Working with File Imports

Purpose: Your options for uploading file data to Order Management System are:

         File storage API: If the FILE_STORAGE_IMPORTS_ENABLED property is selected, you use the file storage API to import files for most types of imports, as well as deleting files that are no longer needed. See the Available File Uploads for details.

The file storage API stages uploaded file data in the FILE_STORAGE database table. Upload processes point to the FILE_STORAGE table when retrieving data to update target database tables. See File Storage API.

The file storage API also supports exporting files. See File Storage API.

         Populate upload folder: If the FILE_STORAGE_IMPORTS_ENABLED property is not selected, you can use secure FTP to place upload files in a specified upload folder. Upload processes point to the specified upload folder when retrieving data from files to update target database tables.

         Work with File Uploads (WUPL): Regardless of whether the FILE_STORAGE_IMPORTS_ENABLED property is selected, you can use this menu option to upload files. When you upload a file through this menu option, if the file contents need to first be placed in a staging database table before processing, the upload process populates the staging table with the file data. However, you cannot use this option for the Oracle Retail Merchandising Foundation Cloud Service (RMFCS) and Oracle Retail Pricing Cloud Service (RPCS) Integration.

Regardless of how the upload file contents are retrieved or staged, you then need to update the destination table in the Order Management System database with the uploaded data. The file layouts, edits, and periodic processes are the same, regardless of the method you use to upload the data.

In this topic:

         File Upload Setup

         File Upload Process

         Populating the Upload File

         File Storage API

         Processing File Uploads through Work with File Uploads (WUPL)

         Available File Uploads

         Purging Upload History

         Sample Upload Data

For more information: See Work with File Uploads (WUPL).

File Upload Setup

Before you can use the file upload process, you must complete the required setup.

         File Upload Properties

         Available File Uploads

File Upload Properties

Order Management System uses the following properties to process a file upload.

Property Name



Located in Working with Customer Properties (PROP).

Defines whether to use the FILE_STORAGE table and the file storage API, rather than Work with File Uploads (WUPL), to upload files. See File Storage API for information.

Note:  If the file storage API is enabled for imports, you need to use Work with File Uploads (WUPL) for the Sales Associates, Stores, or USPS Zip Codes uploads. The file storage API is not enabled for these uploads.


Located in Working with Customer Properties (PROP).

The maximum size, in bytes, of a file that can be uploaded to the FILE_STORAGE table. Applies only if the FILE_STORAGE_IMPORTS_ENABLED property is set to true. If a file’s size exceeds this maximum, the API returns a 403 error and the upload fails.

Uploaded files should be less than 1G in size, so this property should be set to 1073741824 or less.


Located in Working with Admin Properties (CPRP).

Defines the number of records to process in an upload file at a time. The default setting is 2500, indicating the system inserts records from the upload file into the Order Management System database in batches of 2500. If a record in a batch contains an error, the system does not insert any of the records in the batch into the Order Management System database and places the upload file in an error status. For troubleshooting purposes, you can decrease the UPLOAD_BATCH_SIZE and reprocess the file upload to help you determine which record contains the error.

Example:  In this example, the CWDIRECTCP_UPLOAD_BATCH_SIZE is 10. You process an upload file containing 30 records. In this situation, the system processes the upload file in 3 batches: the first batch contains records 1-10; the second batch contains records 11-20; and the third batch contains records 21-30. If a record in the second batch fails, the system does not process any of the records in the second batch, but does process all of the records in the first batch and third batch.


Located in Working with Admin Properties (CPRP).

Defines the location on the Order Management System application server used for the upload file if the File Storage API is not in use. However, even if the file storage API is enabled for imports, the process still uses this folder to place files that have been uploaded prior to additional processing.

Used for all the uploads listed under Available File Uploads, except for the Sales Associates, Stores, or USPS Zip Codes uploads.


Located in Working with Customer Properties (PROP).

Defines the location on the Order Management System application server used for the Sales Associates upload file, or for upload processing if the file storage API is enabled for imports.


Located in Working with Customer Properties (PROP).

Defines the location on the Order Management System application server used for the USPS Zip Codes upload file, or for upload processing if the file storage API is enabled for imports.


Located in Working with Customer Properties (PROP).

Defines the location on the Order Management System application server used for the Stores upload file.

File Upload Process

The file upload process includes the following steps:

         Populating the Upload File

         Using the File Storage API or Processing File Uploads through Work with File Uploads (WUPL)

         Processing staged data: Some uploads, such as Catalog Requests, initially populate an intermediate table in the database. For these uploads, you need to run an additional process to use the contents of the intermediate table to populate the destination table. Uploads that require the use of a staging table are described under Available File Uploads.

Populating the Upload File

The file upload requires you to identify the file containing the data to upload to the Order Management System database. You can create an upload file by:

         creating your own text file, using a text editor or spreadsheet application, or

         copying the sample file upload data, pasting the data into a text editor, and saving it with the file extension .txt, unless otherwise indicated. See Sample Upload Data.

Important:                           In order to leave any field in an upload file blank, pass a space in an alphanumeric field and a 0 in a numeric field so that the file can be processed without errors. Leaving a field with no space or 0 is interpreted as null in the database and causes errors.

File Storage API

File storage for imports: If the FILE_STORAGE_IMPORTS_ENABLED property is selected, you can use the file storage API to:

         upload files for import

         obtain a list of files that have been uploaded, or that are in error

         download a file, such as an error file (does not automatically delete the file)

         delete files

Note:            Use of the file storage API is required for new installations of Order Management System 17.x and later.

File storage for exports: If the FILE_STORAGE_EXPORTS_ENABLED property is selected, you can use the file storage API to:

         obtain a list of export files that have been generated

         download an export file

         delete files

Use of the FILE_STORAGE table: The FILE_STORAGE table stores data on import files and export files, as well as errors that occur during import or export processing. The web service requests files from, deletes files in, and puts files in this table.

Note:            When you view the database in Oracle SQL Developer, the FILE_STORAGE table is displayed under Tables, but is not displayed under Views.

Import processing example: To import Catalog Requests through the file storage API:

1.      Create or obtain the Catalog Request file named IXCRIN.txt. See the Sample Catalog Requests Upload Data for sample contents.

2.      Use the putFile web service request to place the IXCRIN.txt file data in the OMS-IMPORTS container of the FILE_STORAGE table.

3.      Run the UPCATRQ Upload Catalog Request File (Program name PFR0134, Parameter IXCRIN) periodic function to use the contents of the FILE_STORAGE record to populate the Catalog Request Interface table (IXCRIN).

This deletes the record from the FILE_STORAGE table. Also, the system creates a file upload record, viewable at the Work with File Upload Screen.

4.      Use the Work with Catalog Request Interface (WCRU) menu option to process the records in the Catalog Request Interface table; see Working with the Catalog Request Interface (WCRU).

When the uploaded file record is processed by the related import function, the record is deleted. It is not archived in the FILE_STORAGE folder or on the server.

Export processing example: To export marketing download data through the file storage API:

1.      The system creates records in the Marketing Download Trigger table as a result of certain actions in Order Management System.

2.      Run the MDEXTR Marketing Download Order and Customer Extract (CSX1041) periodic function to extract order and customer-related records in the Marketing Download Trigger table to the appropriate Marketing Download table.

3.      Run the MDEXPRT Marketing Download Export (PFR0130) periodic function to extract the data in the Marketing Download tables to a pipe delimited text file that is included in a zip file, which is placed in the OMS-MARKETING container of the FILE_STORAGE table. The zip file has the same name as the text file, except for the .zip extension.

4.      Use the getFiles web service request to determine the names of the zip files that are in the OMS-MARKETING container.

5.      Use the getFile web service request to download one or more marketing download files from the FILE_STORAGE table.

6.      Use the deleteFile web service request to delete the files from the FILE_STORAGE table once they are downloaded.

Web service requests: Requests supported by the file storage API and their purposes are:

         getFile: Download an error or export file that has been generated by Order Management System.

         deleteFile: Delete a file record, such as an error file or export file that has already been downloaded.

         putFile: Upload an import file to Order Management System. The file format can be text (.TXT file extension) or compressed (.zip file extension, or the .MOMZIP file extension for the Oracle Retail Merchandising Foundation Cloud Service (RMFCS) and Oracle Retail Pricing Cloud Service (RPCS) Integration). If the file is compressed, Order Management System extracts the information from the zip file when processing the import. No other file extensions are supported.

Note: If you are uploading a zip file, then it must contain a text file of the same name as the zip file, which be in the base level of the zip file, with no subfolders. For example, the EXAMPLE123.ZIP file contains a single EXAMPLE123.TXT file.

The file storage API returns an error if there is already an existing file in the table with the same name, regardless of whether the suffix is different. For example, the API returns an error if you attempt to upload a file named VENDORS.ZIP if there is currently a FILE_STORAGE record named VENDORS.TXT.

         getFiles: Request a list of file records in the FILE_STORAGE table.

URL: The URL is  http://server:port/SerenadeSeam/sxrs/SerenadeREST/FileStorage, where server:port identifies the application server where the RESTful service is located.

Every web service request needs to specify a container. The types of containers are:

         OMS-IMPORTS: Contains import file records from the integrating system that can be processed by the appropriate Order Management System function. For example, use the putFile request to create an OMS-IMPORTS record so that Order Management System can import the data.

         OMS-ERRORS: Contains error file records that resulted from a process through the file storage API. For example, use the getFiles request to retrieve a list of error files that have been created.

         OMS-MARKETING: Contains zip file records, each containing a single text file of marketing download data. See Working with the Marketing Download Extract.

         OMS-ECOMMERCE: Contains zip file records, each including a single text file of ecommerce-related data. The following options create records in this container:

         Downloading E-Commerce Offer Files (EOFR): Contains the E-Commerce Product Web XML File (ProductWeb).

         Working with Merge/Purge Sold-to Names (MMCS): Contains the E-Commerce Customer Merge Web XML File (CustomerMergeWeb).

         E-Commerce Availability Web Request XML Message (AvailabilityWebRequest).

         OMS-POSLOG: Contains zip file records, each containing a single text file of POSLog data for Xlink generated through the POSLOGX periodic function.

         OMS-SALES-AUDIT: Contains RTLOG zip file records that the SNDRTLG periodic function copied to file storage after sending the files to the Sales Audit module of Oracle Retail Merchandising Foundation Cloud Service. These files are retained in the FILE_STORAGE table in case you need to resend a file through the RCVRLG periodic function. See Data Flow from Order Management System to Sales Audit Module for an overview of the data flow, and see Transmitting the RTLOG File to Object Storage for information on how the records are written to the FILE_STORAGE table and used.

Web authorization required: All request messages also need to use a valid Storage web service user ID with a valid password. See Working with Web Service Authentication (WWSA).

File cleanup:

         Import file records: The import process removes records from the OMS-IMPORTS container when populating the staging or destination database table.

         Error records: The integrating system is responsible for deleting error records.

         Export records: The integrating system is responsible for deleting export records, including the OMS-MARKETING, OMS-ECOMMERCE, OMS-POSLOG, and OMS-SALES-AUDIT containers.

Summary of file storage API responses: The response codes that might be returned to file storage requests include:

         200 = The getFile or getFiles request was successful.

         204 = The putFile or deleteFile request was successful.

         401 = The request failed because the web service user and password were not correct.

         403 = The putFile request included a file that exceeded the FILE_STORAGE_MAX_SIZE property, or that was empty.

         404 = The request failed for other reasons.

         409 = A putFile failed because a file with the same name already exists in the FILE_STORAGE table.

         500 = Server error.

Maximum file size for uploads: The FILE_STORAGE_MAX_SIZE property defines the maximum file size that you can upload through the file storage API. This property should not be set larger than 1G.

Uploading multiple files: If the amount of data for a particular upload exceeds the maximum size defined in the FILE_STORAGE_MAX_SIZE property, you can break the data out into multiple files. To upload multiple files of the same type, append a unique sequence number, such as a date/time suffix, to the file name, preceded by an underscore. The date/time suffix indicates the sequence in which to upload the contents of each file.

Example:                    To upload more than one file containing vendor data, you can create and upload a file named VNDUPL_20180702010203.ZIP and another named VNDUPL_20180702010204.ZIP. When the vendor upload program runs, the contents of both files will be extracted and loaded into the Vendor Upload table. Each zip file must include a single file using the same name, but with the TXT extension.

Note:             When an upload uses multiple files, the file names MUST include a unique sequence number suffix, such as a date/time stamp, preceded by an underscore. If the file names do not follow this convention, the upload will fail, and no subsequent uploads for the same file type will succeed until the incorrectly named files are removed from the CWDIRECTCP_UPLOAD_ DIRECTORY.

Upload directories: If the file storage API is enabled for imports, files that are placed in the CWDIRECTCP_UPLOAD_ DIRECTORY, or the other directories that are used for the are not processed by the related function; however, you can still upload a file for processing through the Work with File Uploads (WUPL) option.

Even though the system does not retrieve import files from the upload directories such as the CWDIRECTCP_UPLOAD_ DIRECTORY, import functions still use these directories for certain processing steps.

Processing File Uploads through Work with File Uploads (WUPL)

Run or schedule a file upload periodic function (see Available File Uploads) or use the Work with File Upload Screen to upload a file to a specified table in the Order Management System database.

RMFCS integration: You cannot use the Work with File Upload Screen to upload a file for the Oracle Retail Merchandising Foundation Cloud Service (RMFCS) and Oracle Retail Pricing Cloud Service (RPCS) Integration. See Data Flow from RMFCS and RPCS to Order Management System for a process overview.

Completing the Work with File Upload Screen

1.      Use the File Name field to select the file to upload.

2.      Use the File Type field to specify the type of upload to perform.

3.      Select Submit File Upload.

File Upload Process

The system:

         clears all records from the target table in the Order Management System database. Note: The system performs this step for each file type except Retail Integration Items.

         moves the upload file to the directory on the Order Management System application server defined in the CWDIRECTCP_UPLOAD_ DIRECTORY property.

         uses a bulk insert to load the records in the upload file into the specified table in the Order Management System database. The CWDIRECTCP_UPLOAD_ BATCH_SIZE property defines the batch size used to process the records in the upload file. For example, if this setting is set to 2500, the system inserts records from the upload file into the Order Management System database in batches of 2500.

The Work with File Upload Screen displays the upload history record in the lower portion of the screen.

         A Completed Status indicates all records in the file were processed successfully.

         An Error status indicates a record in the upload batch failed to upload to the database successfully. In this situation, the system does not insert any record in the batch into the Order Management System database. The system places the file upload in an Error status and a description of the first error encountered is assigned to the upload history record so that you can correct the error. Select View Error to display a description of the error that occurred during processing. The error description provides the upload batch number that failed to process.

Important:                           If you run the file upload process and an upload file does not exist to process, or if an error occurs during processing, the system will still clear the records in the associated Order Management System upload table. You must correct any errors and run the file upload process again the populate the associated Order Management System upload table.

Processing example: To import Catalog Requests through the file storage API:

1.      Create or obtain the Catalog Request file named IXCRIN.txt. See the Sample Catalog Requests Upload Data for sample contents.

2.      Use the Work with File Upload Screen to upload the IXCRIN.txt file.

This clears populates the Catalog Request Interface table (IXCRIN). Also, the system creates a file upload record, viewable at the Work with File Upload Screen.

3.      Use the Work with Catalog Request Interface (WCRU) menu option to process the records in the Catalog Request Interface table; see Working with the Catalog Request Interface (WCRU).

Troubleshooting the File Upload

Logging: During the file upload process, the system writes messages to the Trace log if its logging level is set to Debug or lower.

Example of log entries for successful file upload: 

 11:39:18,270 DEBUG TRACE - Upload started for /domain/OMSFiles/File/Uploads/RIItemUpload50Records.txt

 11:39:18,293 DEBUG TRACE - Upload completed for /domain/OMSFiles/File/Uploads/RIItemUpload50Records.txt

 11:39:18,293 DEBUG TRACE - Upload file processing started for /domain/OMSFiles/File/Uploads/RIItemUpload50Records.txt

11:39:18,316 DEBUG TRACE - Upload file is RIItemUpload50Records.txt

 11:39:18,434 DEBUG TRACE - Upload file processing ended for /domain/OMSFiles/File/Uploads/RIItemUpload50Records.txt

 11:39:48,814 DEBUG TRACE - Upload started for /domain/OMSFiles/File/Uploads/RIItemUpload50Records.txt

 11:39:48,826 DEBUG TRACE - Upload completed for /domain/OMSFiles/File/Uploads/RIItemUpload50Records.txt

 11:39:48,826 DEBUG TRACE - Upload file processing started for /domain/OMSFiles/File/Uploads/RIItemUpload50Records.txt

11:39:48,840 DEBUG TRACE - Upload file is RIItemUpload50Records.txt

 11:39:48,853 DEBUG TRACE - Upload path and file is /domain/OMSFiles/File/Uploads/RIItemUpload50Records.txt

 11:39:48,865 DEBUG TRACE - 10 RIItemUpload50Records.txt upload records have been processed so far.

 11:39:48,897 DEBUG TRACE - 20 RIItemUpload50Records.txt upload records have been processed so far.

 11:39:48,905 DEBUG TRACE - 30 RIItemUpload50Records.txt upload records have been processed so far.

 11:39:48,912 DEBUG TRACE - 40 RIItemUpload50Records.txt upload records have been processed so far.

 11:39:48,916 DEBUG TRACE - 49 RIItemUpload50Records.txt total upload records were processed.

 11:39:48,923 DEBUG TRACE - Upload file processing ended for /domain/OMSFiles/File/Uploads/RIItemUpload50Records.txt


Example of log entries for failed file upload: If an error occurs during processing, the log indicates which batch did not process successfully. Notice in this example, the third batch of records did not process.


11:41:17,811 DEBUG TRACE - Upload started for /domain/OMSFiles/File/Uploads/RIItemUpload50Records.txt

 11:41:17,820 DEBUG TRACE - Upload completed for /domain/OMSFiles/File/Uploads/RIItemUpload50Records.txt

 11:41:17,820 DEBUG TRACE - Upload file processing started for /domain/OMSFiles/File/Uploads/RIItemUpload50Records.txt

11:41:17,833 DEBUG TRACE - Upload file is RIItemUpload50Records.txt

 11:41:17,861 DEBUG TRACE - Upload file processing ended for /domain/OMSFiles/File/Uploads/RIItemUpload50Records.txt

 11:41:44,814 DEBUG TRACE - Upload started for /domain/OMSFiles/File/Uploads/RIItemUpload50Records.txt

 11:41:44,824 DEBUG TRACE - Upload completed for /domain/OMSFiles/File/Uploads/RIItemUpload50Records.txt

 11:41:44,824 DEBUG TRACE - Upload file processing started for /domain/OMSFiles/File/Uploads/RIItemUpload50Records.txt

11:41:44,837 DEBUG TRACE - Upload file is RIItemUpload50Records.txt

 11:41:44,847 DEBUG TRACE - Upload path and file is /domain/OMSFiles/File/Uploads/RIItemUpload50Records.txt

 11:41:44,863 DEBUG TRACE - 10 RIItemUpload50Records.txt upload records have been processed so far.

 11:41:44,871 DEBUG TRACE - 20 RIItemUpload50Records.txt upload records have been processed so far.

 11:41:44,957 DEBUG TRACE - 49 RIItemUpload50Records.txt total upload records were processed.

 11:41:44,977 DEBUG TRACE - Upload file processing ended for /domain/OMSFiles/File/Uploads/RIItemUpload50Records.txt


Error processing: If any record in an upload batch is in error, the system does not insert any record in the batch into the Order Management System database. The system places the upload batch in an error status and a description of the first error encountered is assigned to the associated upload history record so that you can correct the error. You can select View Error to display a description of the error that occurred during processing.

If you are unable to determine which record in the upload batch is in error, you can decrease the batch size defined for the CWDIRECTCP_UPLOAD_BATCH_SIZE setting in the CWDirectCP Properties file and reprocess the records in the batch to narrow down the record that is in error. For example, if you normally process a batch size of 2500 records, for troubleshooting purposes, you can temporarily change the batch size to 10 and reprocess. The system will process the records in the upload file in batches of 10 records and fail the upload batch that contains the error. In this example, only 10 records will exist in the batch to help you determine where the error occurred.

Note:             The system places the upload batch in an error status for the first error encountered. When you reprocess the upload file after correcting the error, the file may be placed in an error status again if another error is found during processing.

Error related to large batch size: An upload file is placed in an error status with the error message Stopped waiting for file to upload when a large file does not transfer from a user’s local machine to the Order Management System application server within 20 minutes. To correct this issue, upload the file in smaller sections to accommodate the slow upload speed or get a faster internet connection.

Other possible errors: A file upload might also fail because:

         There is a blank line at the end of the file.

         The file is not UTF-8 encoded.

Available File Uploads

Upload steps: You can upload records to the following tables in the Order Management System database. Use the processing steps listed below to upload the data in a text file and then process the file data to populate the target table.

Using file storage API: The steps listed below under To Process for each upload assume that the FILE_STORAGE_IMPORTS_ENABLED property is selected and that you have used the putFile web service method to upload the file. The file content is staged in the OMS-IMPORT container of the FILE_STORAGE table. See File Storage API for background. You will need to then run the periodic functions listed below for each upload in order to use the record in the FILE_STORAGE table to update to the target table.

Example:                    After you upload the PO Layering file record to the FILE_STORAGE table, run the UPPOLAY Upload PO Layering File (Program name PFR0134, Parameter POLAYR) periodic function to upload a PO Layering file named POLAYR.txt to the PO Layering table (POLAYR).

File storage not enabled? If the file storage API is not enabled, you can use SFTP to place the upload files in the appropriate upload directory. For most uploads, the directory is CWDIRECTCP_UPLOAD_ DIRECTORY, but exceptions are noted below. Once the file is placed in the upload directory, running the listed periodic function triggers the update to the related interface table or target table.

Example:                    After you place the PO Layering file in the CWDIRECTCP_UPLOAD_DIRECTORY, run the UPPOLAY periodic function to upload the PO Layering file named POLAYR.txt to the PO Layering table (POLAYR).

Staging table? Some of the uploads listed below initially update a staging table, and require an additional step to use the staged data to update the target table. Others can update the target table directly from the contents of the uploaded file without the use of a staging table.

Periodic processes: Some of file uploads listed below require the use of two periodic functions for processing. For example, to run the Customer Price Group Exclusions upload, you need to first run the CPGIXUP periodic function, and then the CPGIXUP periodic function. You can set up a periodic process to run these two functions.

File Upload screen: Regardless of whether the file storage API is enabled for imports, you can accomplish file uploads from the Work with File Upload Screen for each of the uploads listed below, with the exception of the batch inventory overlay import. In most cases, the upload from this screen also executes the required periodic function to process the uploaded data.

See File Upload Process for instructions on using the File Storage process or the upload from the CWDIRECTCP_UPLOAD_ DIRECTORY.

File Type

Order Management System Upload Table

To Process

Sample Upload Data

ACS Tape

ACS Tape table (CSACST)

After using the putFile method to upload the file (File Storage API) or placing the file in the CWDIRECTCP_UPLOAD_ DIRECTORY, run the UPACSTP Upload ACS Tape File (Program name PFR0134, Parameter CSACST) periodic function to upload an ACS Tape file named CSACST to the ACS Tape table (CSACST).

Note:  This step is not necessary if you use the Work with File Upload Screen to upload the ACS Tape file.

Update target table: After populating the ACS Tape table, you must use the Process Address Changes (PACS) menu option, selecting an Input File Type of ACS, to process the records in the ACS Tape table; see Loading Address Updates.

Sample ACS Tape Upload Data

Batch Inventory Overlay Upload

N/A: updates the Item Location table directly

After using the putFile method to upload the file (File Storage API) or placing the file in the CWDIRECTCP_UPLOAD_ DIRECTORY, run the INVOVRL periodic function.

Processing File Uploads through Work with File Uploads (WUPL) is not supported for the batch inventory overlay upload.

For more information: See Batch Inventory Overlay Upload.

See Batch Inventory Overlay Upload

Catalog Requests

Catalog Request Interface table (IXCRIN)

After using the putFile method to upload the file (File Storage API) or placing the file in the CWDIRECTCP_UPLOAD_ DIRECTORY, run the UPCATRQ Upload Catalog Request File (Program name PFR0134, Parameter IXCRIN) periodic function to upload a Catalog Request file named IXCRIN to the Catalog Request Interface table (IXCRIN).

Note:  This step is not necessary if you use the Work with File Upload Screen to upload the Catalog Request file.

Update target table: After populating the Catalog Request Interface table, you must use the Work with Catalog Request Interface (WCRU) menu option to process the records in the Catalog Request Interface table; see Working with the Catalog Request Interface (WCRU).

Sample Catalog Requests Upload Data

Cust Price Group Exclusions

Customer Price Group SKU Exclusion Upload Table (CUSTPGEUP)

After using the putFile method to upload the file (File Storage API) or placing the file in the CWDIRECTCP_UPLOAD_ DIRECTORY, run the UPCSTPG Upload Customer Price Group Exclusion File (Program name PFR0134, Parameter CUSTPGEUP) periodic function to upload a Customer Price Group Exclusion file named CUSTPGEUP to the Customer Price Group SKU Exclusion Upload table (CUSTPGEUP).

Note:  This step is not necessary if you use the Work with File Upload Screen to upload the Customer Price Group Exclusion file.

Update target table: After populating the Customer Price Group SKU Exclusion Upload table, use the CPGIXUP Customer Price Group SKU Exclusion Upload periodic function (Program name PFRCPGEXUP) to process the records in the upload table; see Customer Price Group SKU Exclusion Upload.

Sample Customer Price Group Exclusions Upload Data

MBS Tape

MBS Tape table (CSMBST)

After using the putFile method to upload the file (File Storage API) or placing the file in the CWDIRECTCP_UPLOAD_ DIRECTORY, run the UPMBSTP Upload MBS Tape file (Program name PFR0134, Parameter CSMBST) periodic function to upload an MBS Tape file named CSMBST to the MBS Tape table (CSMBST).

Note:  This step is not necessary if you use the Work with File Upload Screen to upload the MBS Tape file.

Update target table: After populating the MBS Tape file table, use the Process Address Changes (PACS) menu option to process the records in the MBS Tape table; see Loading Address Updates.

Sample MBS Tape Upload Data

PO Layering

PO Layering Table (POLAYR)

After using the putFile method to upload the file (File Storage API) or placing the file in the CWDIRECTCP_UPLOAD_ DIRECTORY, run the UPPOLAY Upload PO Layering File (Program name PFR0134, Parameter POLAYR) periodic function to upload a PO Layering file named POLAYR.txt to the PO Layering table (POLAYR). Once the records are uploaded to the PO Layering table, the process uses the newly uploaded records to update the due date and backorder quantity for order lines on backorder.

Note:  When you run purchase order layering, the system clears the PO Layering table and rebuilds it based on the purchase order records that are uploaded to the table. In order to ensure accurate updates, you must upload the PO Layering table with ALL open purchase orders every time you perform an upload.

Note:  This step is not necessary if you use the Work with File Upload Screen to upload the PO Layering file.

See Purchase Order Layering.

Sample PO Layering Upload Data

Price Codes

Price Code Upload Table (PriceCdUpload)

After using the putFile method to upload the file (File Storage API) or placing the file in the CWDIRECTCP_UPLOAD_ DIRECTORY, run the UPPRCCD Upload Price Code File (Program name PFR0134, Parameter PRICECDUPLOAD) periodic function to upload a Price Code file named PRICECDUPLOAD to the Price Code Upload Table (PriceCdUpload).

Note:  This step is not necessary if you use the Work with File Upload Screen to upload the Price Code upload file.

Update target table: You must run the PCUPLD Price Code Upload periodic function (Program name PFPRCCODUP) to process the records in the Price Code Upload table; see Price Code Upload.

Sample Price Codes Upload Data


Promotion Upload Table (PRMUPLD)

After using the putFile method to upload the file (File Storage API) or placing the file in the CWDIRECTCP_UPLOAD_ DIRECTORY, run the UPPROMO Upload Promotion Code File (Program name PFR0134, Parameter PRMUPLD) periodic function to upload a Promotion file named PRMUPLD to the Promotion Upload Table (PRMUPLD).

Note:  This step is not necessary if you use the Work with File Upload Screen to upload the Promotion upload file.

Update target table: You must run the PRMOUPL Create or Delete Promotions periodic function (Program name PRMOUPL) or use the Work with Promotion Values (WPRO) menu option to process the records in the Promotion Upload table; see Promotion Upload.

Sample Promotions Upload Data

Retail Integration Items

RI Item Upload Table (RIIUPP)

Note:  You cannot use the UPRITEM Upload Retail Item File (Program name PFR0134, Parameter RIIUPP) periodic function or the Work with File Upload Screen to process imports from RMFCS, although completed RMFCS imports are listed at the Work with File Upload screen. See Oracle Retail Merchandising Foundation Cloud Service (RMFCS) and Oracle Retail Pricing Cloud Service (RPCS) Integration for background.

After using the putFile method to upload the file (File Storage API) or placing the file in the CWDIRECTCP_UPLOAD_ DIRECTORY, run the UPRITEM Upload Retail Item File (Program name PFR0134, Parameter RIIUPP) periodic function to upload a Retail Integration Item file named RIIUPP to the RI Item Upload Table (RIIUPP).

Note:  This step is not necessary if you use the Work with File Upload Screen to upload the Retail Integration Item file.

Update target table: After uploading the file, run the RIUPLD Retail Integration Item Upload periodic function (Program name PFR0084) or use the Work with Retail Integration Item Upload (RIIU) menu option to process the records in the RI Item Upload table; see Working with Retail Integration Item Upload (RIIU).

Note:  You cannot use the Work with File Upload Screen to process item information from Oracle Retail Merchandising Foundation Cloud Service (RMFCS). See Oracle Retail Merchandising Foundation Cloud Service (RMFCS) and Oracle Retail Pricing Cloud Service (RPCS) Integration for information on how to import item information from RMFCS.

Sample Retail Integration Items Upload Data

Sales Associates

Salesman Associate File

After using the putFile method to upload the file (File Storage API) or placing the file in the ASSOCIATE_FILE_PATH, run the SLSUPLD (Program name PFR0109) periodic function to update the target table; see Salesman Associate Upload.

This step is not necessary if you use the Work with File Upload Screen to upload the Salesman Associate file to the ASSOCIATE_FILE_PATH.

File name: The name of the file must start with SR and have a .TXT file extension; for example: SR00001.TXT and SR00002.TXT. If there are multiple eligible files, they are processed sequentially based on file name; SR00001 processes before SR00002. If you use the file storage API for imports, you can upload a zip file that contains a single text file with the same name, for example: SR00001.ZIP containing a text file named SR00001.TXT. See Salesman Associate Upload for more information.

Note:  The SLSUPLD periodic function uses the folder defined in the ASSOCIATE_FILE_PATH rather than the CWDIRECTCP_UPLOAD_ DIRECTORY.

Sample Sales Associates Upload Data

Set Components

Set Component Upload Table (INSCUP) 

After using the putFile method to upload the file (File Storage API) or placing the file in the CWDIRECTCP_UPLOAD_ DIRECTORY, run the UPSETCM Upload Set Component File (Program name PFR0134, Parameter INSCUP) periodic function to upload a Set Component file named INSCUP to the Set Component Upload Table (INSCUP).

Note:  This step is not necessary if you use the Work with File Upload Screen to upload the Set Component file.

Update target table: You must run the UPLSETS Set Component Upload periodic function (Program name PFR0095) or use the Work with Set Component Upload (WCUP) menu option to process the records in the Set Component Upload table; see Importing Set Components (WCUP).

Sample Set Components Upload Data

Source Codes

Source Upload Table (IXSRCE)

After using the putFile method to upload the file (File Storage API) or placing the file in the CWDIRECTCP_UPLOAD_ DIRECTORY, run the UPSRCCD Upload Source Code File (Program name PFR0134, Parameter IXSRCE) periodic function to upload a Source Code file named IXSRCE to the Source Upload Table (IXSRCE).

Note:  This step is not necessary if you use the Work with File Upload Screen to upload the Source Code file.

Update target table: You must use the Work with Source Code Upload (WSRW) menu option to process the records in the Source Code Work table; see Generating Source Codes Using the Source Upload Table (WSRW).

Sample Source Codes Upload Data


Store File

File upload: Use the Work with File Upload Screen to upload the Store file to the STORE_FILE_PATH. The file name must begin with ST and have a .TXT file extension; see Store Upload.

Update target table: Run the STRUPLD periodic function. This function uses the folder defined in the STORE_FILE_PATH rather than the CWDIRECTCP_UPLOAD_ DIRECTORY.

Note:  Uploading the Store file through the file storage API is not currently supported.

Sample Stores Upload Data

USPS Zip Codes

USPS Zip Codes Upload

Use the putFile method to upload the file if you are using the File Storage API; otherwise, place the file in the CWDIRECTCP_ USPS_UPLOAD_ FILE and use the Work with File Upload Screen to upload the USPS Zip Codes file.

Update target table: After uploading the file, use the Load USPS Zip Code File (LZPS) menu option to process the uploaded file.

The file name must be ctystate.txt, and file name matching is case-sensitive.

See Fields in the USPS Zip/City/State Table and Fields in the Zip/City/State Table for background.

Sample USPS Zip Codes Upload Data


Vendor Upload Table (VNDUPL)

After using the putFile method to upload the file (File Storage API), or placing the file in the CWDIRECTCP_UPLOAD_ DIRECTORY, run the UPVENDR Upload Vendor File (Program name PFR0134, Parameter VNDUPL) periodic function to upload a Vendor file named VNDUPL to the Vendor Upload Table (VNDUPL).

Note:  This step is not necessary if you use the Work with File Upload Screen to upload the Vendor Upload file.

Update target table: After uploading the file, run the VNDUPLD Vendor Upload periodic function (Program name PFR0086) or use Working with Vendor Upload (LVUP) to process the records in the Vendor Upload table.

Sample Vendors Upload Data

Purging Upload History

PURGEUP: Run the PURGEUH Purge Upload History Table (program name PFR0126) periodic function to purge Upload History records that are older than the number of days specified in the Parameter field. If the Parameter field is blank or 0, records must be 21 days old to be eligible for purge.

Sample Upload Data

You can use the sample upload data below as a starting point to creating your own upload file by copying the sample file upload data, pasting the data into a text editor, and saving it with the file extension .TXT, unless otherwise indicated.

Important:                           In order to leave any field in an upload file blank, pass a space in the field so that the file can be processed without errors. Leaving a field with no space is interpreted as null in the database and causes errors.

         Sample ACS Tape Upload Data

         Sample Catalog Requests Upload Data

         Sample Customer Price Group Exclusions Upload Data

         Sample MBS Tape Upload Data

         Sample PO Layering Upload Data

         Sample Price Codes Upload Data

         Sample Promotions Upload Data

         Sample Retail Integration Items Upload Data

         Sample Sales Associates Upload Data

         Sample Set Components Upload Data

         Sample Source Codes Upload Data

         Sample Stores Upload Data

         Sample USPS Zip Codes Upload Data

         Sample Vendors Upload Data

Sample ACS Tape Upload Data

Use the sample data below to create an ACS Tape upload file. See ACS Tape for a setup summary, and Loading Address Updates for processing information.

200000145BXBKCCJ21263204414     200206F 038ANDERSON            JEN                        S                            1234        EXAMPLE                     CIR                 HALETHORPE                  MD21227S                            123         MARY WAY                    CT                  LINTHICUM HEIGHTS           MD21090-1754533453 MARY WAY CT                                                   XX0000        C             

Sample Catalog Requests Upload Data

Use the sample data below to create a Catalog Requests upload file. See Catalog Requests for a setup summary, and Working with the Catalog Request Interface (WCRU) for processing information.

34 SAMPLE STREET|APT123|ADDRESS LINE 2|ADDRESS LINE 3|ADDRESS LINE 4|WESTBOROUGH|01581||MA|US|5085550100|||O1|R|COMPANY NAME|SOURCE7|7|1150417|207|5085550101||5085550102||MS.|MARY|M|JOHNSON||MARYJOHNSON@EXAMPLE.COM||5085550104|5085550105|5085550106|1|1|O1

Sample Customer Price Group Exclusions Upload Data

Use the sample data below to create a Customer Price Group Exclusions upload file. See Cust Price Group Exclusions for a setup summary, and Customer Price Group SKU Exclusion Upload for processing information.


Sample MBS Tape Upload Data

Use the sample data below to create an MBS Tape upload file. See MBS Tape for a setup summary, and Loading Address Updates for processing information.

JOHN                SMITH                 1 TEST DRIVE                                                WESTBORO                MA01581                B                                            I                                      01581                                     B                                                                                                           1 TEST DRIVE                                                WESTBORO     MA                                1 TEST DRIVE APT 2                                             WESTBORO       MA01581        B           12879000|

Sample PO Layering Upload Data

Use the sample data below to create a PO Layering upload file. See PO Layering for a setup summary, and Purchase Order Layering for processing information.

7|RF123SKU4567|ROSE XSML WMNS|4|53|1|1080915|20| |Ref#

Sample Price Codes Upload Data

Use the sample data below to create a Price Codes upload file. See Price Codes for a setup summary, and Price Code Upload for processing information.

         Sample PCO Price Code Upload Record Type

         Sample PCC Price Code Customer Upload Record Type

         Sample PCD Price Code Detail Upload Record Type

Sample PCO Price Code Upload Record Type

7|1|PCO|U|1150416|1234567|PRICE CODE UPLOAD|1|1|5.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|ITEM|Y|1150401|1150501|||||0||||

Sample PCC Price Code Customer Upload Record Type


Sample PCD Price Code Detail Upload Record Type


Sample Promotions Upload Data

Use the sample data below to create a Promotions upload file. See Promotions for a setup summary, and Promotion Upload for processing information.

         Sample PRM Order Promotion Upload Record

         Sample PRM Freight Promotion Upload Record

         Sample PRM Additional Freight Promotion Upload Record

         Sample PRM Item Category Promotion Upload Record

         Sample PRM Tiered Promotion Upload Record

         Sample PRM BOGO Promotion Upload Record

         Sample PRM Delete Promotion Upload Record

         Sample PRB BOGO Promotion Upload Record

         Sample PBP BOGO by Price Code Promotion Upload Record

         Sample PMD Discount Promotion Upload Record

         Sample PRS Source Promotion Upload Record

         Sample PRC Customer Promotion Upload Record

         Sample PIC Item Category Promotion Upload Record

         Sample PIE Item Exclusion Promotion Upload Record

Sample PRM Order Promotion Upload Record

7|PRM|A|1|1150414||PUORDER|PUORDER PROMOTION DESCRIPTION|1150401|1150601|POPUP WINDOW MESSAGE 1|POPUP WINDOW MESSAGE 2|POPUP WINDOW MESSAGE 3|POPUP WINDOW MESSAGE 4|1|O|PROMOID|5.95||.00|||||1||OA|WEB|4|4|US||N|O||1|.00|10||||0|0|.00|.00|.00|||0|||.00|0|0|0|.00|.00|.00||||||.00|.00||||0||||||0|.00|5.00|.00

Sample PRM Freight Promotion Upload Record

7|PRM|A|2|1150414||PUFRT|PUFRT PROMOTION DESCRIPTION|1150401|1150601|POPUP WINDOW MESSAGE 1|POPUP WINDOW MESSAGE 2|POPUP WINDOW MESSAGE 3|POPUP WINDOW MESSAGE 4|2|F|PROMOID|6.95|Y|.00|||||1|Y||WEB|4|4|US||N|O||1|.00|10||||0|0|.00|.00|.00|||0|||.00|0|0|0|.00|.00|.00||||||.00|.00||||0||||||0|.00|.00|.00

Sample PRM Additional Freight Promotion Upload Record

7|PRM|A|3|1150414||PUADLFR|PUADLFR PROMOTION DESCRIPTION|1150401|1150601|POPUP WINDOW MESSAGE 1|POPUP WINDOW MESSAGE 2|POPUP WINDOW MESSAGE 3|POPUP WINDOW MESSAGE 4|3|A|PROMOID|5.00||.00|||||1|Y|A|WEB|4|4|US||N|O||1|.00|10||||0|0|.00|.00|.00|||0|||.00|0|0|0|.00|.00|.00||||||.00|.00||||0||||||0|.00|.00|.00

Sample PRM Item Category Promotion Upload Record

7|PRM|A|4|1150414||PUITMCT|PUITMCT PROMOTION DESCRIPTION|1150401|1150601|POPUP WINDOW MESSAGE 1|POPUP WINDOW MESSAGE 2|POPUP WINDOW MESSAGE 3|POPUP WINDOW MESSAGE 4|4|C|PROMOID|5.95||.00|||||1|||WEB|4|0|||N|O|O|1|10.00|10||||0|0|.00|.00|.00|||0|||.00|0|0|0|.00|.00|.00||||||.00|.00||||0||||||0|.00|.00|.00

Sample PRM Tiered Promotion Upload Record

7|PRM|A|5|1150414||PUTIERD|PUTIERD PROMOTION DESCRIPTION|1150401|1150601|POPUP WINDOW MESSAGE 1|POPUP WINDOW MESSAGE 2|POPUP WINDOW MESSAGE 3|POPUP WINDOW MESSAGE 4|5|T|PROMOID|0||.00|||||0||||0|0||||||1|.00|0||||0|0|.00|.00|.00|||0|||.00|0|0|0|.00|.00|.00||||||.00|.00||||0||||||0|.00|.00|.00

Sample PRM BOGO Promotion Upload Record

7|PRM|A|6|1150414||PUBOGO|PUBOGO PROMOTION DESCRIPTION|1150401|1150601|POPUP WINDOW MESSAGE 1|POPUP WINDOW MESSAGE 2|POPUP WINDOW MESSAGE 3|POPUP WINDOW MESSAGE 4|6|B|PROMOID|0.00||.00|||||0|||WEB|4|0|||N|O||1|.00|10||||0|0|.00|.00|.00|||0|||.00|0|0|0|.00|.00|.00||||||.00|.00||||0||||||0|.00|.00|.00

Sample PRM Delete Promotion Upload Record

7|PRM|D|7|1150414||PUDELTE|PUDELTE PROMOTION DESCRIPTION|1150401|1150601|POPUP WINDOW MESSAGE 1|POPUP WINDOW MESSAGE 2|POPUP WINDOW MESSAGE 3|POPUP WINDOW MESSAGE 4|7||PROMOID|5.00||.00|||||1|Y|N|WEB|4|4|US|SOURCE7|N|O|O|1|.00|10||||0|0|.00|.00|.00|||0|||.00|0|0|0|.00|.00|.00||||||.00|.00||||0||||||0|.00|.00|.00

Sample PRB BOGO Promotion Upload Record

7|PRB|A|8|1150414||BOGO1|PUBOGOB PROMOTION DESCRIPTION|0|0|||||0|||0.00||.00|||||0||||0|0||||||0|.00|0||SKU|RED|1|1|5.00|.00|.00|Y|N|0|||.00|0|0|0|.00|.00|.00||||||.00|.00||||0||||||0|.00|.00|.00

Sample PBP BOGO by Price Code Promotion Upload Record

7|PBP|A|9|1150414||BOGO1|PUBOGOP PROMOTION DESCRIPTION|0|0|||||0|||0.00||.00|||||0||||0|0||||||0|.00|0||||0|0|.00|.00|.00|||101|||50.00|1|101|1|5.00|.00|.00|N|Y|N|||.00|.00||||0||||||0|.00|.00|.00

Sample PMD Discount Promotion Upload Record

7|PMD|A|10|1150414||TG|TG TIER PROMOTION DESCRIPTION|0|0|||||0|||0.00||.00|||||0||||0|0||||||0|.00|0||||0|0|.00|.00|.00|||0|||.00|0|0|0|.00|.00|.00||||||0.00|.00|SKU|PINK||0||||||25.00|.00|.00|.00

Sample PRS Source Promotion Upload Record

7|PRS|A|11|1150414||OP|OPSORCS PROMOTION DESCRIPTION|0|0|||||0|||0.00||.00|||||0||||0|0||||||0|.00|0||||0|0|.00|.00|.00|||0|||.00|0|0|0|.00|.00|.00||||||0.00|.00|||SOURCE7|0||||||0|.00|.00|.00

Sample PRC Customer Promotion Upload Record

7|PRC|A|12|1150414||OP|OPCUSTC PROMOTION DESCRIPTION|0|0|||||0|||0.00||.00|||||0||||0|0||||||0|.00|0||||0|0|.00|.00|.00|||0|||.00|0|0|0|.00|.00|.00||||||0.00|.00||||55||||||0|.00|.00|.00

Sample PIC Item Category Promotion Upload Record

7|PIC|A|13|1150414||ITMCATP|PUITMC PROMO DESCRIPTION|0|0|||||0|||0.00||.00|||||0||||0|0||||||0|.00|0||||0|0|.00|.00|.00|||0|||.00|0|0|0|.00|.00|.00||||||0.00|.00||||0||DFLT||||0|.00|.00|.00

Sample PIE Item Exclusion Promotion Upload Record

7|PIE|A|14|1150414||ITMCATP|PUITMX PROMO DESCRIPTION|0|0|||||0|||0.00||.00|||||0||||0|0||||||0|.00|0||||0|0|.00|.00|.00|||0|||.00|0|0|0|.00|.00|.00||||||0.00|.00||||0||0||DFLT||0|.00|.00|.00

Sample Retail Integration Items Upload Data

Use the sample data below to create a Retail Integration Items upload file (RIIUPP or RIIUPP.TXT). See Retail Integration Items for a setup summary, and RI Item Upload Process for processing information.

RMFCS imports: See Oracle Retail Merchandising Foundation Cloud Service (RMFCS) and Oracle Retail Pricing Cloud Service (RPCS) Integration for information on importing data from RMFCS.

         Sample 01 Item/SKU Item Upload Record

         Sample 03 Item Offer Upload Record

         Sample 04 SKU Offer Upload Record

         Sample 05 Item Price Upload Record

         Sample 06 SKU Price Upload Record

         Sample 07 Vendor Item Upload Record

         Sample 08 Item UPC Upload Record

         Sample 09 Item Coordinate Upload Record

Sample 01 Item/SKU Item Upload Record

6|1150304|110000|01|A|1|IT|3009|RED  S        |U|0|0|Y|0|N|0| |0|                    |                    |       |0|N|0|0|0|N| |0|          |          |          |          |0|Y|N|Mens Patterned Long-Sleeve|                                        |N|N|N|0| |   |0|11500|0|CLT|  |0| |  |0|0|   |EA|1234|0|0|0|   |0|   |0|0|Red Small|N|0|0|29.99|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|N|0|N|100101|0|100101|          |          |          |0|0|N|                |0|0|0|0|0|                                        |N|   |0|0|N|0|     |     |N|0|                    |       |N|29.99|0|0| |0| |1|S010101|02|   |    |    |    | |    |  |   |0|    | |0|0|N|0|0|0|0|N|0|0|0|N  |N|0|0| | |                              |                              |                              |                              |N|N|0|  |   |   |0|0| |0|0|0| |0|0|0|0|0|0| |   | | | | |0|  |   |   |0|0|0|0|0|0|0| |   |0|0|0|0|0|0|0| |0|                    |0|                              |0|                              |                              |                              |0|0|0|0|0|   |   |   |              |0|            |  |                                                                      |              |Y|||||0

Sample 03 Item Offer Upload Record

7|1150421|84600|03|A|1|IT|RITEST1| | |0|0|0|0.0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0.0000|0|0|0|0.000|0|0|0.000|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0.0000|0.0|0|0|0|0|0.00|0|0|0|0.00|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0.000|0|0|0|0|0.000|0|0|0|0|0.0000|0.0000|0.0000|0.0000|0|0|0|0.00|0.00|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0.00|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|7|16.99|15.00|Y|5.00|2|100|0.00|N|36.00|3.00|1.50|N|N|0.00|0|F|P|||||N|N|207|||0|0.00|0.00|0|0|0|0.00|0|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0.00|0.00|0|0.00|0.00|0|0|0|0|0.00|0.00|0|0.00|0.00|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0.0000|0.000|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|||||0

Sample 04 SKU Offer Upload Record

7|1150421|84600|04|A|1|IT|RITEST2|AQUA LRGE BABY||0|0|0|0.0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0.0000|0|0|0|0.000|0|0|0.000|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0.0000|0.0|0|0|0|0|0.00|0|0|0|0.00|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0.000|0|0|0|0|0.000|0|0|0|0|0.0000|0.0000|0.0000|0.0000|0|0|0|0.00|0.00|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0.00|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0.00|0.00|0|0.00|0|0|0.00|0|0.00|0.00|0.00|0|0|0.00|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|7|0.00|0.00|N|0|0|0.00|Y|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0|N|N|||N|N|0|MO||0|0|0|0.00|0.00|0|0.00|0.00|0|0|0|0|0.00|0.00|0|0.00|0.00|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0.0000|0.000|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|||||0

Sample 05 Item Price Upload Record

7|1150421|84600|05|A|1|IT|RITEST2| | |0|0|0|0.0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0.0000|0|0|0|0.000|0|0|0.000|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0.0000|0.0|0|0|0|0|0.00|0|0|0|0.00|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0.000|0|0|0|0|0.000|0|0|0|0|0.0000|0.0000|0.0000|0.0000|0|0|0|0.00|0.00|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0.00|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0.00|0.00|0|0.00|0|0|0.00|0|0.00|0.00|0.00|0|0|0.00|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0.00|0.00|0|0|0|0.00|0|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|7|1150401|1|0.00|50.00|0|0.00|0.00| |0|0|0|0.00|0.00|0|0.00|0.00|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0.0000|0.000|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|||||0

Sample 06 SKU Price Upload Record

7|1150421|84600|06|A|1|IT|RITEST2|AQUA LRGE BABY||0|0|0|0.0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0.0000|0|0|0|0.000|0|0|0.000|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0.0000|0.0|0|0|0|0|0.00|0|0|0|0.00|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0.000|0|0|0|0|0.000|0|0|0|0|0.0000|0.0000|0.0000|0.0000|0|0|0|0.00|0.00|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0.00|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0.00|0.00|0|0.00|0|0|0.00|0|0.00|0.00|0.00|0|0|0.00|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0.00|0.00|0|0|0|0.00|0|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0.00|0.00|0|0.00|0.00|0|7|1150401|1|0.00|45.00|0|0.00|0.00||0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0.0000|0.000|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|||||0

Sample 07 Vendor Item Upload Record

7|1150421|84600|07|A|1|IT|RITEST2|||0|0|0|0.0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0.0000|0|0|0|0.000|0|0|0.000|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0.0000|0.0|0|0|0|0|0.00|0|0|0|0.00|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0.000|0|0|0|0|0.000|0|0|0|0|0.0000|0.0000|0.0000|0.0000|0|0|0|0.00|0.00|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0.00|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0.00|0.00|0|0.00|0|0|0.00|0|0.00|0.00|0.00|0|0|0.00|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0.00|0.00|0|0|0|0.00|0|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0.00|0.00|0|0.00|0.00|0|0|0|0|0.00|0.00|0|0.00|0.00|0|7|7RIITEM1VI|10|7ITEM VENDOR ITEM|2|VENDOR ITEM MESSAGE 1|VENDOR ITEM MESSAGE 2|VENDOR ITEM MESSAGE 3|10|10.0000|1.350|10|45|10||0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|||||0

Sample 08 Item UPC Upload Record


Sample 09 Item Coordinate Upload Record

7|1150421|84600|09|A|1|IT|RITEST2| | |0|0|0|0.0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0.0000|0|0|0|0.000|0|0|0.000|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0.0000|0.0|0|0|0|0|0.00|0|0|0|0.00|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0.000|0|0|0|0|0.000|0|0|0|0|0.0000|0.0000|0.0000|0.0000|0|0|0|0.00|0.00|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0.00|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0.00|0.00|0|0.00|0|0|0.00|0|0.00|0.00|0.00|0|0|0.00|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0.00|0.00|0|0|0|0.00|0|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0.00|0.00|0|0.00|0.00|0|0|0|0|0.00|0.00|0|0.00|0.00|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0.0000|0.000|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|COORDINATE1|O|coordinate1 message|AQUA LRGE BABY|0|||||0

Sample Sales Associates Upload Data

Use the sample data below to create a Sales Associates upload file. See Sales Associates for a setup summary, and Salesman Associate Upload for processing information.

5555555SALESMAN ASSOCIATE UPLOAD NAMENHOMESTORE                                                                    PHONENUMBER   EXT

Sample Set Components Upload Data

Use the sample data below to create a Set Components upload file. See Set Components for a setup summary, and Importing Set Components (WCUP) for processing information.

         Sample Type F: Kit and Kit Detail Upload Record

         Sample Type S: Set and Set Detail Upload Record

         Sample Type VG: Variable Set and Variable Set Group Upload Record

         Sample Type VI: Variable Set Detail Upload Record

Sample Type F: Kit and Kit Detail Upload Record


Sample Type S: Set and Set Detail Upload Record


Sample Type VG: Variable Set and Variable Set Group Upload Record


Sample Type VI: Variable Set Detail Upload Record


Sample Source Codes Upload Data

Use the sample data below to create a Source Codes upload file. See Source Codes for a setup summary, and Generating Source Codes Using the Source Upload Table (WSRW) for processing information.


Sample Stores Upload Data

Use the sample data below to create a Stores upload file. See Stores for a setup summary, and Store Upload for processing information.


Sample USPS Zip Codes Upload Data

Use the sample data below to create a USPS Zip Codes upload file. See USPS Zip Codes for a setup summary, and Load USPS Zip Code File (LZPS) for processing information.

D00501V13916UHOLTSVILLE                               PYV13916HOLTSVILLE                  NA 353910NY103SUFFOLK                  

D00544V13916UHOLTSVILLE                               PYV13916HOLTSVILLE                  NA 353910NY103SUFFOLK

Sample Vendors Upload Data

Use the sample data below to create a Vendors Upload file (VNDUPL). See Vendors for a setup summary, and Working with Vendor Upload (LVUP) for processing information.

007|7|A|EXAMPLE VENDOR                |1234 SAMPLE STREET              |SECOND ADDRESS LINE             |THIRD ADDRESS LINE              |FOURTH ADDRESS LINE             |WESTBOROUGH              |MA|01581     |US |JOHN SMITH                    |5085550100|    |0|ROBERT JONES                  |1234 REMIT SAMPLE ST            |SECOND ADDRESS LINE             |THIRD ADDRESS LINE              |FOURTH ADDRESS LINE             |SPRINGFIELD              |MA|01119     |US |Y|N|Y|P|0|0|N|N|N|N|N         |0|.00|.00|.00|          |0|   |S|                    |V|                    |VENDOR@EXAMPLE.COM                                |REMIT@EXAMPLE.COM                                 |USR1      |USR2      |USR3      |                                                            |Y

