2Getting Started with Oracle Migration Tool On Demand

Getting Started with Oracle Migration Tool On Demand

This chapter describes how to start using the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client. It contains the following topics:

Caution: As a company administrator using the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client, you must understand its functionality and capabilities. Failure to do so might result in unintended changes to your environment. You must back up your existing configuration data for Oracle CRM On Demand before using the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client. Oracle will not be responsible for any damage incurred from improper use of the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client.

Oracle Migration Tool On Demand Client

The Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client is a utility that uses the Administrative Web services in Oracle CRM On Demand to extract configuration data from Oracle CRM On Demand and to import configuration data to Oracle CRM On Demand. The Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client allows you to download customized configuration data from one Oracle CRM On Demand environment to your local machine, and to import that configuration data to another Oracle CRM On Demand environment, thus eliminating the need to manually reproduce the customized configuration data from one Oracle CRM On Demand environment to another. For example, you can download the customized configuration data from a customer test environment, and import it to a production environment.

You can extract and import configuration data for the following features:

  • Access profiles

  • Action bar layouts

  • Assignment rule groups

  • Assignment rules

  • Cascading picklists

  • Client side extensions

  • Concatenated fields

  • Custom field definitions

  • Customized record types

  • Custom HTML head tag additions

  • Custom Web applets (for Homepages, Detail pages, Action bar, and the Home tab)

  • Custom Web links

  • Custom Web tabs

  • Dynamic page layouts

  • Field audit setup

  • Homepage layouts

  • Integration event queues

  • Lead conversion mappings

  • List access and order layouts

  • Modification tracking settings

  • Page layouts (field information, related information, and sections)

  • Picklists

  • Picklist value groups

  • Process administration

  • Process administration transition states

  • Related information layouts

  • Role associations for analytics folders

  • Roles

  • Sales assessment templates

  • Sales categories

  • Sales processes

  • Sales stages

  • Search layouts

  • Workflow rules, actions, and user sets

The Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client comes with two interfaces: a command-line interface and a graphical user interface (GUI). If you want to migrate all of the configuration data, or all of the configuration data for one or more features (for example, all access profile configuration data), and if you do not want to make any changes to the data, then it is recommended that you use the GUI to migrate your data. However, if you want to download configuration data and make changes to it before you upload it to another environment, then you must use the command-line interface. Similarly, if you want to download and then upload a subset of the configuration data for a feature, such as a single access profile or the search layouts for a single record type, then you must use the command-line interface.

Your ability to perform tasks through the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client is subject to the same restrictions as your ability to perform the same tasks in the Oracle CRM On Demand user interface. Typically, if you are not able to perform a task in the user interface, then you cannot perform the equivalent task in the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client, for example, delete an access profile, edit a field type, and so on.

Oracle CRM On Demand verifies that you are using the latest version of the client. If you run a command on the Oracle CRM On Demand server using an unsupported version of the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client, then you are prompted to download the latest version of the client.

Similarly, if you attempt to use an unsupported version of the GUI to migrate your configuration data, then you are prompted to download the latest version of the client from Oracle CRM On Demand. A link to the page where you can access the client is included in the error message.

When you download the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client from an Oracle CRM On Demand environment, a version argument with a value that corresponds to the release of Oracle CRM On Demand that is running on that environment is applied to all of your requests by default. So, the configuration data that is returned by the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client reflects the configuration data that is available in that version of Oracle CRM On Demand. For example, if you download the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client from an environment that is running Release 43 of Oracle CRM On Demand, then the configuration data that is returned for your requests is the configuration data that is available in Release 43 of Oracle CRM On Demand.

Auditing and Log Files

All Web service operations in the customer test environment are audited. All successful operations as well as processing errors, such as Request Size exceeded, Invalid SOAP request, rate-limit error, and so on, are audited. You can view the audit records in the Web Services Utilization section in Oracle CRM On Demand (click Admin, and then Web Services Utilization).

You can view the log files for the operations that you perform in the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client on your local machine.

The log files that are generated for operations that you perform through the command-line interface are placed in a log directory under the directory where the MigrationTool.bat file is located, unless you set the outputDir parameter to specify a different location. If your computer uses a Windows operating system, then the path to the default log directory is as follows:


If your computer uses an operating system other than a Windows operating system, then the path to the default log directory is as follows:


In the directory path, Installation_Directory is the name of the directory where the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand ZIP file was unzipped.

The log files that are generated when you migrate configuration data through the GUI of the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client are placed in the directory that is selected for the log files when you set up the migration job.

Supported Operating Systems for Oracle Migration Tool On Demand

The Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client is supported on all operating systems that are supported by Java.

Supported Releases of Oracle CRM On Demand

The Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client supports exporting and importing configuration data between any two Oracle CRM On Demand tenants on the same release (for example, two Release 43 tenants). In addition, the version of the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client you are using must be the same as the release of Oracle CRM On Demand with which you are working (for example, you cannot use the current version of the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client on a previous release of Oracle CRM On Demand).

Typically, the patch level between two Oracle CRM On Demand tenants does not impact migration. However, the introduction of a new configuration attribute or a new attribute in the Oracle CRM On Demand programming interface API in a patch might impact the migration. For example, if a new configuration attribute is added to field management, then you must remove that value from the migration request to an older patch level, because the older patch level does not support that field value.

Software Requirements for Installing the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand Client

The Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client has the following software requirements:

  • A ZIP utility (for example, WINZIP) to extract the files to your computer

  • If your computer uses any operating system other than a Windows operating system, then:

    • To use the GUI of the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client, Java 8 or higher and JavaFX must be installed on your computer.

    • To use the command-line interface of the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client, Java Runtime Environment (JRE) JRE 1.7.0_131 or later must be installed on your computer.

    You must make sure that you have the correct version of Java and JRE installed on your computer.

Note: To use either the GUI or the command-line interface of the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client GUI on a Windows operating system, you do not need to have Java installed on your computer.

Privileges for Administrators

The following table shows the privileges that are required to use the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client to extract, insert, and update the configuration data for various Oracle CRM On Demand features. Typically, only users who are administrators are given the necessary privileges to insert or update configuration data.

In addition to the privileges shown in the following table, users require the Data Management: Import privilege and the Data Management: Export privilege to download the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client. Also, Web services must be set up on Oracle CRM On Demand. For more information about Web services, see Oracle Web Services On Demand Guide, available from the Oracle CRM On Demand documentation library in Oracle Help Center and from the Oracle CRM On Demand application by clicking Admin, Web Services Administration, and then Download Documentation.

For more information about enabling privileges, see the information about role management in Oracle CRM On Demand Online Help.

Table Required Privileges for Customizing Configuration Data

Feature Name User Level Privileges Object Level Privileges Additional Notes

Access Profiles

  • Enable Web Services Access

  • Manage Roles and Access

Manage Object Access for custom objects (record types) that have been set up in the company tenant, for example, Customize Application - Manage Custom Object 01, and so on.


Action Bars

  • Enable Web Services Access

  • Customize Application



Assignment Rule Groups and Assignment Rules

  • Enable Web Services Access

  • Data Rules and Assignment



Cascading Picklists

  • Enable Web Services Access

  • Customize Application

Manage Object Access for custom objects that have been set up in the company tenant, for example, Customize Application - Manage Custom Object 01, and so on.

Cascading picklists must be supported by the object.

Client Side Extensions

  • Enable Web Services Access
  • Upload Client Side Extensions and Manage Custom HTML Head Tag



Concatenated Fields

  • Enable Web Services Access

  • Customize Application

Manage Object Access for custom objects that have been set up in the company tenant, for example, Customize Application - Manage Custom Object 01, and so on.


Custom Fields (Field Management)

  • Enable Web Services Access

  • Customize Application

Manage Object Access for custom objects that have been set up in the company tenant, for example, Customize Application - Manage Custom Object 01, and so on.

See Additional Notes and Requirements

Additional Notes and Requirements:

  • Field Management must be supported for the object.

  • The object must be set up for field renaming, if the operation is Upsert.

  • The object must be set up for new fields, if the operation is Create.

  • Advanced Field Management must be set up if the <ValidationErrorMsg>, <ValidationExpression>, or <PostDefault> elements are modified.

  • The Integration Tag can be changed only if renaming is allowed on that object.

  • A multi-select picklist can be created or updated only if it is set up for the object.

Customized Record Types

  • Enable Web Services Access

  • Customize Application

Manage Object Access for custom objects that have been set up in the company tenant, for example, Customize Application - Manage Custom Object 01, and so on.


Custom HTML Head Tag Additions

  • Enable Web Services Access

  • Upload Client Side Extensions and Manage Custom HTML Head Tag



Custom Web Applets

  • Enable Web Services Access

  • Manage Custom Web Applets

  • Customize Application

Detail page custom Web applets and homepage custom Web applets require Manage Object Access for custom objects that have been set up in the company tenant, for example, Customize Application - Manage Custom Object 01, and so on.


Custom Web Links

  • Enable Web Services Access

  • Customize Application

Manage Object Access for custom objects that have been set up in the company tenant, for example, Customize Application - Manage Custom Object 01, and so on.


Custom Web Tab

  • Enable Web Services Access

  • Customize Application

  • Manage Roles and Access (for Read operations only)



Dynamic Page Layouts

  • Enable Web Services Access

  • Customize Application -Manage Dynamic Layout



Field Audit Setup

  • Enable Web Services Access

  • Administer Field Audit

Manage Object Access for custom objects that have been set up in the company tenant, for example, Customize Application - Manage Custom Object 01, and so on.



  • Enable Web Services Access

  • Customize Application

  • Customize Application - Manage Homepage Customizations

Manage Object Access for custom objects that have been set up in the company tenant, for example, Customize Application - Manage Custom Object 01, and so on.


Integration Event Queues

  • Enable Web Services Access

  • Manage Integration Event Queues



Lead Conversion Mappings

  • Enable Web Services Access

  • Data Rules and Assignment.

  • Manage PRM Access (for mappings for the Deal Registration record type only)



List Access and Order Layouts

  • Enable Web Services Access

  • Customize Application

  • Manage Public Lists

Manage Object Access for custom objects that have been set up in the company tenant, for example, Customize Application - Manage Custom Object 01, and so on.


Modification Tracking Settings (Enable Modification Tracking)

  • Enable Web Services Access

  • Manage Modification Tracking

  • Manage Roles and Access

Manage Object Access for custom objects that have been set up in the company tenant, for example, Customize Application - Manage Custom Object 01, and so on.


Page Layouts

  • Enable Web Services Access

  • Customize Application




  • Enable Web Services Access

  • Customize Application

Manage Object Access for custom objects that have been set up in the company tenant, for example, Customize Application - Manage Custom Object 01, and so on.

Field management must be supported by the object.

Picklist Value Group

  • Enable Web Services Access

  • Customize Application



Process Administration and Process Administration Transition States

  • Enable Web Services Access

  • Process Administration



Related Information Layouts

  • Enable Web Services Access

  • Customize Application

Manage Object Access for custom objects that have been set up in the company tenant, for example, Customize Application - Manage Custom Object 01, and so on.


Role Associations for Analytics Folders (Report Folders)

  • Enable Web Services Access

  • Manage Roles and Access

  • Manage Custom Reports (to extract or update role associations for folders containing analyses)

  • Manage Dashboards (to extract or update role associations for folders under the predefined Dashboards folder)

  • Access Migrated Company Wide Shared Folder


The Access Migrated Company Wide Shared Folder privilege is required only if you want to extract, update, or insert role associations for the folders in the Migrated Company Wide Shared Folder.


  • Enable Web Services Access

  • Manage Roles and Access

  • Manage Company


The Manage Company privilege is required only if you want to update the <ExpirePasswordIn> element.

Sales Assessment Templates

  • Enable Web Services Access

  • Manage Assessments Access

  • Manage Content



Sales Categories

  • Enable Web Services Access

  • Manage Data Rules - Manage Sales Stage Definition



Sales Processes

  • Enable Web Services Access

  • Manage Data Rules - Manage Sales Stage Definition (for Upsert operations only)



Sales Stages

  • Enable Web Services Access

  • Manage Data Rules - Manage Sales Stage Definition (for Upsert operations only)



Search Layouts

  • Enable Web Services Access

  • Customize Application

Manage Object Access for custom objects that have been set up in the company tenant, for example, Customize Application - Manage Custom Object 01, and so on.


Workflow Rules and Actions

  • Enable Web Services Access

  • Manage Data Rules - Manage Workflow Rules

  • Manage Data Rules - Manage Workflow Rules for Users

  • Workflow Cancel Save



Workflow User sets

  • Enable Web Services Access

  • Manage Data Rules - Manage Workflow Rules



Privileges for Nonadministrative Users

Users who have the Enable Web Services Access privilege in their role can use either the command-line interface or the GUI of the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client to extract the configuration data for certain features. However, the Enable Web Services Access privilege on its own does not allow a user to customize any configuration data using the client, or to upload configuration data to a target environment. Therefore, a user who has the Enable Web Services Access privilege on its own can run commands to extract the configuration data in the command-line interface, and can also use the GUI to extract the configuration data, but any commands that the user attempts to run to upload configuration data fail. Similarly, if the user uses the GUI, then the Upsert commands that the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client attempts to run to upload the XML files that were downloaded by the ReadAll commands fail.

The following table shows the features for which users can extract configuration data if their role has the Enable Web Services Access privilege, even if their role does not include any other administrator privileges.

Note: Users can use the Read and ReadAll commands to extract client side extension configuration data even if they do not have the Enable Web Services Access privilege.

Table Features and Commands Enabled by the Enable Web Services Access Privilege

Feature Name Commands

Cascading Picklists

Read and ReadAll

Concatenated Fields

Read and ReadAll

Customized Record Types

Read and ReadAll

Custom Web Applets

Read and ReadAll

Dynamic Page Layout

Read and ReadAll

Custom Fields (Field Management)

Read and ReadAll

Integration Event Queues

Read and ReadAll

Page Layout Fields


Page Layout Related Information


Page Layout Sections



Read and ReadAll

Picklist Value Groups

Read and ReadAll

Related Information Layouts

Read and ReadAll

Sales Processes

Read and ReadAll

Sales Stages

Read and ReadAll

Workflow Rules and Actions

Read and ReadAll

Note: To download the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client, users require the Admin Import privilege and the Admin Export privilege.

Language Considerations When Migrating Configuration Data

To migrate configuration data, for example, an access profile, the same languages that are set up in the XML file or source company must be set up in the target company. For example, if the XML file contains definitions for English, French, and Traditional Chinese, and the target company has definitions for English, French, and German, then an Upsert operation fails. The number of languages is the same but the operation does not succeed because Traditional Chinese is not set up in the target company. However, if the XML file contains English and French definitions and the target company has definitions for English, French, and German, then the Upsert operation succeeds because for any language that has not been defined (in this case, German), the system name is used. A system name is a name that identifies an object uniquely in the Oracle CRM On Demand application.

Downloading the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand Client

To download the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client from Oracle CRM On Demand, the user account must have the following privileges assigned:

  • Data Management: Export

  • Data Management: Import

For information about setting and checking privileges, see the information about user roles in Oracle CRM On Demand Online Help.

To download the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client

  1. Create a directory on your computer in which to extract the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client files, for example:

    C:\Oracle Migration Tool On Demand
  2. Sign in to Oracle CRM On Demand, and click Admin.

  3. Under Data Management Tools, click Import and Export Tools.

  4. Under Metadata Import and Export Tools, click Oracle Migration Tool On Demand.

  5. Save the ZIP file on your computer in the directory that you created.

Installing the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand Client

Complete the following procedure to install the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client.

Note: Even though a user can successfully run the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client, it does not mean that he or she can read and load company configuration data successfully. The user must have the sign-in credentials to access Oracle CRM On Demand and the appropriate privileges to read and load configuration data.

To install the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client

Starting the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand Client Graphical User Interface

The following procedure describes how to start the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client GUI.

To start the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client GUI

  • In the directory where you unzipped the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand ZIP file, perform the appropriate step for the operating system of your computer, as follows:

    • For a Windows operating system, open the directory named windows and then double-click the UIMigrationTool.bat file.

    • For any operating system other than a Windows operating system, open the directory named other, then open the UIMigrationTool subdirectory, and then double-click the UIMigrationTool.jar file.

The following image shows the GUI of the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client.

Oracle CRM On Demand Migration Tool GUI

For information about using the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client GUI to migrate your configuration data, see Migrating Configuration Data Using the Graphical User Interface.

Starting the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand Client Command-Line Interface

The following procedure describes how to start the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client command-line interface.

To start the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client command-line interface

  1. Open a command-line prompt.

  2. Navigate to the directory where the MigrationTool.bat file for the operating system for your computer is located, as follows:

    • For a Windows operating system:

    • For any operating system other than a Windows operating system:


    In the directory path, Installation_Directory is the name of the directory where the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand ZIP file was unzipped.

  3. Use the MigrationTool.bat file to run the commands from the command line.

    The syntax is as follows:

    migrationtool -u UserID -s ServerURL [-f "LogFile"] [Read | ReadAll | Upsert | Delete] [Feature] [Parm1] [Parm2] [Parm3]


    • UserID is the user sign-in ID that has the appropriate privileges to run the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client commands.

    • ServerURL is the URL of the Oracle CRM On Demand server where your company resides.

    • LogFile designates the name and location of the log file from the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client run. For example:

      set outputDir=Oracle Migration Tool On Demand\test 
      migrationtool -u USERNAME -s http://slcxxxxxx.us.oracle.com:30090 -f "D:\%outputDir%\test.log" ReadAll FieldManagement 

      This parameter is optional. If you do not specify this parameter, then the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client stores the log file in the default location, see Auditing and Log Files.

    • Feature is the type of configuration data that you are migrating. For example, for access profile configuration data, use AccessProfile.

      Note: The detailed syntax for running Oracle Migration Tool for each specific type of configuration data that you are migrating is provided in the chapter corresponding to that configuration data. For example, to migrate access profiles, see Migrating Access Profiles. It is recommended that you refer to the examples in each chapter that correspond to the configuration data that you are migrating.
    • [Parm1] [Parm2] [Parm3] are optional parameters, for example -proxyserver to specify a proxy server and -proxid to specify the proxy server user ID. For more information about specifying proxy servers, see Specifying Internet Proxy Server Information.

    The Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client requests your Oracle CRM On Demand password, which can be redirected (using the pipe command) to the client program from standard input; that is, from a file, from the command line, or from another program.

Migration Dependencies

Due to dependencies between certain features, you must migrate the configuration data for some features before or after the configuration data for other features. The following table shows a recommended sequence based on the dependencies.

Table A Recommended Sequence for Migrating Features

Feature Name Dependencies For More Information

Customized Record Types

Must be migrated before fields.

Migrating Customized Record Types

Custom Web Tabs

Must be migrated before page layouts.

Migrating Custom Web Tabs

Custom Fields

Must be migrated before action bar layouts, page layouts, lead conversion mappings, and process administration transition states.

Migrating Custom Fields

Picklist Values

Must be migrated after fields and before cascading picklists.

Migrating Picklist Values

Cascading Picklists

Must be migrated after picklist values and before page layouts.

Migrating Cascading Picklists

Picklist Value Groups

Must be migrated after fields, picklist values, and cascading picklists.

Migrating Picklist Value Groups

Custom Web Link Fields

Must be migrated before action bar layouts and page layouts.

Migrating Custom Web Link Fields

Concatenated Fields

Must be migrated after fields, picklist values, cascading picklists, and picklist value groups.

Migrating Concatenated Fields

Custom Web Applets

Must be migrated before homepage, action bar, and page layouts.

Migrating Custom Web Applets

Sales Assessment Templates

Must be migrated before page layouts.

Migrating Sales Assessment Templates

Homepage Layouts

Must be migrated before page layouts.

Migrating Homepage Layouts

Action Bar Layouts

Must be migrated before page layouts.

Migrating Action Bar Layouts

Related Information Layouts

Must be migrated before page layouts.

Migrating Related Information Layouts

Access Profiles

Must be migrated before roles, and page layouts.

Migrating Access Profiles

Page Layouts

Must be migrated before roles. In addition, page layout field information must be migrated before the following:
  • Page layout related information

  • Page layout section information

Migrating Page Layouts

Dynamic Page Layouts

Must be migrated after page layouts and before roles.

Migrating Dynamic Page Layouts

Search Layouts

Must be migrated after fields and before roles.

Migrating Search Layouts


Must be migrated after the following:

  • Access profiles

  • Page layouts

  • Search layouts

Must be migrated before the following:

  • List access and order layouts

  • Role associations for analytics folders

Migrating Roles

Integration Event Queues

Must be migrated before workflow rule action sets.

Migrating Integration Event Queue Configuration Data

Workflow Rules

Must be migrated after fields and before workflow rule action sets.

Migrating Workflow Rules, Action Sets, and User Sets

Workflow Rule Action Sets

Must be migrated after the following:

  • Workflow rules

  • Integration event queue configuration data

Migrating Workflow Rules, Action Sets, and User Sets

Workflow User Sets

Must be migrated after the following:

  • Workflow rules

Migrating Workflow Rules, Action Sets, and User Sets

Assignment Rules

Must be migrated after assignment rule groups.

Migrating Assignment Rule Groups and Assignment Rules

List Access and Order Layouts

Must be migrated after roles.

Migrating List Access and Order Layouts

Role Associations for Analytics Folders

Must be migrated after roles.

Migrating Role Associations for Analytics Folders

Sales Categories

Must be migrated before the following:

  • Processes (process administration configuration data)

  • Process administration tranisiton states

  • Sales processes

Migrating Sales Categories

Process Administration

Must be migrated before process administration transition states, and after the following:

  • Customized record types

  • Custom fields

  • Picklist values

  • Sales categories

Migrating Process Administration Configuration Data

Process Administration Transition States

Must be migrated after the following:

  • Customized record types

  • Custom fields

  • Picklist values

  • Processes (process administration configuration data)

  • Sales categories

Migrating Process Administration Configuration Data

Lead ConversionMappings

Must be migrated after custom fields.

Migrating Lead Conversion Mapping Data

Sales Processes

Must be migrated after sales categories.

Migrating Sales Processes

Sales Stages

Must be migrated after sales categories and sales processes.

Migrating Sales Stages

Note: Assignment rule groups, client side extensions, custom HTML head tag additions, field audit setup, and modification tracking settings are independent of other features and can be migrated at any point in the migration sequence. However, assignment rules cannot be migrated until the assignment rule groups have been migrated.

Commands for Oracle Migration Tool On Demand

The commands, feature names, and specific configuration data accepted by the command-line interface of the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client are case sensitive. As an example, the following command extracts an access profile named Service Manager:

migrationtool -u UserID -s ServerURL Read AccessProfile "Service Manager"

In this example, the following spellings are case sensitive:

  • The Read command must be spelled as Read (uppercase R).

  • The access profile feature must be spelled as AccessProfile (uppercase A and uppercase P).

  • The access profile, which is called Service Manager in the user interface, must be spelled exactly as it appears in the user interface. In this example, the name of the access profile contains a space, so it must be enclosed within double quotation marks.

The following table displays the exact spelling and case of the commands supported by the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client, and describes the purpose of each command.

Table Oracle Migration Tool On Demand Client Command Names

Command Name Description


The ReadAll command exports all configuration data of a specific type from an Oracle CRM On Demand server.

Note: The ReadAll command does not return preconfigured configuration data. It returns only the customized configuration data. In addition, for features that support translation, a read operation returns the translation values only for the languages for which translation values have been entered.


The Read command exports a single set of configuration data of a specific type from an Oracle CRM On Demand server.

Note: The Read command does not return preconfigured configuration data. It returns only the customized configuration data. In addition, for features that support translation, a read operation returns the translation values only for the languages for which translation values have been entered.


This command is used only for custom HTML head tag additions. It exports the custom HTML head tag additions for the Oracle CRM On Demand pages.


The Upsert command updates or inserts configuration data of a specific type to an Oracle CRM On Demand server, as required. The configuration data is provided in an input XML file that is specified in the command.


The InsertOrUpdate command updates workflow configuration data. The command updates a workflow configuration (that is, a workflow rule or a workflow action, or a workflow user set) if a matching configuration is found. If a matching workflow configuration does not exist, then the command inserts a new workflow configuration. The workflow configuration data is provided in an input XML file that is specified in the command.

Note: This command is supported only for workflow rules, workflow actions, and workflow user sets.


The Delete command deletes a single set of configuration data from an Oracle CRM On Demand server.

Note: This command is supported only for custom Web tabs, workflow rules, workflow user sets, and process administration transition states.


The Create command creates a new field or set of fields based on the contents of the input XML file that is specified in the command.

Note: This command is supported only for custom fields (field management).


The help command launches the user assistance provided with the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client.

Location of Output XML Files for Read and ReadAll Commands

By default, the output XML files that are created by the Read and ReadAll commands (and in some cases, the ReadForRuleSet command) that you run in the command-line interface of the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client are stored in the repository directory, in a subdirectory that is named for the feature. The path for the directory is as follows:

  • If your computer uses a Windows operating system:

  • If your computer uses any operating system other than a Windows operating system:

Note: The repository directory is automatically created after you run the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client the first time.

In the directory path:

  • Installation_Directory is the name of the directory where you unzipped the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand ZIP file.

  • Feature is a directory name that represents a feature for which the configuration data can be exported by the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client. The directory for the feature is automatically created by the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client the first time that you export a configuration for that feature. The directory name is one of the following:

    • AccessProfile

    • ActionBarLayout

    • AssignmentRule

    • AssignmentRuleGroup

    • CascadingPicklist

    • ClientSideExtension

      Note: The XML files for the client side extensions are placed directly under the ClientSideExtension directory. A subdirectory with the name as the client side extension is also created for each client side extension. The metadata file and the attachment file are placed within the subdirectory.
    • ConcatenatedField

    • CustomHTMLHeadTag

    • CustomRecordType

    • Custom Web applets:

      • ActionBarCustomWebApplet

      • DetailPageCustomWebApplet

      • HomePageCustomWebApplet

      • HomeTabCustomWebApplet

    • CustomWebLink

    • CustomWebTab

    • DynamicLayout

    • EnableModificationTracking

    • FieldAuditSetUp

    • FieldManagement

      Note: The FieldManagement directory holds the output that is generated when you extract the custom fields.
    • HomepageLayout

    • IntegrationEventQueue

    • LeadConversionMapping

    • ListAccessAndOrder

    • PageLayoutField

    • PageLayoutRelatedInformation

    • PageLayoutSection

    • Picklist

    • PickValueGroup

    • ProcessAdministration

    • ProcessAdministrationTransitionState

    • RelatedInformationLayout

    • ReportFolder

      Note: The ReportFolder directory holds the output that is generated for the role associations for all analytics folders, including folders where analyses are stored and folders where dashboards are stored.
    • Role

    • SalesAssessmentTemplate

    • SalesCategory

    • SalesProcess

    • SalesStage

      • SalesProcessBaseName

        Note: SalesProcessBaseName is the language-independent name of the sales process that the sales stage is associated with.
    • SearchLayout

    • WorkflowActionSet

    • WorkflowRuleSet

    • WorkflowUserSet

For example, if you unzip the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand ZIP file in a directory named Oracle Migration Tool On Demand, then when you run the Read or ReadAll commands to extract access profiles on a computer that uses a Windows operating system, the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client stores the XML files that it generates in the following directory:

Oracle Migration Tool On Demand\windows\repository\AccessProfile
Note: The output files that are generated by the ReadAll commands that are run when you migrate configuration data through the GUI of the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client are placed in the directory that is selected for the output files when you set up the migration job.

Specifying Internet Proxy Server Information

If you access the Internet using a proxy server, then you can specify the proxy server information with the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client. When you use the GUI of the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client, you specify the proxy server information in the Settings tab of the GUI.

When you use the command-line interface, you specify the proxy server information in parameters, as shown in the following table.

Table Parameters Used to Specify an Internet Proxy Server

Parameter Description

-proxyserver proxy_server:[port]

Specifies the proxy server and the optional server port number to be used by the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client.

-proxyid proxy_server_userid

Specifies the proxy user ID to be used by the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client.

Examples of Using Parameters to Specify an Internet Proxy Server

The following is an example of specifying a proxy server where the user is prompted for the proxy password after entering the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client command:

migrationtool -u UserID -s ServerURL -proxyserver MyProxyServer:[Port] -proxyid ProxyUserID ReadAll AccessProfile 


  • UserID is the user sign-in ID that has the appropriate privileges to run the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client commands.

  • ServerURL is the URL for the Oracle CRM On Demand server where your company resides.

  • MyProxyServer:[Port] is the URL for the Internet proxy server, and [Port] is the optional proxy server port. If the port is not specified, then port 80 is used by default.

  • ProxyUserID is the user ID for the Internet proxy server.

The Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client requests your Oracle CRM On Demand password and the password for the proxy server, which can be redirected (using the pipe command) to the client program from standard input; that is, from a file, from the command line, or from another program.

If you are using a file to enter your passwords, then they must be on separate lines with the Oracle CRM On Demand password appearing first, followed by the proxy server password, as follows:


The following format is incorrect, where passwords are separated by a space on the same line:

MyOnDemandPassword MyProxyPassword

The following format is correct, but the order is incorrect:

Note: The examples elsewhere in this guide that display how to use the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client do not display the syntax to specify an Internet proxy server.

XML Templates and Web Services Description Language

Certain Oracle CRM On Demand features have elements that might be required, might require a default value, or might be optional. Understanding how these elements are categorized helps you understand how to read and comprehend the information in an XML template. This topic helps you to determine which elements are required for migrating configuration data.

To understand the elements, you must download the Web Services Description Language (WSDL) for each feature that you want, and scan through each WSDL. After downloading the WSDL to your computer, view the content with an editor (for example, Notepad). As you scan the WSDL, take note of the elements with defined minOccurs and maxOccurs values. For more information about downloading WSDLs, see Downloading Administrative Web Services WSDLs from Oracle CRM On Demand.

The minOccurs value and maxOccurs value are attributes of the <xsd:element> element in the XSD schema language. These attributes determine whether the element defined by <xsd:element> in a WSDL file is optional, and how many times the element can occur in an XML file. For example, the following entry in a WSDL file indicates that the <Name> element is required.

<xsd:element name="Name" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1" type="apData:string100" />

The following table describes the values for minOccurs and maxOccurs.

Table min Occurs and max Occurs Values

minOccurs maxOccurs Description



The element is not required. If it is included, then a maximum of one entry can exist.



The element is not required. If it is included, then it can exist multiple times.



The element is required, but it exists only once.



The element is required, but it can exist multiple times.

About Web Services APIs

For information about the APIs provided by Oracle CRM On Demand Web Services and other administration Web services, see Oracle Web Services On Demand Guide, which is available from the Oracle CRM On Demand documentation library in Oracle Help Center. This guide is also available from the Oracle CRM On Demand application by clicking Admin, Web Services Administration, and then Download Documentation.

Note: Oracle CRM On Demand Web Services provides additional functionality that is not available with the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client, such as the migration of currency picklists and industry picklists. Also, for some features, Oracle CRM On Demand Web Services allows you to use the <IncludeAll> argument to extract the preconfigured data as well as the customized data, and to use the <CurrentUserOnly> argument to extract the configuration data for the current user only.

Downloading Administrative Web Services WSDLs from Oracle CRM On Demand

To download an Administrative Web services WSDL from Oracle CRM On Demand, complete the steps in the following procedure.

Note: To download Administrative Web services WSDLs other than the Access Profiles WSDL, your user role must have the Customize Application privilege. To download the Access Profile WSDL or the Assessments Scripts WSDL, your user role must have the Manage Roles and Access privilege.

To download an Administrative Web services WSDL from Oracle CRM On Demand

  1. Sign in to Oracle CRM On Demand as a company administrator, and click Admin.

  2. Under Web Services Integration, click Web Services Administration.

  3. From the Select Service drop-down list, select Administrative Services.

  4. From the WSDL Object list, select the required feature, for example, Homepage Layout.

  5. Click Download.

  6. Save the selected WSDL to a known location on your computer, for example:

    Oracle Migration Tool On Demand\WSDL

Considerations for Using the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand Client

The following topics describe some considerations when using the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client for migrating Oracle CRM On Demand configuration data:

Considerations for the Mark for Translation Setting

This topic describes the impact of the Mark for Translation setting (that is set in the Oracle CRM On Demand user interface) on the migration of configuration data using the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client. In the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client, the Mark for Translation functionality is supported only for the Sales Categories feature, and it works as follows:

  • If Mark for Translation is selected, then customized configuration data is extracted only in the default language (for example, ENU) in Read or ReadAll operations.

  • If Mark for Translation is not selected, then customized configuration data is extracted in all languages that are set up for the company (for example, ENU, FRA, ITA, and so on) in Read or ReadAll operations.

Essentially, when the Mark for Translation feature is used, it overwrites all the other languages except for the default language for certain fields with Name, where Name is the value provided by the user. Any extracts by the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client includes only the translation value of the default language and excludes all other languages that have been replaced with Name.

Note: The Mark for Translation check box is only available in the Default Language in the Oracle CRM On Demand user interface.

Considerations for Character Encoding in Configuration Data

The Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client stores and transfers configuration data in XML. This allows you to manage change through version control tools such as diff. Therefore, all serializations must follow XML formatting and encoding rules.

The most commonly occurring characters that must be encoded are:

  • Ampersand (&). Encoded as &amp;.

  • Apostrophe ('). Encoded as &apos;.

  • Double quotation mark ("). Encoded as &quot;.

  • Left angle bracket (<). Encoded as &lt;.

  • A right angle bracket (>). Encoded as &gt;.

To preserve the integrity of the XML content:

  • The encoded ampersand (&amp;) and left angle bracket (&lt;) characters are necessary in XML content because they are used to avoid conflicts with XML entities and elements.

  • The appropriate quote or apostrophe escaping is necessary when encoding attributes.

For example, if you extract data containing an ampersand character, then the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client renders the ampersand to &amp; in the XML file. If you run the Upsert operation on the data from the XML file, then any & characters must be represented as &amp; in the XML for the upsert to be successful.

To further illustrate, consider a Custom Web Tab in the UI with the following URL value containing ampersand characters:

id%%%&_partnerSsoToken=%%%SSO Token%%%&_partnerSessionUrl=https%3A//secure-

After a ReadAll operation, the same URL in the XML is remapped to the following URL value with the ampersand characters encoded as &amp;:

id%%%&amp;_partnerSsoToken=%%%SSO Token%%%&amp;_partnerSessionUrl=https%3A//