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Oracle CRM On Demand Page-by-Page Overview

Oracle CRM On Demand provides several Web pages for each record type (Accounts, Contacts, and so on).


Most Homepages show you tasks related to the types of records that correspond to that page, such as account-related tasks. Generally, they also show filtered lists that have been defined by your company administrator as well as an analytic chart relevant to your work. Homepages can also contain Web widgets, RSS feeds, and other Web content, depending on what your company administrator has set up.

From the Homepage, you can drill down to other pages to manage the various types of information as required.

List Pages

The List pages show the subset of records according to the list you select from the Homepage. From the List pages, you can:

  • Sort the records.
  • Review multiple records at a glance.
  • Find a record to review, delete, or update.
  • Update the fields on the List page inline, if the inline edit functionality is enabled.
  • Open a record Detail page in the record pane and update the record details without navigating away from the List page, if the record pane is available in the List page.
  • Create new records.
  • Add the list to your favorite lists by clicking the Add to Favorites icon in the right-hand side of the title bar in the List page.
  • Remove the list from your favorite lists by clicking the Remove from Favorites icon in the right-hand side of the title bar in the List page.
  • Add a record to your favorite records by clicking the Add to Favorites icon in the row for the record.
  • Remove a record from your favorite records by clicking the Remove from Favorites icon in the row for the record.
  • Refine the list within the List page, if the Toggle Refine List Pane icon is available. For more information, see Refining Lists Within List Pages.
  • Change the order of the columns in the list, by dragging the column headings to a new location and dropping them.

In addition, you can use the record-level menu beside each record name to perform various actions on the listed records, including some or all of the following:

  • Open the Edit page for the record (by selecting the Edit option), where you can edit all of the fields on the record.
  • Create a new record by copying the existing record. Your company administrator determines which field values are automatically copied to the new record.
  • Delete a record.

Depending on your company setup and the setup in your user profile, the column headings in List pages might always remain in view when you scroll down a page of records. This feature can be turned on or off at company level, but you can override the company-level Freeze List Column Header setting in your personal profile. For information about changing the Freeze List Column Header setting in your personal profile, see Updating Your Personal Details.

NOTE: If tooltip text is available for a field, then the text label for the field is underlined with a dotted line in column headings in List pages.

Manage Lists Pages

The Manage Lists pages show the standard filtered lists and the lists that either you created for your own use, or your manager created for employees to use. From the Manage Lists pages, you can:

  • Delete a list.
  • Review the entire list of filtered lists.
  • Edit a list you or your managers created or begin the process for creating another filtered list.
  • Select lists to add to the Favorite Lists section in the Action bar.

Detail Pages

A Detail page shows the information for one record. The top section of the page displays the fields for the record. If inline editing is enabled, then you can update these fields inline. Depending on the setup of your user role, you might be able to personalize the layout of the fields on record Detail pages. For more information, see Changing Your Detail Page Layout.

Field Labels and Tooltip Text

Depending on how your administrator sets up the fields, a field that appears on a record Detail page can be labeled with a text label or with an icon that indicates the purpose of the field. For example, a field to hold a cell phone number might be labeled with the text label Cell Phone Number, or it might be labeled with an icon that represents a cell phone. Your company can also set up a field so that no label is shown for the field.

Your administrator can optionally add tooltip text for fields. If tooltip text is available for a field, then the text label for the field is underlined with a dotted line in the record Detail and Edit pages, and in the column headings in List pages and related information sections in the record Detail pages, as shown in the following example:

Underlined field name

Depending on how a field is labeled and on whether tooltip text is available for the field, the tooltip text is shown as follows:

  • Field text labels. If tooltip text is available for the field, then the tooltip text appears when you rest your pointer on the text label for the field.
  • Field icon labels. If tooltip text is not available for the field, then the field name appears when you rest your pointer on the icon. If tooltip text is available for the field, then the tooltip text appears when you rest your pointer on the icon.
  • Fields with no label. No tooltip text is shown.

Images on Detail Pages

For certain record types, your company administrator can specify that an image can be displayed on the record Detail pages. If your administrator specifies that an image can be displayed on a record Detail page, then a placeholder for an image appears at the top left of the Detail page, and you can upload the image that you want to display. You cannot change the location of the image on the page. For more information, see Displaying Images on Record Detail Pages.

Related Information Sections

At the bottom of a record Detail page, you can access related information sections that contain lists of records that are linked to the main record. Depending on your setup, the related information sections appear as lists or as tabs. In the standard application, each related information list of linked records on the Detail page shows up to five records of one record type. In the lists of linked records, you can do some or all of the following, depending on the record type and on your access-level settings for the record type:

  • Open the full list of related records of a given record type.
  • Link additional records to the main record.
  • Create new records that are linked to the main record.
  • Review already linked records.
  • Edit some of the fields on records linked to the main record if inline editing is enabled.
  • Change the order of the columns in the list, by dragging the column headings to a new location and dropping them.

If your user role has the Personalize Related Information Display Format privilege, then you can choose to show the related information sections as lists or as tabs, by setting the Related Information Format option in your personal profile. If the Related Information Format field in your personal profile is blank, then the setting for your user role is used; and if the Related Information Format field on your user role is blank, then the setting for the company is used.

If the related information sections appear as tabs, and if the Enable Enhanced View for Tabs check box on the company profile is selected, then additional list functionality, such as sorting, filtering, and searching, is also available in the related information sections. In addition, your administrator can optionally set up a default filter for a list of records in a related information section. For more information about the enhanced view for tabs, see About the Enhanced View for Related Information Tabs.

Depending on the setup of your user role, you might be able to personalize the layout of the related information sections on record Detail pages. For more information, see Changing Your Detail Page Layout.

For many of the record types that appear in related information sections, your administrator can create layouts that specify which fields are displayed in the list of related records. In the case of some record types, your administrator can also determine which field is used to sort the list of related records when the list is initially displayed, and whether the records are sorted in ascending order or descending order.

Scrolling Through the Related Information Tabs

If you use a classic theme, and if the related information sections appear as tabs, then there might be more tabs available than can fit across the page in your browser window. In that case, you can click the arrows on the right and left of the tabs to scroll through the tabs. The scrolling behavior of the tabs is determined by the Enable Classic Theme Paging for Tabs check box on the company profile, as follows:

  • If the Enable Classic Theme Paging for Tabs check box is deselected, then the right and left arrows scroll through the tabs one at a time.
  • If the Enable Classic Theme Paging for Tabs check box is selected, then clicking the right and left arrows displays the next or previous set of tabs. For example, if 15 tabs are available to you but only six tabs fit across the page, then you can click the right arrow to display the second set of six tabs, and click it again to display the remaining tabs. You can then click the left arrow to scroll back through the tabs, six tabs at a time.

Record Indicators for Related Information Sections

If your user role has the Personalize Detail Page - Records Indicator privilege, then you can set up record indicators for the related information sections on record Detail pages. The record indicators allow you to see whether any records are present in a related information section, without opening the section. Your administrator can also configure the record indicators for the Detail pages for the record types at role level. If you do not personalize the record indicator settings for a record type, then the settings that are configured for the record type for your role are used.

For information about the behavior of the record indicators, see About the Record Indicators for Related Information Sections. For information about personalizing the record indicator settings, see Managing Record Indicators for Related Information Sections.

Using the Head-Up Display to View Related Information Sections

The head-up display is a list of links to the related information sections of the page. The head-up display might also be available at the bottom of your browser window. For the head-up display to be available, both of the following conditions must be met:

  • The Support Head-up Display Settings check box must be selected on your theme.
  • The head-up display functionality must be turned on. You can turn the head-up display functionality on or off by setting the Head-up Display option in your personal profile. If the Head-up Display field in your personal profile is blank, then the setting for the company is used.

The following procedure describes how to use the head-up display.

To use the head-up display to view related information sections

  • Do one or more of the following:
    • Go to the related information lists or tabs, without having to scroll down the page, by clicking the links in the display.
    • Collapse the head-up display by clicking the minus sign (-) in the display.
    • Expand the display again by clicking the plus sign (+).

      The collapsed or expanded setting in the head-up display is maintained for all record types until you change it again, even if you sign out of Oracle CRM On Demand and sign in again.

NOTE: For information about changing the Related Information Format option and the Head-up Display option in your personal profile, see Updating Your Personal Details.

Tasks That You Can Perform on the Detail Pages

On the Detail pages, you can also do the following:

  • Create a new record by copying the existing record (for most record types). Your company administrator determines which field values are automatically copied to the new record.
  • Expand and collapse the sections in Detail pages as required. These settings are maintained until you change them again, even if you sign out of Oracle CRM On Demand and sign in again.
  • Add the record to your favorite records by clicking the Add to Favorites icon in the right-hand side of the title bar in the Detail page
  • Remove the record from your favorite records by clicking the Remove from Favorites icon in the right-hand side of the title bar in the Detail page.
  • Click the Note icon to add notes or view notes from other users.
  • Send a note to another user by moving the pointer over the name of the user, see Sending Notes to Other Users.

Detail pages can also contain custom Web applets set up by your company administrator. These are used to embed Web widgets, RSS feeds, and other Web content on the page. For more information, see About Custom Web Applets.

New Record Pages

You can create records from different areas in Oracle CRM On Demand. The field layout that you see on the page where you enter the information for a new record depends on how your user role is set up. For more information about the field layout on new record pages, see About the Layouts of New Record Pages.

Edit Pages

The Edit pages show one record’s fields in editable format. You can use these pages to update the record information. The record fields on the Edit pages are identical to the top part of the Detail pages. If tooltip text is available for a field, then the text label for the field is underlined with a dotted line in record Edit pages.

Both Edit pages and Detail pages can contain custom Web link fields. For a particular Web link, the administrator can specify whether it appears on the Edit page, Detail page, or both, as described in Setting Up Web Links.

Layout Pages

Administrators and other users who have the necessary privileges can configure and personalize the layout of many pages in Oracle CRM On Demand, as well as configuring tab layouts, Action bar layouts and so on. In the Layout pages where you configure such layouts, you typically specify the configuration that you want by selecting items in one list and moving them to another list.

To move the values from one list to another list in the Layout pages, you can use the left and right arrows that are provided in the page, and the instructions in the online help typically describe this method of moving the values. However, in many Layout pages, you can also move a value from one list to another list by double-clicking the value. When you double-click a value, it is moved to the list immediately to the right of the list in which it previously appeared. If you double-click a value in the rightmost list, then the value is moved to the list immediately to the left of the list in which it previously appeared.

NOTE: In cases where the lists in the Layout page are presented in a grid format, such as the Layout pages for personalizing or customizing field layouts for record Detail pages, the ability to move a value from one list to another list by double-clicking the value is not supported. Also, the ability to move a value from one list to another list by tapping the value on a touch device is not supported.

Typically, up and down arrows are also provided in the Layout pages to allow you to change the order of items within a list of items.

NOTE: The ability to move a value from one list to another is also supported in other areas in the interface. For example, in the Display Columns section in a list setup page, you can move fields from the Available Fields list to the Selected Fields list by double-clicking the field names. Also, in the window where you select values for a multi-select picklist field, you can move the values that you want to the Selected list by double-clicking the values.

Published 6/21/2021 Copyright © 2005, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Legal Notices.