Refund Check

Purpose: You might generate a refund check if a customer paid for an order by cash or check and if an item was sold out or backordered.

The Refund Check Print Program (D23) system control value identifies the refund check print program to use. The standard non-graphical print program for printing refund checks is REFCHECK. The standard graphical print program for printing refund checks is REFCHECKG.  

How to print: Complete the Process Refunds Screen (MREF) with the Generate refund checks field selected.

Working with forms: See Forms Management (My Forms) for information on displaying or printing refund checks and other forms.

Sample refund checks: See the non-graphical  sample refund check    and the graphical  sample refund check.


Check stub: The top portion of the page represents the check stub.

         Order #: The order number and ship-to number.

         Order Message: Up to three lines of messages (flagged as Check Cust Msg at the Work with Order Messages screen; see Reviewing Order-Level Properties). If you reprint a check, the same messages will appear on the reprint unless you change them through order messages.

         Chk #: Refund check number.

         Amt: The amount of the refund. The tax amount included in the refund amount is based on the tax rate that was effective when the item was shipped.

Check: The bottom portion of the page represents the refund check itself. All fields on the check are unlabeled.

         Refund Date: The date the refund check was generated.

         Check Number: The check number on the check itself is followed by an asterisk (*) if this is a reprint. There is no asterisk next to the check number on the stub.

Note:             The refund amount is spelled out alphanumerically above the customer name and address if the Print Alpha $ Amount on Refund Check (E30) system control value is selected.

         Refund Amount: The amount of the refund. The tax amount included in the refund amount is based on the tax rate that was effective when the item was shipped.

         Customer Name and Address: The sold-to customer name and address appears here unless there is a bill-to customer associated with the order; in this case, the bill-to customer name and address is indicated. The name and address includes the:

         prefix, first name, last name


         address line 1

         city, state, postal code

Note:             The country does not print on the refund check.

Refund Check Register

How to print: Complete the Process Refunds Screen (MREF) with the Generate refund checks field selected.

For more information: See the  sample report    in PDF format.


         Original Check #: The original check number.

         Current Check #: The current check number will differ from the original check number if you are reprinting checks.

         Refund Amount: The refund amount in the local currency (the currency defined in the Local Currency Code (A55) system control value). The tax amount included in the refund amount is based on the tax rate that was effective when the item was shipped.

         Bonus Percent: Indicates the bonus discount, if any, you are awarding the customer for applying the refund check to another order.

         Order Number: The order number and ship-to number associated with the refund check.

         Customer Number: The sold-to customer number, unless there is a bill-to customer associated with the order; in this case, this is the bill-to customer number.

         Name: the sold-to or bill-to customer name, preceded by the company name, if any. The entry wraps to a second line if needed.

         Reprint: Set to Y if this is a reprinted check; otherwise set to N. See the Reprint Refunds Screen (MREP).

         Final Totals: The total amount for the refunds, across all refund checks, in the local currency.

Refund Writeoff Register

Purpose: A writeoff can be a balance due that you are not collecting from the customer. For example, this may be a dollar amount that you will not try to collect because it is not worth the expense of contacting the customer, or a larger amount that you have tried but failed to collect. A writeoff can also be an amount that you owe the customer but are not refunding (for example, if the amount is too small for a refund check). Positive or negative writeoff balances accumulate for each customer, and you can apply this balance as a charge or credit on the customer's current order.

The report lists writeoffs in ascending sequence by order number.

How to print: Complete the Process Refunds Screen (MREF) with the Process writeoffs field selected.

For more information: See the  sample report   in PDF format.


         Order Number: Indicates the order number and the number of the shipping address on the order.

         Customer Number: The sold-to customer number, unless there is a bill-to customer associated with the order; in this case, this is the bill-to customer number.

         Name: The sold-to or bill-to customer name.

         Amount: The writeoff amount in the local currency (the currency defined in the Local Currency Code (A55) system control value).

         Final Totals: The total amount for the writeoffs, across all writeoff records, in the local currency.

Credit Card Credit Acknowledgment

Purpose: You can print a credit card credit acknowledgment to notify the customer that a credit has been applied to the credit card. The system might generate an email notification instead of a printed acknowledgement, depending on customer preference and your company setup; see When Does the System Generate an Email Notification?

How to print: Complete the Process Refunds Screen (MREF) with the Generate credit card credits field selected.

For more information: See the  sample report   in PDF format.

The system prints a "dummy" credit card credit acknowledgment before the first actual acknowledgment to help you align credit card credit forms in the printer.

With the exception of the Total Amount Returned, fields are unlabeled.


         order number and ship-to number: The order number and ship-to number associated with the credit card credit.

         refund date: The date the refund was generated.

         item: The code identifying the items on the order that were returned or exchanged, resulting in the credit card credit. Only the base item is included even if the item has SKUs.

         item description: The description of the item. This is the description of the base item even if the item has SKUs.

         item refund amount: The amount refunded for the item.

         Total Amount Returned: The total amount refunded for the credit card on the order, across all items. The tax amount included in the refund amount is based on the tax rate that was effective when the item was shipped.

         sold-to name and address: The name and address of the sold-to customer on the order, including the name of the country.

Credit Card Credit Register

How to print: Complete the Process Refunds Screen (MREF) with the Generate credit card credits field selected.

For more information: See the  sample report    in PDF format.


         Order Number: The order number and order ship-to number.

         Customer Number: The sold-to customer number, unless there is a bill-to customer associated with the order; in this case, this is the bill-to customer number.

         Name: The sold-to or bill-to customer name.

         Refund Amount: The refund amount in the local currency (the currency defined in the Local Currency Code (A55) system control value). The tax amount included in the refund amount is based on the tax rate that was effective when the item was shipped. An asterisk after the refund amount indicates that the refund is flagged for Credit Card Net Exchange Billing.

         Final Totals: The total amount for the refunds, across all credits, in the local currency.

Note:             This report includes credit card credits regardless of whether the acknowledgements are printed or emailed.

Stored Value Card Credit Register

Purpose: This report lists the order number, sold to customer, and refund amount associated with each stored value card credit processed. See Generating Stored Value Card Refunds for an overview. The report is sorted by order number.

Alternate currency and stored value card refunds: While the system allows you to generate a stored value card refund for an order associated with an alternate currency, the system can process stored value cards in the US currency only. If the order is for a currency other than U.S., you should generate a refund type other than stored value card for the order.

How to print:

         Complete the Process Refunds Screen (MREF) with the Generate SVC credits field selected.

         Run the REFSVCR Process SVC Credit Refunds periodic function.

For more information: See the  sample report    in PDF format.


         Order Number: The order number and ship-to number associated with the stored value card refund. The system adds a stored value card item to this order at no charge; this item generates a new stored value card for the refund amount to send to the sold to customer.

         Status: The status of the order. Blank = the order is open. H = The order is held. If the order status was X (closed), the system updates the order status to open once the new stored value card item is added to the order.

         Customer Number: The bill-to customer number associated with the stored value card refund, if any. If there is no bill-to customer associated with the refund, this is the sold-to customer number. This is the customer that receives the new stored value card for the refund amount.

         Name: The name of the bill-to or sold-to customer, starting with the customer’s company name, if any.

         Refund Amount: The refund amount in the local currency (the currency defined in the Local Currency Code (A55) system control value). Note: Stored value cards are allowed only in US currency.

         Final Totals: The total amount for the stored value card refunds, across all credits, in the local currency.

