2 Payroll Company Setup Default System Code

A payroll company is used to separate the multiple payrolls that have different processing cycles or different payroll currencies.

Before you begin using the Payroll module, you must define a default system code in the parameter group, “Payroll”, “Default Payout” and setup a Payroll Company. Without this code and a payroll company, you are not allowed to continue using the system and will receive a warning prompt at the first launch of the application.

At the first run the payroll system, the payroll company will be stored in the registry. If you change to a different payroll company, the following message will display. Clicking OK will store the company record in the registry.

Figure 2-1 Registry Not Found

The figure shows the Registry Not Found message.

Setting up a Default System Pay code

See the chapter Pay code Maintenance on how to setup required codes.

Setting up New Payroll Company

You may setup as many payroll companies as required.

Figure 2-2 Payroll Company Maintenance

The figure shows the Payroll Company Maintenance window.

Table 2-1 Field Description of Payroll Company

Field Description

Company Code

A short code name for the company that will appear in the status bar.

Company Name

The full name for this company.

Pay Cycle

The frequency of the payroll. The pay cycles currently supported by the system includes:

  • 115 – First and Fifteenth:

A payout is processed on the first and fifteenth of each month (F).

  • M30 – 30 Day Month:

A payout is processed at the end of each month, but all months are processed as if they have 30 days in them.

  • BWK – Bi-Weekly:

A payout occurs every two (2) weeks (14 days).

  • MTH - Calendar Month

A payout occurs at the end of each month, but each month has the normal number of days.

  • WEK – Weekly

A payout is processed every seven (7) days.

Cash Advance Pay code

The pay code used for recording crew member cash advances.

Onboard Account Pay code

The pay code used for recording payments against a crew member’s onboard account or folio.

Onboard Account Dept

The SPMS department number used when posting onboard account payoffs and for balancing between the Payroll module and the SPMS.


The currency used for this company. The value must be in the TYP_CUR view. A currency department must exist for that currency in the SPMS DEP table.

Daily Currency Exchange Rate

Works with the daily Currency Exchange Rate. If unchecked, this uses the normal currency setup in table CUR.

Deduct Folio

Works with the parameter ‘Folio Posting = Y’. If the option is checked, the ‘Include Onboard Expenses’ checkbox in the crew contract is checked by default.

Round Payout

Pays whole units of payout amounts to crew at end of pay period.

Note: Decimal adjustment refers to the Rounding setting.

Draw Up to Bal-To-Date

If the field is checked, the crew member can only withdraw up to Bal To Date Amount of the current pay period.

If unchecked, the crew member can withdraw up to balance of the monthly amount.

Note: This is also known as Mid-Month Cash Advance

Allow Add Crew

If this field is checked, you can add the crew members tag with “Other” through the payroll system.

If unchecked only the crew members set up through the SPMS Crew module is allowed.

Invoice Payment Receiving

Used for folio payment transfer from OHC Crew pay invoice into payroll system.

Round Final Pay Code

Works with the Round Payout option. The Pay code holds the fractional units at end of the contract.

Note: To disable rounding on final payout, select ‘Not Specified’ and uncheck the Round Payout option.

Lose Longevity After Idle

Option to forfeit crew member longevity bonus after crew contract has been idle x months. Program checks this setting when creating a second (or next) contract for the crew member.

Compensation Guarantee

Uses the Pay code COH_COMP_SO_FAR field name to calculate


Decimal adjustment. The value indicates that the minimum denomination that the cruise has . Use +/- to round up /down the amount. Entering value ‘0’ disables the rounding function.

For example: Value 5 means the smallest onboard currency is $5 and amount is rounded to the next $5.

Note: If contract currency is different with onboard currency, the rounding refers to Minimum Denomination in the Currency Exchange Rate setup.

Begin Payroll on Check-In

If enabled, the Payroll record will be insert only to crew members who have a checked-in status except the contract is Not in-on-board status (CTR_NOB = 1) or crew member has an existing assignment.

Allow Mid. Contract NOB:

If enabled, the crew contract will not show in the Payroll Notification prompt, and inherits the new crew contract instead (CTR_MID_CNTR_NOB).

  1. On the Maintenance menu, select the Payroll Companies.

  2. On the Payroll Company Maintenance form, right-click and select Add.

  3. Complete the company setup form and click Apply to save and keep the form open or click OK to save and close the form.

  4. Once the company is setup, you can select the company from the selection. You can only update or adjust crew members whose contract is within the selected pay company.