6 Report

Currently, there are no standard Housekeeping reports for a cruise ship. You can set up a new Housekeeping report in the Administration module and define the report group under REP_GROUP as ‘HouseKeeping’.

Show Log

The Show Log window displays housekeeping activities for the past one month.

  1. From the Home tab, click Show Log on the ribbon bar.

    Figure 6-1 User Log for Past 1 Month

    The figure shows the User Log for the past one month.
  2. Entering the keyword in the field below the header will allow you to search the log file of the respective column.

    Figure 6-2 User Log Filter Search

    The figure shows the User Log Filter Search.
  3. Clicking the pushpin on the header column opens a selection dialog, allowing you to filter the information further.

    Figure 6-3 User Log Custom Filters

    The figure shows the User Log Custom Filters window.