3 Cashless Payroll – Ocean Pay

In SPMS, the Cashless Payroll Transfer feature allows the crew to enroll in certain payroll deductions to be paid to a Visa, Master Card or debit card, and the card is directly printed onboard.

OceanPay Format

In order to use the Cashless Payroll feature, you must enable the below parameters under the Payroll Group.

Table 3-1 Ocean Pay Parameters

PAR Name PAR Value Description

Cashless Payroll Option


0 = Ocean Pay

1 = Salary@Sea

OceanPay File Output Folder

\\[shared network folder]\transfer

Folder path to save the output file when generating card order for cashless payroll. You may need to specify the folder in a network path for security purposes.

OceanPay MT Prefix Nbr


Defaults prefix number for MT Card. Populated in Cashless Payroll setup

OceanPay VISA Prefix Nbr


Defaults prefix number for VISA Card. Populated in Cashless Payroll setup

Pay codes For OceanPay Top-Up Transactions


Value of SED_NO. Pay code for payroll deduction pay codes that will be transferred into the payments file when transactions are posted.

Stores multiple SED_NO with Comma Delimited (,).

Stock Code For OceanPay MT


Default Stock Code for MT Card. Populate in Cashless Payroll setup.

Configuring Ocean Pay Standard Parameter

On the General tab of the Standard Parameter Configuration, enter the information in all the mandatory fields.

Before you begin using the Cashless Payroll option, you must set up the basic configuration in the Cashless Payroll menu.

Figure 3-1 Cashless Payroll Standard Parameter Configuration

The figure shows the Cashless Payroll Standard Parameter Configuration window.

Table 3-2 Cashless Payroll Parameter Field Definition

Field Definition

General Detail

VISA Prefix Nbr

Prefix number for VISA card. Default value is specified in parameter “OceanPay VISA Prefix Nbr”.

MT Prefix Nbr

Prefix number for Master card. Default value is specified in parameter “OceanPay MT Prefix Nbr”.

MT Stock Code

Card stock code for Master card. Default value is specified in parameter “Stock Code For OceanPay MT”.

Bulk Shipping Info

Institution ID

Institution Identification ID.

Shipping Service ID

Shipping Service ID.

  • 00 – No used

  • 01 – First Overnight

  • 02 – Priority Overnight

  • 03 – Standard Overnight

  • 04 – Two Days

  • 05 – Express Saver

Contact Name

Contact name.

Company Name

Company name.


Street address.


Address city.


Address state.


Address zip code.


Contact phone.

Customer Number

Customer ID.

Org.ID Number

Organization ID number.

Division ID Number

Division ID number.

Payment Transaction Company Info

Company Name

Company name.

Discretionary Data

Company Discretionary Data.

Co. Iden (IRS)

Company Identification. IRS Employer Identification number.

Co. Iden (Provider)

Company ID as specified by provider.


ABA number.

System Parameter

File Output Folder

Output file location when generating GL file. Default location is specified in parameter “OceanPay File Output Folder”.

The directory for storing the file needs to be under network path for security purposes

PGP Encryption

See the OHC Tools User Guide on the PGP Encryption process in the Oracle Help Center.

Deleting Card Ordering File

In order to protect the data from being comprised, the Delete Card Ordering File button is used to remove the unused, expired requests or files sent to PGP. For the delete function to work, this would require the SDelete component to be installed.

  1. Unzip the SDelete.zip into the same directory of Oracle Hospitality Cruise program folder.

  2. Click the Delete Card Ordering File button at the General tab.

  3. Click the Open File button to browse for the file.

  4. Click Delete to completely remove the data file.

Card Ordering

The Card Ordering tab enables you to create a card request file for submission to the bank. The screen shows all the crew members onboard and you can either select by embarkation or debarkation date.

Figure 3-2 Card Ordering Selection

The figure shows the Card Ordering Selection window.

To place the card order for the crew member,

  1. Select the crew member from the grid.

  2. Click Add Selected or Add All. You can also deselect them from the grid on the left and then click Remove Selected or Remove All.

  3. Select the card type to print. You can choose to print the debit card onboard or at shoreside using the system provided by Ocean Pay.

  4. Click the Order XXXX button to place the order.

  5. If the crew has ordered a card or the card is not due to expire, the system prompt if you wish to continue to move the name to the selected column. Select the corresponding option.

  6. The system will create three (3) separate files containing the same information:

  • Order Visa Card: This uses the specific VISA prefix file format.

  • Order MT Card: This uses the specific MT Card Prefix file format.


You are not allowed to generate the card ordering file without first specifying the encryption key.

The program will validate all the required information written to the file of each crew member. The mandatory fields are: Address, Street, City, State, Country and Zip code. An exception log file is created in the Oracle Hospitality Cruise folder for records that does not have the mandatory information.

Figure 3-3 Card Ordering File Not Generated

The figure shows the Card Ordering File Not Generated message.

The following process takes place when the Card Ordering file is generated:

  • It saves the generated PGP Encrypted file into the network path specified and uses the following naming convention “ship name” + “MMDDYYYY”+ “_” + “unique number”. For example: Demo12082009_180237.pgp

  • Older files are automatically moved into the History folder for audit purposes. The files can be deleted using the Delete Card Ordering File.

  • The program does not allow a crew member to place the card ordering twice. The card ordering will not add the request into the card request file.

  • All generated records are stored in the CPT table.

Below is an example of an encrypted output file.

Figure 3-4 Encrypted Output File

The figure shows an excerpt of an encrypted output file.

Salary at Sea Format

The Salary@Sea format is another cashless payroll functionality. To use this function, you must set up the following in the Administration and Payroll module.

  • Pay code Type

  • Pay code

  • Cashless Payroll Standard Parameter Configuration

  • Database Parameter listed in below table.

In the Pay code setup, ensure these are configured:

  • Pay code Type setup:

    • Pay code Type ID: PC

    • Pay code Type description: Cashless Payroll

    • Enabled: Checked

  • Pay code Setup:

    • Pay code ID: 0150

    • Sort order : 150

    • Pay code description : Salary@Sea

    • Pay code type : PC Cashless Payroll

    • Status : Active

    • Calc Method : P-FLAT Flat Amount

    • Apply Order : 150

See Setting up Payroll Codes on how to configure a pay code.

Table 3-3 Salary@Sea Parameters

PAR Name PAR Value Description

Salary@Sea File Output Folder

<network path>

For security purposes, the path defined must be a network path.

Cashless Payroll Option


0 = Ocean Pay

1 = Salary@Sea

Cashless Payroll Pay code Type


Pre-configured Pay code Type in Payroll module.

Configuring Salary at Sea Standard Parameter

In the Cashless Payroll menu, General tab, enter the value per below table.

Figure 3-5 Cashless Payroll - Salary @Sea

The figure shows the Cashless Payroll - Salary @Sea form.

Table 3-4 Salary@Sea Field Definition

Setup Value Remarks

Partner ID


Default value will be set to 0043

Program ID


Default value will be set to 4322

Batch Promotion ID


xx = refer to ship id

File Name Reference


Default value will be set to Citibank

Generating a File

Once you have all the parameters in place, you can then generate the file from the Cashless Payroll menu, Transfer File Creation function.

  1. Open the Cashless Payroll menu and navigate to the Transfer File Creation tab.

  2. Select the Pay Period from the drop-down list.

  3. You may receive multiple confirmation prompts depending on the records that are being processed. Read through each pop-up message and then click OK to continue.

  4. Once the file is generated, the PAY_ID will display with Salary@Sea Pay code in the pay item list, as shown in below diagram.

Figure 3-6 Pay ID in Pay Items List

The figure shows Pay IDs in the Pay Items List.

Below, there are sample transfer files for single, multiple and voided Salary@Sea transactions.

Figure 3-7 Single Salary@Sea Transaction

The figure shows a sample transfer file for a single Salary@Sea transaction.

Figure 3-8 Multiple Salary@Sea Transactions

The figure shows a sample transfer file for multiple Salary@Sea transactions.

Figure 3-9 Voided Salary@Sea Transaction

The figure shows a sample transfer file for a voided Salary@Sea transaction.

File Transfer Specification

The file name generated by Salary@Sea in a ‘tmp’ file format is saved in the following format; <ShipName>_<FileNameReference>_<ProgramID>_EOM_MMDDYYYY-HHMMSS.tmp

Transfer File layout

Each of the transfer file type has a specific header and layout format, as described in the following tables.

Table 3-5 Header code/ report type

Header code/ report type Description


File Header Record


Batch Header Record


Request Record


Add Funds Action


Batch Footer Record


File Footer Record

Figure 3-10 Sample transfer file

The figure shows a Sample transfer file.

Table 3-6 Layout specification — Header code/ report type: 01

Field Name Position Length Type Comment SPMS Mapping

Record Type

1 – 2




Hardcode to 01

Partner ID

3 – 6




Refer to Partner ID configured/specified in Payroll, Cashless Setup

File Name

7 – 56



Unique name for each transfer file


Pass through

57 – 88



Client can use this field in whatever manner they choose. It will be passed backed in the reply file.

Remain empty for now since response files are out of scope at this point

Creation date

89 – 96



Date the file was created

Date format: YYYYMMDD

Table 3-7 Layout specification — Header code/ report type: 03

Field Name Position Length Type Comment SPMS Mapping

Record Type

1 – 2




Hardcode to 03

Program ID

3 – 6




Refer to Program ID configured/specified in Payroll > Cashless Setup

Batch description

7 – 70



Payment memo will appear on recipient’s statement

Format: ‘PaymentYYYYMMDD’

YYYYMMDD is computer date.

Pass through

71 – 102




Remain empty

Batch promotion ID

103 – 110




Refer to Promotion ID configured/specified in “Payroll”,”Cashless Setup”

Settlement Date

111 – 118




Remain empty as required

Table 3-8 Layout specification — Header code/ report type: 09

Field Name Position Length Type Comment SPMS Mapping

Record Type

1 – 2




Hardcode to 09

Partner user id

3 – 52



Unique account identifier (Crew ID)

Refer to crew’s external ID (UXP_C_EXTERNALID)

Pass through

53 – 84




Remain empty

Table 3-9 Layout specification — Header code/ report type: 05

Field Name Position Length Type Comment SPMS Mapping

Record Type

1 – 2




Hardcode to 05

Pass Through

3 – 34




Remain empty


35 – 44



Amount $35.57 is display as ‘3557’


Taxable Flag

45 – 45




Hardcode to ‘0’

Notification Indicator

46 - 55




Remain empty

Partner payment id

56 – 95



Prevent payment duplication




For example,


Direct/Claim Flag

96 – 96



1 – standard payroll

0 – off cycle payroll

Hardcode to ‘1’

Imported record ID

97 – 104




Remain empty

Table 3-10 Layout specification — Header code/ report type: 04

Field Name Position Length Type Comment SPMS Mapping

Record Type

1 – 2




Hardcode to 04

Table 3-11 Layout specification — Header code/ report type: 02

Field Name Position Length Type Comment SPMS Mapping

Record Type

1 – 2




Hardcode to 02

Event Log

The system logs all transfer files created into the LOG table with LOG_KEY as “SalSea” and LOG_NOTES with “Start writing…” and “Finish writing …”