3 People Movement Page

On the People Movement page, the following options are available.

  • View Profile Information

  • Scan a Boarding Card

  • Update Profile information such as passenger photo and update any special needs that the passenger may have.

To look up the passenger information, either use the scan board card function or manually search the record using by entering the name, cabin or document number in the search bar.

Figure 3-1 People Movement Page

This figure shows the People Movement Page

Profile Information

The presentation of the People Movement page for a single direction is different from the ‘Both Directions’. When ‘Both Directions’ is selected, you can change the view to show the information in a single view, or tiled vertically or horizontally by pressing the options below the search bar.

Figure 3-2 People Movement Page – Single Direction

This figure show the People Movement Page – Single Direction

Figure 3-3 People Movement Page – Both Direction Horizontal View

People Movement Page – Both Direction Horizontal View

Figure 3-4 People Movement Page – Both Direction Vertical View

This figure shows the People Movement Page – Both Direction Vertical View

In the Profile section, apart from showing the profile details listed in the below table, it also records the movement, followed by a success or fail status message, depending on the direction settings, as explained below.

  • If the Inward or Outward direction is chosen, a single profile view is shown with the recorded movement and its status.

  • If the direction selected is Bothway, you can change the view to single, horizontal or vertical, by selecting the panel icon at the top right corner. The horizontal and vertical views has two panels - Onboard and Ashore.

In the Recent Movements section, tiles of the people who passed through the gate successfully are shown.

Table 3-1 Profile Details

Field Name Description


Salutation, first name, middle name, last name, stateroom number

Profile Type

Guest, Resident, Crew or Visitor will be shown


Current Reservation Status


Status of the passenger either Onboard or Ashore

Assembly Station

Location of assembly/muster station for the passenger


Assigned department for the Crew Member


The Crew Member position


Gender of the passenger selection

Date of Birth

Date of birth of the passenger


Passenger age, calculated based on date of birth


The Nationality of the Passenger

Passport Number

Passport Number of the Passenger

Document Type

List of Travel Documents associated to the passenger

Document Number

Travel Document number of the selected document type

Special Needs Description

List of Special Needs of the Passenger

Special Needs Remark

Additional comments/remarks of the Passenger’s Special Needs. (Visible if the remark has a value, otherwise it will be blank)

Table 3-2 Color in Legend

Color Text

Light Blue

Color to show the profile type of Guest, Crew, and Resident


Color to show Onboard Status. Ashore, Expected, and Reservation Status

Light Orange

Color to show Expected or Future Reservation


Color to show reservation status of Cancelled


Color to show reservation status of Checked-in, and On-board


Color to show the reservation status of Leaving Today

Light Grey

Color to show the reservation status of Checked Out


Color to show the passenger is on an Overnight Tour

Scanning a Board Card

  1. Click the Scan button.
  2. This navigate to the scan page and turn on the scanning device.
  3. Scan the barcode.
  4. If the profile exists, the system authorizes the guest's movement. The system return an error message “System unable to verify barcode – barcode not found” when verification of the barcode failed or timed-out with error.

    Figure 3-5 Barcode Scanning

    This figure shows the Barcode Scanning

Manually Search for Profile Information

Figure 3-6 Profile Search Results

This figure shows the Profile Search Results
  1. Enter either the Last Name, First Name Document Number, Stateroom Number, Manning Number or Board Card Number in the search bar, then click the Search button.
  2. All the matching records are shown in the results view. Select a record.
  3. The system shows a confirmation message “Are you sure you want to change <salutation> <full name> to <onboard status>”
    • Click Yes to continue the people movement process. See the Validation Message section for more information.

    • Click No to terminate the people movement process and the system navigates back to the search screen.

Profile Picture

Crew members can capture a new photo for the profile using the Take Photo function or use Edit Photo to update an existing photo.

Taking Profile Photo

  1. On the Profile page, click the Take Photo button to activate the camera.

  2. In the Camera window, click the Take Photo button.

  3. The system shows the person's picture. To retake the photo, press the Take Again button.

  4. Click the Save Photo button to save and the X to exit the page.

Editing Profile Photo

  1. Click the Edit Photo link to activate the camera.

  2. On the Profile Picture, click the Take Again button.

  3. Click the Save Photo button to save and the X to exit the page.

Adding Special Need Request

Figure 3-7 Special Need Request Page

This figure shows the Special Need Request Page
  1. On the People Movement Page, click the Special Needs button of the onboard profile views to navigate to the Special Needs page. This button is disabled if the status is set to Ashore.
  2. Check mark the special needs item from the list of values, and enter a remark in the Remarks field.
  3. Click the Save button.
  4. The special needs and remarks are shown in the profile section of the People Movement page.

Editing Special Need Request

  1. On the People Movement page, the profile view shows the special needs selection.
  2. In the onboard profile view, click the Special Needs button.
  3. Navigate to the Special Needs page.
  4. The Crew Member will see the previously selected special needs value and remarks. Check mark the list of values to select/deselect.
  5. Edit the Remarks field, if needed.
  6. Click the Save button. This navigates the user back to the People Movement page with the updated selection.

Recent Movement Tile

The Recent Movement section displays up to 10 movements at the Gangway.

Figure 3-8 Recent Movement Page

This figure shows the Recent Movement Page

Figure 3-9 Recent Movement History

This figure shows the Recent Movement History page
  • Location: The gate location that the passenger used to come on board or go ashore.

  • Movement: Indicates the gate direction used by the passenger (onboard/ashore).

  • Start Date: Date and time the passenger embarked or disembarked from the ship through the gateway.

  • End Date: Date and time the passenger embarked or disembarked from the ship through the gateway.

You can also search for the movement history from this page using below steps.
  1. Click the recent movement tile.

  2. Navigate to the Profile’s Movement History page.

  3. On the Profile’s Movement History page, search the history by entering or selecting the value from the Search box.

  4. Click the Search button.