2. The system prompts for a response to enable the account. Selecting Yes at the prompt resets the Posting status to allowed, or No to remain as unchanged.

Disabling a Posting

  1. Repeat step 1 of the above.

  2. Enter the reason to Disable the posting when prompt, either by selecting a predefined reason from the drop-down list or enter them manually.

    Figure 3-5 Predefined Reason to Disable Posting

    This figure shows the Predefined Reason to Disable Posting
  3. If Allow manual postings is checked, this only disable postings through the interfaces. Manual posting within Crew Handling window is still permissible.

  4. Click OK to set the posting status for the account to a No or Manual.

    Figure 3-6 Manual Posting Allowed Status

    This figure shows the Manual Posting Allowed Status

Print Passport Label

The Print Passport Label prints the crew’s information on a label, which are then paste onto the crew passport for ease of identification. A label must be setup in Administration, Report Printing, Crew – General group.

Print Safety Card

The Print Safety Card prints the ‘Blue Card’ of the crew as an identification of the manning station they should report to during an emergency. Information printed on the card derives from the Safety Info tab.

Show Log

A chronological record of activities such as crew movements, financial transactions, system events are logged by the system. To enable the reconstruction and examination of the sequence of events and/or changes made, such information's are viewable in the Show Log function.

  1. Retrieve the reservation from the Search Panel.

  2. Click Show Log in Crew Info tab.

  3. A list of events is shown on window, order by date/time.

  4. Clicking the Print button sends a copy of the log to printer.

  5. Clicking Export exports the log into a supported file format.

    Figure 3-7 File Export Prompt

    This figure shows the File Export Prompt

Disc Route Pkg Tab

The Discount, Route, Package function routes the charges within the same invoice or to other crew prior to crew check in if setup, enabling allowable discounts in SPMS and MICROS. It also gives an overview of the Package Plan entitlement.


The Routing function automate transfer of charges within the crew account or to multiple accounts, allowing you to consolidate charges into one invoice/account. The use of this function is to facilitate the invoicing process at group reservations level or party/family traveling together. Depending on the requirements, the routing can be setup using one of this option - 'Pay for' or 'Paid by'

Figure 3-8 Routing Tab

This figure shows the Routing Tab

Table 3-13 Routing Tab Definition

Section Description


Pays for - This section defines the payer account and whom the account is paying for.


For - This section defines where the assigned financial department is routed.


Cabin number and name of crew payer is responsible.


Financial Department code assigned.


Button to setup or remove routing instructions.

Before moving/routing the charges, be sure to first check the current routing arrangements to avoid duplication of routing, which may result to charges not being re-directed as planned.

Paying for Another Party

Using below setup steps, you can route a charge when crew A pays for crew B.

Figure 3-9 New Routing — ‘Will Pay For’

This figure shows the New Routing — ‘Will Pay For’

Table 3-14 Definition of Routing Options

Field Description

Show Reservations

Include expected to embark and reserve bookings. Only display checked in bookings if it is un-checked.

Actual Postings

Where the Actual postings are routed.

Actual Payments

Where the Actual payments are routed.

Package Postings

Only route package postings.

  1. Search the crew account and navigate to Disc, Route, Pkg, Routing tab.

  2. Click New Routing under Pays For section to open the routing dialog box.

  3. Select the Invoice number where the charges is routed.

  4. For charges within the same account, leave the cabin number and crew name as it is.

  5. In the event where crew is paying for another account, change the cabin number and select the respective guest.

  6. Select the Financial Department group or codes to be routed and enter the routing reason.

  7. Select the options where applicable, and then click OK to save.

  8. Once saved, the selected assignment is added to ‘Pays for’ in the Routing tab.

Figure 3-10 Routing Pays for Window

This figure shows the Routing Pays for Window

Paid by Another Party

  1. At the Disc, Route, Pkg, Routing tab, click New Routing under ‘For’ section to open the routing dialog box.

    Figure 3-11 New Routing To — ‘Will Be Paid By’

    This figure shows the New Routing To — ‘Will Be Paid By’
  2. Repeat step 3 to 8 of Paying for another party.

Advanced Routing

Below are the steps to setup routing for multiple guests, for example; group of crew account ot parties travelling together.
  1. At the Disc, Route, Pkg, Routing tab, navigate to Pays For and click New Routing to open the routing dialog box.
  2. At the new Routing window, click the Advanced button located just below the Invoice drop-down list to open the Multiple Accounts Selection window.
  3. Accounts listed in the Non Selected Accounts section is based on default selection at the Status and Account Type. You can change these criteria using the drop-down list.

    Figure 3-12 Routing Multiple Account Selection Window

    This figure shows the Routing Multiple Account Selection Window
  4. To select all crew, click Add All> or individually select the crew, then click Add> to move the selection to the Selected Accounts pane.
  5. Click OK to confirm the accounts selection and this opens the New Routing window with the selected crew account listed.

    Figure 3-13 Routing Multiple Account Instructions

    This figure shows the Routing Multiple Account Instructions
  6. In the New Routing window, select the Financial Department, Reason and select the check box for the routing to occurs, then click OK to initiate the account routing.
  7. During the assignment process, the status of the crew account changes to OK, followed by Done, and the New Routing window closes automatically once the process completes.

Deleting Existing Routing

To remove routing setup in crew account,
  1. At Disc, Route, Pkg, Routing tab, select either to delete the sub-financial department code from the individual assignment, or the Main Financial Department to delete all department codes, then click Delete Routing.
  2. The system prompts for confirmation to delete the assignment. Clicking Yes confirms the deletion or No to return to Routing window.

    SPMS Discount

    The SPMS Discount function allows you to assign eligible discount either by percentage or value to a crew account.

Assigning a Discount

  1. At the Dis , Route, Pkg, Discount tab, click New Discount to open the discount dialog box.

  2. Insert the Percentage and the number of times the discount is given in Apply Count field. For example, enter 1 to specify a onetime discount for every selected department code, or blank for unlimited discount for every selected department.

  3. Select the Posting Department entitled to discount, either by selecting department group or individually; for example, All Food/Beverage or Room Service Food only.

  4. You can also use the Discount Template by checking the check box and choose a template from the drop-down list, if they are pre-configured. See Administration User Guide for setup procedures.

  5. Check whether the discount is applicable to Actual, or Future Postings, and then click OK to save.


    WARNING: Once a discount is applied to an actual posting, it cannot be reversed. If the discount has a count indicator, the system then post the discount until it reaches the count indicated and no discount will be accorded thereafter
  6. The assigned discounts is saved in SPMS Discount tab. Similarly, these are added when Future Postings is checked in Criteria Discount.

    Figure 3-14 Disc, Route, Pkg — Discount Tab

    This figure shows the Disc, Route, Pkg — Discount Tab

    Table 3-15 Financial Department Codes

    No. Description


    Financial Department codes entitled to Percentage discount


    Financial Department codes entitled to Value discount


    Financial Department codes and description


    Discount value (percentage or value)


    No of count assigned to each financial code. 0 = unlimited

  7. If an Actual Posting is checked, the system post an adjustment (reverse) against the original posting and sets the adjusted posting to No Print automatically, and then repost the correct value with the discount indicated.

Deleting a Discount

  1. At the Disc, Route, Pkg, Discount tab of the account.

  2. If Delete Discount is clicked without first selecting a Financial code, this process deletes All assignment from the respective window.

    Figure 3-15 Delete Discount Prompt

    This figure shows the Delete Discount Prompt

MICROS Discount

Figure 3-16 Disc, Route, Pkg — MICROS Discount

This figure shows the Disc, Route, Pkg — MICROS Discount

The MICROS Discount tab displays discounts accorded to crew using MICROS Discount Itemizer level. These discounts are shown when crew has discount level assigned in Crew Info, Edit Information, Discount Template field.

Assigning a POS Discount Level

  1. At the Crew Info tab of the account, click Edit Information to open the Edit Crew Information window.

  2. In the Name section, select the discount template from the drop-down list, then click OK to save.

    Figure 3-17 MICROS Discount Level Assignment

    This figure shows the MICROS Discount Level Assignment
  3. The assigned POS Discount template is shown in Passport/Custom Information section.

  4. To view the eligible POS Discounts by Itemizer level, go to Disc, Route, Pkg, MICROS Discount tab.

See also Administration User Guide, POS Discount section on how to configure the Discount Itemizer.

MICROS Advance Discount

The MICROS Advance Discounts works similar to MICROS Discount, with the exception that the discounts are applied to MICROS Major Group, Family Group and Menu Item level instead of Itemizer Level.

Figure 3-18 Disc, Route, Pkg — MICROS Advance Discount

This figure shows the Disc, Route, Pkg — MICROS Advance Discount

See also Administration User Guide, POS Discount section on how to configure the Advance MICROS Discount.

Disallow Department

The Disallow Department function manages posting from being posted from restricted outlets to the crew account; for example; Casino Bar or all tobacco, and others.

Setting up a Disallow Department

  1. At the Disc, Route, Pkg, Disallow Posting tab, select the Financial Department codes to disallow, either by Group or individual department code from the list, then click Save.

    Figure 3-19 Disallow Department Tab

    This figure shows the Disallow Department tab
  2. When posting matches that disallowed department, the system prompts that posting is not allowed.

    Figure 3-20 Disallow Department Posting Failure Prompt

    This figure shows the Disallow Department Posting Failure Prompt
  3. Click Yes to exit without posting and No to return to the Add posting window.

Package Plan

Package Plan

The Package Plan function enables you to customize a cruise package that suits the crew requirements, combining different food and beverage outlets, excursions or activities using the flexi package plan option.

Assigning / Purchasing a Package Plan

Assigning the correct package plan to the crew account enable transactions to be posted accurately throughout the cruise, and packages can be assigned within the crew account.

  1. At the Disc, Route, Pkg tab of the crew, select the Package Plan tab.

  2. Select one of these option:

    • Assign package Plan: This assigns an available package that does not have a pre-set Purchase price.

    • Purchase Package Plan: This purchases a package setup with the purchase price.

  3. To assign/purchase a package, select the available Package from the drop-down list, and then enter the Reason.

    Figure 3-21 Package Plan Assignment Window

    this figure shows the Package Plan Assignment Window
  4. Check only Move all existing posting to package posting check box when you wish to move the existing postings to package plan. For example, a crew purchases the package part way through the cruise, and past postings that meets the package elements are to be considered as package plan.

  5. Click OK to save. Information’s pertaining to the package are shown in the Package Plan tab and the status is Active.

    Figure 3-22 Package Plan Assigned / Purchased

    This figure shows the Package Plan Assigned / Purchased

Refunding a Package Plan

Refunding a Package Plan

The unutilized package plan is refundable to the crew at the end of the cruise. Below are the steps to refund a Value based package, Quantity based and Mix package.

  1. At the Disc, Route, Pkg tab of the crew account, select Package Plantab.

  2. Select Refund Package Plan.

    Figure 3-23 Package Plan Refund Option

    This figure shows the Package Plan Refund Option


    WARNING: Once a Refund is processed, it is not possible to reverse the changes. This process also disable the package plan.
  3. Once the package plan is refunded, the system disables the package and displays the remaining value/quantity for references only.

  4. In the event where the postings are more than the package price, the system prompts that a refund is not allowed.

Routing a Package Plan Posting

Routing of a package plan postings is dependable on two parameters; ‘Do not allow post package to both buyer and payer’ and ‘Package Plan Before Routing’.

When both payer and buyer has a package, all postings then go to the payer. Once the payer package is fully utilized, subsequent postings are posted the payer account as normal posting.

Auto Balancing a Package Plan

An Auto Package Plan balancing can be set using parameter, ‘Enable Package Auto Balance as 1’, allowing the system to automatically balances the package invoice/account after each transaction and reduces the total package value or quantity at the same time.

Figure 3-24 Package Plan Invoice Window

This figure shows the Package Plan Invoice Window

If the above parameter is set to 0, manual balancing of the package invoice/account is required using thePay Invoice function.

Manually Balancing a Package Invoice

  1. Select the crew account from the Search Panel, navigate to the Invoice tab, and then click the amount under the Package Invoice.

    Figure 3-25 Settling a Package Plan

    This figure shows the Settling a Package Plan
  2. Choose the Payment method and verify the amount to settle when prompt.

  3. Select Pay or Pay & Print to pay and print the invoice and reduce the Package Invoice at the same time.

    Figure 3-26 Paying an Invoice

    This figure shows the Paying an Invoice

Invoice Tab

The Posting Handling function not only provides you with four (4) invoices per crew, it also enables you to post a manual charge to an account, route postings and post various payment types.

Figure 3-27 Add Posting Window

This figure shows the Add Posting Window

Table 3-16 Field Definition of Add Posting Window

Field Description


Crew Account by Cabin No. and Name

Clear fields after adding to posting list

Clear all information in Additional Information section after adding posting

Check Number

Check Number from POS System or any manual posting reference.

Server #1:

Server name appeared on POS check.

Server #2:

Server name appeared on POS check.

Number of People

No. of crew that dined. Information from POS System.

Invoice Number

Invoice number to post to


Additional comments.

Posting List

List of postings added

Batch Count

Confirmation of number of postings added in Quick Posting function.

Current Count

System count on Postings List

Batch Total

Confirmation of total value posted in Quick Posting function.

Current Total

Accumulated value to post.

Adding a Posting

  1. Select the crew account from the Search Pane;, then click Add Posting in the Crew Handling window.

  2. At the Add Postings form, select the Financial Department from the drop-down list or use the Search option for a department code.

    Figure 3-28 Add Posting Financial Department Selection

    This figure shows the Add Posting Financial Department Selection

  3. Insert the Value, Check Number and select the Invoice number to post, and then click Add. This transfers the posting to the Postings List, enabling you to post more than one charge.

    Figure 3-29 Adding a Charge

    This figure shows Adding a Charge
  4. Item count increases automatically when the posting is more than one.

  5. Click Post to finalize the posting(s) and the posted transaction appears in Invoice tab, amongst earlier posted charges.

Voiding a Posting

  1. At the Invoice tab of the crew account, select the transaction to void and then click the Void button.

  2. The system prompts for confirmation on the charge to void. Click Yes to confirm the void and No to return to previous window.

  3. At the Void Posting Reason window, insert the void reason or select from the drop-down menu, then press OK.

    Figure 3-30 Void Reason Prompt

    This figure shows the Void Reason Prompt
  4. Void postings are reflected in eggshell color with a matching debit and credit amount.

    This figure shows the Invoice Display of Voided Transaction

Pay Invoice

The Pay Invoice function post a settlement against an invoice, be it partial or full payment. The process to settle an invoice by credit card and foreign currency differ from cash settlement. This function requires an open Cashier session to post.

Figure 3-31 Invoice Payment Window

This figure shows the Invoice Payment Window

Table 3-17 Field Definition of invoice Payment Window

Field Description


Financial Department codes - Credit


Total amount due by guest, depending on the invoice no. selection.


Additional Notes pertaining to this payment

Invoice Number

Invoice number to apply the payment.

Change due enabled

Enable auto calculation of change due to guest.

Disable Posting Automatically

Disable postings being posted into the invoice. This sets the Posting Allowed to No in Crew Info tab.

Package Plan Credit

Eligible credit value for Package Plan posting.

Non Refundable Credit

Credit value non-refundable to guest.

Current Balance

Current Invoice Balance

Received Amount

Amount received.


Applicable credit card/foreign exchange commission value. Calculate when Charge 1% Commission is ticked or when foreign exchange has commission defined.

Due Balance

Outstanding sum after deducting payment applied.

Change Due

Balance due to crew when payment applied is more than invoice value.


Apply payment receipted and does not print cash receipt.

Pay & Print

Apply payment receipted and print invoice at the same time.

Pay & Print Cash Receipt

Apply payment receipted and print cash receipt at the same time.

Payment by Cash, Change Due

The Change Due function calculates the amount of change due to a crew when the payment method is either cash or foreign currency. You can set the "change due enabled" to be permanently checked. If this is not set as default, you must check this option to activate automatic change due calculation when applying payment.

Paying an Invoice by Cash

  1. Retrieve the crew account from the Search Panel, and then click Pay Invoice in Crew Handling window.

  2. The system defaults the payment department according to payment method defined during check in. Select Payment Department from the drop-down menu, either Cash or Foreign Currency.

  3. Select an invoice to apply the payment and the system calculates the total amount due by guest.

  4. Enter the amount to settle.

    • If Change due enabled is checked and amount entered is more than Current Balance, the system automatically calculates the amount and set the invoice to Zero balance. See Figure 3–34 — Invoice Payment with Change Due.

    • If the payment is applied without the Change due enabled checked, the system posts the amount as negative value in Due Balance field, resembling a deposit. See Figure 3–35 — Invoice Payment without Change Due.

    • If the payment is an exact amount, the system posts the value as payment receipted, with the Due Balance or Change Due amount field as 0.00. See Figure 3–66 — Invoice Payment with Exact Amount.

      Figure 3-32 Invoice Payment with Change Due

      This figure shows the Invoice Payment with Change Due

      Figure 3-33 Invoice Payment without the Change Due

      This figure shows the Invoice Payment without Change Due

      This figure shows the Invoice Payment with Exact Amount
  5. Press either Pay, Pay & Print or Pay & Print Cash Receipt to complete the transaction. If Pay is selected, do print a copy of the invoice for crew reference.

Paying an Invoice with Foreign Currency

  1. Repeat step 1 and 2 of the above and select a Foreign Currency Financial Department.

  2. The exchange rate of the selected payment method is displayed next to the amount field.

  3. Enter the foreign currency amount in the Amount field and the converted value is shown in Received Amount.

    Figure 3-34 Invoice Payment with Foreign Currency

    This figure shows the Invoice Payment with Foreign Currency
  4. If the exchanged amount in foreign currency is more than the invoice amount, the system automatically calculates the change due amount in Ship currency when Change Due Enable is set as default.

  5. Select an invoice to apply this payment and recalculate the total amount due by guest.

  6. Press either Pay, Pay & Print or Pay & Print Cash Receipt to complete the transaction.

Paying an Invoice by City Ledger

  1. Retrieve the crew account from the Search panel, then click Pay Invoice.

  2. At the Payment Department field, select a City Ledger code.

  3. Select an invoice to settle and the system calculates the total amount due by guest.

  4. Insert the amount to settle. If the exact amount is paid, the system sets the value as payment receipted and Due Balance is 0.00.

    Figure 3-35 Invoice Payment by City Ledger

    This figure shows the Invoice Payment by City Ledger
  5. Press Pay or Pay & Print to complete the transaction. If Pay is selected, do print a copy of the invoice for crew reference.

Disabling a Posting

At the Invoice Payment window, placing a check mark on ‘Disable Posting Automatically’ check box set the Posting Allowed to No in Crew Info tab when the invoice balance is 0.00.

Figure 3-36 Disable Posting Automatically

This figure shows the Disable Posting Automatically

Figure 3-37 No Posting Allowed in Crew Info Tab

this figure shows the No Posting Allowed in Crew Info Tab

You will receive a notification when you try to post a charge to the invoice and posting will be rejected.

Resetting Posting Status to Allowed

  1. Click the Posting Status in Crew Info tab.

  2. At the Enable Posting prompt, select Yes to confirm. This will reset the posting to allow.

    Figure 3-38 Reset Posting Status

    This figure shows the reset Posting Status

Payment by Credit Card

  1. Retrieve the crew account from the Search Panel, then click Pay Invoice.

  2. At the Invoice Payment form, select the Payment department from the drop-down list, if it is different from previous payment method.

  3. The amount indicated is based on the current outstanding invoice (selected); For example, Invoice 1 balance = $30, Invoice 2 balance = $20. When all invoice is checked, the total becomes $50. If you are paying a specific invoice, de-select the other invoices and adjust the amount accordingly.

  4. The percentage (%) commission shown is based on the commission rate set up in Administration, Financial Department codes and is checked by default. The commission chargeable is shown in the Commission field. If commission is not applicable, deselect the field.

  5. Please Pay or Pay & Print to complete the transaction. If Pay is selected, remember to print a copy of the invoice for crew reference.

    Figure 3-39 Credit Card Commission Selection

    this figure shows the Credit Card Commission Selection

Print Invoice

The Print Invoice function is similar to Guest Handling print invoices. It enable you to print invoices in different layout made available by the Ship. It has a preview function that allow you to view an invoice/statement prior to printing a hard copy invoice.

Printing an Invoice

  1. Retrieve the reservation from the Search Panel, and then click Print Invoice.

  2. Select from the Report List the invoice report to print.

  3. In the Print tab, select the printer, print range and copies to print.

  4. Press Print to send the print job to printer.

Figure 3-40 Print Invoice Window

This figure shows the Print Invoice Window

Previewing an Invoice

To preview an invoice before sending the job to a printer,
  1. Repeat step 1 to 2 of Printing an Invoice.

  2. Navigate to the Preview tab to view the invoice.

  3. Press the Printer icon if you wish you send the print job to printer.

Figure 3-41 Preview Invoice Before Printing

This figure shows the Preview Invoice Before Printing

Email Invoice

In a paperless environment, copy of the invoice may be sent to the guest's email account, only when you have an on-board email account listed in the crew account. A special setup by the System Administrator is required before you can email an invoice.

Email an Invoice

  1. Repeat step 1 to 2 of Printing an Invoice.
  2. At the Print tab, select Send Email. The system prompts a dialog box once the email is sent successfully.
  3. Click OK to close the dialog box.

Exporting an Invoice

Exporting of invoices to other file format is possible and the supported file format are Acrobat Format, Crystal Report, MS Word, MS Excel and many more.

Repeat step 1 to 2 of Printing an Invoice.

  1. In the Print tab, press Export.

  2. Select the file format and destination type from the drop-down list when prompt.

  3. Select the page range to print.

  4. Enter the file name and location path when the system prompts for file saving location.

Custom Excel Export

Custom Excel Export

This function exports the invoice into a predefined Excel format.

  1. Repeat step 1 to 2 of Printing an Invoice.
  2. In the Print tab, select Custom Excel Export.
  3. Enter the file name and location path when the system prompts for file saving location.

Move & Route

The Move and Route function enable you to set up your bills at the time of credit sign up, during the cruise or at the end of the cruise when a crew would like to separate certain charges from the main invoice. You can move the charges easily using the drag and drop method and other available method that suits the operations.

Moving a Charge From One Invoice to Another

  1. Select the crew account and navigate to the Invoice tab.
  2. Highlight the transaction to move.
  3. Press CTRL and hold down the left mouse button.
  4. Drag the transaction to the location by moving the mouse pointer.
  5. Drop the object by releasing the left mouse button.

    Figure 3-42 Move & Route Function

    This figure shows the Move & Route Function
  6. The original invoice amount decreases and the newly created invoice amount increases.

Setting up a Charge Route

The following function allow crew to separate certain charges to be posted to another invoice throughout the cruise or route to another account. It would be more feasible to set up routing instructions to move both current and future postings to a new invoice.

  1. Select the crew account and navigate to the Invoice tab.

  2. Click Move & Route to open a Move posting menu.

    Table 3-18 Definition of Move Posting Tab

    Field Description


    Default to Crew account, All Invoices.


    Selectable invoice from Invoice 1 to 4 or another guest/payer account.


    Department Group or Financial Department code to route.


    Reason why charges were routed.


    Type of postings to route.

    Figure 3-43 Move Posting Tab

    This figure shows the Move Posting Tab
  3. The system default main invoice is All Invoices. Select the invoice where the charges should be routed.

  4. To route the charge to another guest/payer, enter the cabin number and select the crew name.

  5. Select either the department group or financial department code to route, and then insert the routing reason.

  6. Choose the type of posting to route — actual/future postings or actual payments.

  7. If Future Postings is checked, the system automatically places the department code in Disc, Route, Pkg tab, Routing window.

    See also Disc, Route, Pkg Tab

Criteria Discount

The following function works the same as Percentage Discount in Disc, Route, Pkg tab and has an additional check box for Actual Postings, allowing you to apply a discount to the actual posting. This function creates a record in the discount section of Disc, Route, Pkg tab when Future Posting is checked.

See Disc, Route, Pkg Tab, SPMS Discount on how to apply a discount.

Item Discount

Item Discount

The Item Discounts deducts a specific percentage of selected postings on the crew invoice. The Percentage discount cannot be use as a value discount.

According an Item Discount

  1. On the Invoice of the account, mark the posting entitled to the discount, and then click the Item Discounts button.

  2. Insert the percentage value in the discount field, then click OK to proceed.

    Figure 3-44 Item Discount

    This figure shows the Item Discount
  3. The system post an adjustment (reverse) against the original posting and set the adjusted posting to No Print automatically, then report the correct value with discount value indicated.

    Figure 3-45 Example of Item Discount Transactions

    This figure shows the Example of Item Discount Transactions

Hide No Print

This function hide transactions that are marked with No Prints, giving an organized view of the invoice. For example, a voided transactions.

Hiding/Showing No Prints Transactions

Hiding/Showing No Prints Transactions

  1. Clicking the Hide No Prints switches the button from Hide No Prints to Show No Prints, or vice versa.

  2. Transactions marked with No Prints (pale yellow) are hidden from the invoice window until you click the Show No Prints.


This function enables excludes past settlements or voided posting from being printed onto the invoices, and the transaction value must equals to 0.00. The system prompts an error if the balance of the transaction does not equal to 0.00

Resetting to Print Transactions to Original State

Resetting No Print Transactions to Original State

  1. Selecting the NoPrint transactions, and then click No Print.

  2. Transactions reverts to normal posting and no longer shown in pale yellow.

Set Credit Limit

The floor limit is pre-set within the Financial Credit Sub-Department code and this is adjustable for specific crew at the jurisdiction of the Chief Purser.

Setting a Credit Limit

  1. On the Invoice tab, click Set Credit Limit button.

  2. Insert the credit value in the dialog box, and then click OK to override the pre-set credit limit defined in Credit Sub-Department code.

  3. If the account exceeds the floor limit or the individual limit, the system prompt a ‘Credit Limit Exceeded’ on both SPMS and MICROS System during posting and you cannot proceed to post. The same warning prompt appears if the account is routed and payer has a Credit Limit defined.

    Figure 3-46 Warning Prompt When Credit Limit Exceeded

    This figure shows the Warning Prompt When Credit Limit Exceeded

Consult your Chief Purser/Front Desk Manage or refer to the Ship’s Operating procedure for next course of action.


WARNING: Once the account is closed, this cannot be undone.

Close Posting

The Close Posting function generates an interim invoice and closes the zero balanced account without checking out the account. This function does not work when the account still has a balance.