3 Tasks Overview

The Cabin/Location Task Overview not only provides a view of the overall cabin status, it also allows you to update the cabin clean status and the task status. It comprises the following tabs: Cabins, Public Locations, Cabin Linen Forecast and Maintenance Work Orders, with the Cabins tab being the main tab. In this window, you can search for a cabin by task status, housekeeping status, housekeeping section, deck and the total counts.

Figure 3-1 Cabin Tasks Overview

The figure shows the Cabin Tasks Overview window.

Above the Housekeeping Status Total Counts section, the Total Pending Cleaning Time (m) sums up all the pending task durations based on the search criteria and time shown in minutes.

In the Cabins tab, the cabins are shown in the grid layout with their status and number of pending tasks. See the below table for an explanation of the fields.

Figure 3-2 Pending Cabin Task

The figure shows the Pending Cabin Task display.

Table 3-1 Pending Cabin Task Labels Definition

Label Definition


Cabin with pending task.


Crash Cabin


Rush Cabin


Cabin with completed task.


Indicates the port code where the tasks is generated, based on the arrival port setup in Cruise Setup.


Indicates the cabin number followed by the cabin category code.


Indicates the next embarkation port and disembarkation port for the expected check-in guest

2 Pending

Indicates the number of pending task for the cabin.


Indicates the cabin requires a linen change


Indicates the cabin housekeeping status. VD for Vacant Dirty and OD for Occupied Dirty.


Indicates the passenger has checked-out from the cabin.

The system generates the cabin/location and pending tasks during the system date change or when the passenger checks out from the cabin. Below are the change triggers.

System Date Change

  • Tasks created behind the scenes during system date change.

  • The system look for occupied cabins with OD status and creates the tasks (first port of the new day) for these cabins, based on the value set in parameter ‘X day to Change Linen’ and ‘X day Before Check-Out To Skip Linen Change’.

  • Cabins that are in VD status and have pending tasks are carried over to the new system date (first port of the new date) until they are cleaned.

  • The system checks for cabins that are expected to check out on the new system date. It creates the checkout tasks for the cabin on the checkout port.

Movement in Cabin

The tasks are created when there is a check in, check out or cabin change. This only works when the parameter “Ferry”,“Enable Ferry Operation” is set to enabled;-

  • Upon guest check-in, the cabin status changes from VC to OD

  • Upon check-out and when the parameter “Bypass Change of Cabin Clean State Upon Check-Out” is enabled, the status changes from

    • OC, VC => VC

    • OD,VD => VD

  • With parameter “Bypass Change of Cabin Clean State Upon Check-Out” disabled, the status changes from

    • OC,OD,VC,VD =>VD

In the event of a cabin change, the system considers the cabin on the day before as checkout and the new cabin as check-in. In such circumstances, the system changes the earlier cabin status to VD and creates the corresponding tasks under VD status. The new cabin status will then change from VC to OC and task under OC status created.

Cabin Task Overview

Apart from the system-generated task, additional tasks may be added to the cabin from the Cabins Overview window using the following steps.

  1. At the Home tab, click the Cabin/Location Tasks Overview.

  2. Double-clicking the cabin box opens the cabin detail window. You can insert a comment, edit the status or assign the task to a housekeeper using an inline edit feature by highlighting the task and selecting it from the drop-down list.

    Figure 3-3 Cabin’s Task Details

    The figure shows the Cabin Detail window.
  3. Click Add Task and fill in the Add Task form, and click Save.

    Figure 3-4 Add Cabin Task

    The figure shows the Add Task form.
  4. If the housekeeper has finished all assigned tasks for a cabin and instead of updating the task individually, they can click the Mark All Completed to set all tasks as complete.


    If the logged in user is not associated to a crew ID or linked to User Security rights and attempts to mark the task as complete, the system returns a warning message ‘Task updates have failed, please check the log activity entries for error’.
  5. Once all the pending tasks for the cabin are marked as complete, the selected cabin color changes from Yellow to Green, with all the task status flags as Completed.

    Figure 3-5 Completed Cabin Task

    The figure shows a Completed Cabin Task displayed in green.
  6. The system also allows you to mark all task as complete by selecting the cabin and then clicking the Mark All Completed option on the ribbon bar.

Crash Cabin Tasks

The Crash cabin task is populated when the cabin has both expected checkout and expected check-in guest at the same port. This is to alert the housekeeper that the cabin needs immediate attention as soon as the guest checks out.

Rush Cabin Tasks

Rush cabin is generated when the following criteria is met:

  1. When the cabin has a passenger checking out at a current port and another checking in at the next port on the same day.

  2. Checkout on day 1 (6hrs) before midnight and check-in on day 2 (8hrs) after midnight. This is where both parameters ‘Overnight Rush Cabin Before Midnight Hours’ and ‘Overnight Rush Cabin Extended Hours’ are used.

Such cabins are indicated in pink, as an alert for the housekeeper to attend to this cabin immediately after the passenger checks out and before the next passenger checks in.

Priority Cabin Tasks

The Priority Cabins are the cabins that checked out early. The housekeeper prioritizes the cleaning to have them ready for the next check in. Below are the steps taken to prioritize the cabin cleaning.

  1. Select the cabin from the grid and click Mark As Priority on the ribbon bar.

  2. The selected cabin’s pending tasks are updated to priority cabin status and this changes the background color from Yellow to Pink.

  3. To remove the priority status for the cabin, select the priority cabin and click Remove Priority on the ribbon bar. This resets the color to yellow.

Public Location Task Overview

The Public Location Task Overview feature works the same as the Cabin Task Overview. Below are the steps to view the public location task created in the task overview:

  1. In the Voyage Tasks Overview, select any date and click Add to add a task to a housekeeping section.

    Figure 3-6 Select the Date

    The figure shows the Voyage Tasks Overview window, where you can select a date.
  2. Then change the system date to 12/5/2017, the task will auto create in public locations.

    Figure 3-7 Location Created

    The figure shows the Voyage Tasks Overview window, with a created location.
  3. At the Cabin/Location Tasks Overview, select the Public Locations tab.

  4. To edit or change the task status, follow the steps detailed in the Cabin Task Overview.

    Figure 3-8 Location Task Overview

    The figure shows the Location Task Overview window.
  5. The following screen describes the pending location task label:

    Figure 3-9 Pending Location Task

    The figure shows a Pending Location Task displayed in yellow.

Table 3-2 Pending Location Task Labels Definition

Label Definition


Indicates the port code where the tasks are generated based on Voyage Task Overview Setup

Shower Female

Indicates the public location description where the tasks are supposed to be carried out by housekeeper


Indicates the public location code

2 Pending

Indicates the number of pending tasks for the public location

Cabin Linen Forecast

The Cabin Linen Forecast provides an overview of all cabins that are currently checked in, expected to arrive or checked out, which requires a linen change.

During the System Date Change, the system generates a forecast based on the parameters defined in the database related to the Cabin Linen change. With this, the housekeeper would be able to plan for the linen turnover.

For example, a guest in cabin 1234 checked-in on May 13 and is expected to checkout on May 20. During the system date change on May 16 being the 4th day after check-in and based on parameter “X day to Change Linen = 3 days”, this cabin will be listed in the Cabin Linen Forecast list.

  1. From the Cabin/Location Tasks Overview, select the Cabin Linen Forecast tab. The cabins with linen change are listed in the Cabin Linen Forecast tab.

    Figure 3-10 Cabin Linen Forecast

    The figure shows the Cabin Linen Forecast tab.
  2. You can search the cabin linen forecast by date range or the reservation status using the Search Criteria filter.

Table 3-3 Cabin Linen Forecast Labels Definition

Label Definition

Linen Date

Indicates the date when the cabin is supposed to change linen

Number of Berths

Indicates the number of beds in the cabin


Indicates the cabin required linen change

Cabin Tasks Forecast

The system is able to generate a cabin task forecast based on the available port of the selected date.

See System Parameters on how to set up the following parameters to work with the Cabin Linen forecast.

  1. Minimum number of days onboard for Linen Change = 7 days

  2. X day Before Check-Out To Skip Linen Change = 1 days

  3. X day to Change Linen = 3 days

For example, the guest in cabin 04500 checked-in on May 13, and is expected to check out on May 20. When system date changed to May 16th, which is 4th day (based on parameter X day to Change Linen = 3 days) after check-in, the system will show that cabin 04500 needs linen change in the Cabin Linen Forecast list.

Figure 3-11 Cabin Tasks Forecast

The figure shows the Cabin Tasks Forecast tab.

The screenshot above shows the cabin number and total number of rush Cabins, Crash Cabins and Checked Out cabins by port respectively.

Maintenance Work Orders

The Maintenance Task created in the Maintenance module is linked and shown in Maintenance Works Orders tab. This enables the housekeeper to monitor and follow up on the progress of the maintenance tasks.

Figure 3-12 Maintenance Work Orders

The figure shows the Maintenance Work Orders tab.
  • When creating a new task in Maintenance module, you may opt to flag the “Inform Housekeeping” option in the Work Order Details window to send an alert to the housekeeper.

  • The system will check if there are any maintenance tasks created every 15 minutes. Once it detects a task, it sets the Alerts icon on the ribbon bar to blink.

  • Clicking the Alert option will open Alerts from Maintenance window.

    Figure 3-13 Alert from Maintenance Module

    The figure shows the Alerts from Maintenance window.
  • Selecting a line item and clicking the Create Housekeeping Task will create a task in the Maintenance Work Orders tab. If the Ignore Work Order is clicked, it will ignore the work order and delete it from the Alerts from Maintenance window.

  • To mark the work order task as complete, select a work order and click Mark All Completed on the ribbon bar. This changes the color to green.