4 Voyage Task Overview

The system generates the tasks for the public locations during a system date change.

Figure 4-1 Voyage Task Overview

The figure shows the Voyage Task Overview window.

Table 4-1 Voyage Task Field Definition

Header Definition


Tree view list of the voyage/cruise.

Available Port

The port details for a selected port day.

Housekeeping Section Name

The assigned housekeeping section for the selected port.

Task for Housekeeping Section

List the specific tasks assigned to the selected housekeeping section.

Adding New Location Tasks to Port

  1. From the Home tab, click the Voyage Tasks Overview.

  2. Select the port from the cruise day and then click Add on the ribbon bar.

  3. At the New Voyage Tasks window, select the Housekeeping section and task from the drop-down list.

    Figure 4-2 New Voyage Tasks

    The figure shows the Edit Voyage Tasks form.
  4. Click Add/Update Task to add or Delete Task to delete.

  5. Click Save to save the record.

  6. Repeat the above steps to add different tasks to another housekeeping section.

  7. The tasks assigned to the sectionare shown when you select the section name under the HouseKeeping Section.

Copying a Task to another Port/Voyage

You can copy the same location task to a future cruise port for recurring task.

  1. Select the cruise from Cruises/Days/Port and click the Copy on the ribbon bar.

  2. At the Copy Port/Voyage Tasks window, select to Copy by Port.

  3. Select Port Template from the drop-down list. The task for current port populates accordingly.

    Figure 4-3 Copy Port/Voyage Tasks

    The figure shows the Copy Port/Voyage Tasks form.
  4. On Copy To select the Port to copy this information to and click Save.

  5. To copy the task by Voyage, navigate to the Copy by Voyage tab.

  6. Select the Voyage Template to copy from and then select the Voyage.

  7. Click Save to complete the process.