Backorder Card

How to print: Enter GBOC in the Fast path field at the top of any menu, or select Generate Backorder Cards from a menu.

The Generate Backorder Cards job produces a backorder card for each order containing one or more backordered items if the order is not eligible for an email notification (see Working with E-Mail Notification Templates (WEMT)) or the Outbound Email XML Message (CWEmailOut). Up to four backorder notifications print on each 8 1/2 x 11" page.

Working with forms: See Forms Management (My Forms) for information on displaying or printing backorder notification cards and other forms.

Sample backorder notification cards: See the  backorder notification card sample .

Note:             This sample represents the notification that prints when the Backorder Card Print Program (D04) system control value is set to BOCARDS. Depending on your setting, your backorder notifications may appear different.

Form naming: File names for backorder notices indicate the user ID of the person who submitted the job and which notices are included in the file. For example, a file named BOCARDSSECOND.SBROWN.20070214.123456.pdf was generated by SBROWN and contains second notices. See Forms Management (My Forms) for a discussion of form naming conventions.


         Order number

         Item code

         SKU code (included if the item has SKUs)

         Item quantity

         Expected ship date. See Purchase Order Layering for a discussion.

         Item description

         Sold To customer name and address (name of person who placed order), including:

         company name

         customer prefix code, first name, middle initial, last name, and suffix

         address line 1

         apartment or suite

         address lines 2-4

         city, state, and postal code


Note:             The cards print in numeric order by order number, regardless of the postal code or country of the customer’s mailing address.

Backorder Cancellation Register

How to print: The system generates this list when you process backorder notifications through Generate Backorder Notices (GBOC); it provides information on each item due to be canceled from an order.

Excluded from the backorder cancellation register: Items/SKUs whose Suppress backorder card field is selected; see Performing Initial Item Entry (MITM).

For more information: See the  sample report    in PDF format.


         Order number and number of shipping address

         Sold-to customer name (name of person who placed the order)

         Order line number

         Item code

         SKU codes, if any

         Quantity backordered

         Scheduled cancel date

How to use this report: Use this report as a guide for contacting customers to suggest alternative items, or for canceling the backordered items through Order Maintenance.

For more information: See Working with Backorders Pending Cancellation (WBPC).

