Understanding the Tile Wizard Classes

Oracle provides three Tile Wizard classes to help you create tile definitions and dynamic content for tiles:

  • Tile — To define dynamic tile content using PeopleCode, implement a custom application class from the delivered PTGP_APPCLASS_TILE:Tiles:Tile base class. See Implementing an Application Class for Tile Content for more information. Then, associate your custom application class to a tile definition in Tile Wizard. See Step 2: Data Source Information - Application Class for more information.

  • ImageTile Use the PTGP_APPCLASS_TILE:API:ImageTile class to create, publish, or update an image tile definition using PeopleCode.

  • FreeTextTile Use the PTGP_APPCLASS_TILE:API:FreeTextTile class to create, publish, or update a free text tile definition using PeopleCode. Because the FreeTextTile class is a subclass of the ImageTile class, many of the methods and properties of the ImageTile class are inherited by and apply to the FreeTextTile class.