3 Search Guest

The Search Guest page provides the functionality to search for a guest profile. The search criteria is based on the configuration entered in Administration, Enterprise, Mobile Check-In, Search Setup.

There are two methods to search a guest profile; Search by scanning the travel document or use the manual search.

Search Guest by Scanning the Travel Document

Figure 3-1 Search Guest - Scan Document

This figure shows the Search Guest - Scan Document
  1. At the Search Guest page, press the Scan button.
  2. At the Show Your Travel Document page, place the travel document MRZ section near the camera.
  3. If the scanned travel document details matches the guest, the system will bring up the profile page.

Search Guest Profile Manually

Figure 3-2 Search Guest Page

This figure shows the Search Guest page.

To search for a guest,

  1. Enter your guest name in the search field. It will automatically match the stored guest profile with the searched guest profile.
  2. To reset the searched value, press the X button.
  3. To select the guest, double tap on the guest record and this open the guest profile page.