21 Tender Boat

The system allows other users to access the same Gate Location from a different browser if
  • the Location is opened and active.

For example, User A logs in to a browser and selects Gate location, Gate A. User A then logs in at another browser and selects the same gate. The system will prompt User A the following options:
  • Cancel: Return to previous selection page.

  • Reset: Reset previously opened location.

  • Rejoin: Navigate back to the Gangway Search Profile screen where User A first logged in on the browser.

Figure 21-1 Tender Boat Confirmation Options

This figure shows the Tender Boat Confirmation Options
When User B logs in and selects the same Gate Location as User A, the system prompts the following options:
  • Cancel: Return to previous selection page.

  • Join: Navigates to the Gangway Search Profile page where User A first logged in on the browser.

Figure 21-2 Tender Boat Options to Join

This figure shows the Tender Boat Options to Join
If User B closes the browser and reopens a new browser, then logs in to the same Gate Location as the User A. The system will give User B the option to rejoin the opened Gate Location.
  • Cancel: Return to previous selection page.

  • Rejoin: Navigate to the Gangway Search Profile page where User B log in previously.

Figure 21-3 Tender Boat Options to Rejoin

This figure shows the Tender Boat Options to Rejoin

Changing Tender Boat Direction

The tender boat direction can be changed from the Direction drop-down menu, by selecting the direction and confirming the change at the confirmation prompt.

Figure 21-4 Tender Boat Direction

This figure shows the Tender Boat Direction


The system clears the screen and resets the counter once you select the Change button at the confirmation prompt.

People Movement on Tender Boat

To register a guest to a tender boat, search for the name and select Yes on the confirmation dialog. Once saved, the total seated count will increment. For instance, total tender boat capacity is five, seated is one and the remaining seats are four.

Editing Tender Boat Capacity

The tender boat capacity can be adjusted by editing the total seats and the threshold from the Gate Settings functions.

Figure 21-5 Tender Boat Summary

This figure shows the Tender Boat Summary

Resetting Tender Boat Count

You can easily reset the Tender Boat count by selecting the Reset button to switch to another tender boat. This function resets the count of previous boat.

When you select the reset button, the system prompts a confirmation that seating is in progress or an alert message if the boat is used in another gateway.

Click OK at the confirmation prompt to reset the count.

Figure 21-6 Tender Boat Reset

This figure shows the Tender Boat Reset

Figure 21-7 Tender Boat Reset Confirmation

This figure shows the Tender Boat Reset Confirmation

Figure 21-8 Tender Boat Reset Alert Message

This figure shows the Tender Boat Reset Alert Message