4 History Movement

The History Movement function allow you to look up the past movement records.

Figure 4-1 History Movement Page

This figure shows the History Movement Page

History Movement Search

  1. From the Gateway Security menu, select the History Movement sub-menu.

  2. On the History Movement page, search the record by name (either first name, middle name or last name) and/or stateroom.

  3. Enter the value in the search box.

  4. Click the Search button.

History Movement Advanced Search

  1. On the History Movement page, click Go to Advanced Search. See below for available fields.

  2. On the Advanced Search page, search by using manual entry or selecting from the list the values in the Search box.

  3. Click Search.

  • Location: The Gate location that the passenger used to come onboard or go ashore

  • Movement: Indicates the gate direction used by the passenger (onboard, ashore)

  • Start Date: Date and time the passenger embarked or disembarked from the ship through the gateway

  • End Date: Date and time the passenger embarked or disembarked from the ship through the gateway

  • Profile Type: Profile Type to be searched, guest, crew, and so on

  • Name: The First name, middle name, last name of the passenger

  • Stateroom: The Stateroom number of the passenger