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Submitting Claims for MDF Requests

Partners create claims to redeem the pre-approved money that was spent on marketing activities. Claims are either created against a specific market development fund (MDF) request or can exist independently.

To submit a claim for an MDF request

  1. Select the MDF request for which you want to submit a claim from the All MDF Requests section on the MDF Request homepage.

    For information on selecting MDF requests, see Finding Records.

  2. On the MDF Request Detail page, click the Edit button.
  3. On the MDF Request Edit page, enter the amount in the Total Claim Amount Requested field.
  4. From the Claim Status field, select Claim Submitted. Then click Save.

    After the Claim Status field has been changed to Claim Submitted and the record has been saved the following occurs:

    • The routing of the MDF request claim begins.
    • A workflow rule sets the Approver field of the MDF request to the appropriate user.
    • The approver is added to the team of the MDF request if the approver is not already present.
    • A workflow rules sends the appropriate email notifications.

Published 6/21/2021 Copyright © 2005, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Legal Notices.