Generate Backorder Notices (GBOC)

Use the Generate Backorder Notifications function to generate notices (cards, emails, or the Outbound Email XML Message (CWEmailOut)) informing customers when backordered items are expected to ship. The function automatically generates an initial (first) backorder notice if you select the Immediate B/O notice field at the Create Order Type Screen.

If you have defined a Number of Days to Delay Initial Backorder Notice (D89) in the System Control table, the system does not generate a notice for a backordered item unless you do not expect to ship the item until after the defined delay period.

Note:            Once an expected delivery date for a backordered item is expired or changed, the system automatically generates a backorder notice, regardless of the value in the Immediate B/O notice field.

Typically, you would want to notify customers immediately about backordered items if they place an order through the mail or fax; you can inform customers who order by phone at the time you take their orders if an item they want is currently backordered.

Order Broker: If an order line is assigned to the Order Broker for fulfillment, this option does not generate backorder notices for the order line while the Order Broker request is in process; however, if the Order Broker cannot fulfill the order, the order line returns to standard backorder processing and is eligible for backorder notice generation.

See the Order Broker Integration for background.

Generate notice if purchase order changes? The FTC - Suppress Backorder Notice for Due Date Changes (L65) system control value controls whether to generate a backorder notice if you change the due date for the next expected purchase order to a later date, or cancel the purchase order.

Quotes? The system does not generate backorder notification emails for quotes; see Entering Pre-Order Quotes for an overview.


1.      Enter GBOC in the Fast path field at the top of any menu, or select Generate Backorder Cards from a menu.

2.      The system submits the BO_CARDS job and displays a confirmation message at the bottom of the screen.

3.      The job generates:

         first, second, and continuing backorder cards (depending on the settings in the System Control table) using the Backorder Card Print Program (D04); see Backorder Card

         first, second, and continuing email backorder notifications or the Outbound Email XML Message (CWEmailOut) rather than generating document notices for printing for certain customers; see When Does the System Generate an Email Notification?

         the Backorder Cancellation Register.

4.      The job writes a message to the Order History table, such as:

1st B/O--line 2, ship date 11/15/06

Also, in the case of an email notification, the system writes an Order History message such as:

BO 1st Ntf to m.

This message indicates the user ID of the person who submitted the BO_CARDS job.

If using backorders pending cancellation: If the FTC--Second Notice Output (E68) system control value is set to FILE/PRINT or FILE, and the FTC -- Action after Second Notification (C70) value is set to CANCEL, the job creates records in the Backorder Cancellation Pending table (BOCANP) for each second notice. You can use Working with Backorders Pending Cancellation (WBPC) to continue to work with these orders. Your options include:

         advancing to order maintenance or standard order inquiry

         accepting a backorder delay

         canceling a group of backorders

         generating backorder notices

You can generate backorder notices through the Work with Backorders Pending Cancellation menu option only if the FTC--Second Notice Output (E68) system control value is set to FILE. The system submits the job SEC_NOTICE when you generate notices through this menu option. In this situation, the system writes two order history messages: one when you write the record to the Backorder Cancellation Pending table, and one when you actually generate the notice. Both messages are identical.

For more information:

         Purchase Order Layering and Backorder Notifications

         Purchase Order Layering

         Working with Backorders Pending Cancellation (WBPC)

Purchase Order Layering

Purchase order layering updates the expected delivery dates for items on backorder, based on records in the PO Layering table. The oldest orders on the system receive stock before new orders.

When to run purchase order layering: It is important to run this function before you generate backorder notices or run any other function that relies on accurate purchase order date and quantity information. You can run Purchase Order Layering on demand at any time.

Important:                           When you run purchase order layering, the system clears the PO Layering table and rebuilds it based on the purchase order records that are uploaded to the table. In order to ensure accurate updates, you must upload the PO Layering table with ALL open purchase orders every time you perform an upload.

Instructions: Follow these steps to update purchase order layering.


Upload the most recent purchase order information to the PO Layering table:

         Use the File Storage API to upload a POLAYR text file to the FILE_STORAGE table, and then run the UPPOLAY Upload PO Layering File (Program name PFR0134, Parameter POLAYR) periodic function to update the PO Layering table, or

         Place the file in the CWDIRECTCP_UPLOAD_ DIRECTORY if the file storage API is not enabled, and then run the UPPOLAY Upload PO Layering File (Program name PFR0134, Parameter POLAYR) periodic function to update the PO Layering table, or

         Use the Work with File Uploads (WUPL) menu option to upload the text file and update the PO Layering table.

PO Layering Table (POLAYR)

The PO Layering table contains the following fields:

         Company (numeric, 3 positions)

         Item number (alphanumeric, 12 positions)

         SKU code (alphanumeric, 14 positions)

         Warehouse (numeric, 3 positions)

         PO number (numeric, 7 positions)

         Sequence number (numeric, 5 positions)

         Due date (numeric, 7 positions)

         Open quantity (numeric, 7 positions)

         Status (alphanumeric, 16 positions)

         Reference number (alphanumeric, 15 positions)

You can use the following sample data to create a PO Layering upload file:

7|RF123SKU4567|ROSE XSML WMNS|4|53|1|1080915|20| |Ref#


         To leave any field in the upload file blank, pass a space in an alphanumeric field and a 0 in a numeric field so that the file can be processed without errors. Leaving a field with no space or 0 is interpreted as null in the database and causes errors.

         If you run the UPPOLAY periodic function and you do not have a POLAYR file in the folder defined in the CWDIRECTCP_UPLOAD_DIRECTORY property, the system writes an error that you can review in Work with File Uploads (WUPL). The error indicates that the process could not complete because the POLAYR file was not found in the upload folder.


Once the records are uploaded to the PO Layering table, the process uses the newly uploaded records to update the due date and backorder quantity for order lines on backorder. This update occurs for all companies and all warehouses for which there is an entry in the PO Layering table.

Errors: If an error occurs during the upload, the system clears the file and does not update the due date and backorder quantity for order lines on backorder.

Note:             The system does not update records in the PO layering table when you change an item on backorder (such as deleting, rejecting, or canceling an order line on backorder). In this situation, you must perform a PO Layering Upload again to make sure the information in the PO Layering table is correct.

Update PO Layering Example

The following records are in the PO Layering table for item ABC:


Due Date

Open Qty


January 1



February 1


You place the following orders for item ABC:


Order Qty




The system:

         decreases the Open Qty for PO# 100 in the PO Layering table to 1.

         assigns an expected date of January 1 to the order line.



The system:

         decreases the Open Qty for PO# 100 in the PO Layering table to 0 and updates its status to C (Closed).

         decreases the Open Qty for PO# 115 in the PO Layering table to 49.

 assigns an expected date of February 1 to the order line.



The system:

         decreases the Open Qty for PO# 115 in the PO Layering table to 48.

         assigns an expected date of February 1 to the order line.

You cancel order 1010, freeing up 1 unit of item ABC on purchase order 100. However, the system does not reevaluate the expected date assigned to the open orders for item ABC until you upload the PO Layering table with the most recent purchase order information in your external system.

You upload the most recent purchase order information in your external system to the PO Layering table. The following records are now in the PO Layering table for item ABC:


Due Date

Open Qty


January 1



February 1



February 15


The system updates the expected date for the open orders that contain item ABC based on the records in the PO Layering table:


Order Qty



N/A - line canceled

The system does not update the order since it has been canceled.



The system:

         decreases the Open Qty for PO# 100 in the PO Layering table to 0 and updates its status to C (Closed).

         assigns an expected date of January 1 to the order line.



The system:

         decreases the Open Qty for PO# 115 in the PO Layering table to 49.

         assigns an expected date of February 1 to the order line.

Update on-order quantity? The UPDATE_ON_ORDER_FROM_PO_LAYERING property controls whether the PO layering process updates the on-order quantity for the warehouse:

         You should set this property to TRUE if you upgrade to 19.0 or higher from a release prior to 18.0, in order to have PO layering update the on-order quantity consistently with prior functionality.

         You should leave this property set to FALSE if you use the Enterprise Order Integration (Future Receipts and Active PO/Pre-Order Processing), since the OCDSFA periodic function also updates the warehouse on-order quantity.

If this property is set to TRUE and you run the OCDSFA periodic function as well as the PO layering process, whichever process ran most recently updates the on-order quantity for the warehouse.

