Troubleshooting Kibana Configuration

This appendix describes some of the administrative tasks you can perform on Kibana.

After you install Kibana using the delivered DPK, you can add a Kibana service, verify that the service is created, or delete the service.

Adding Kibana as a Service on Linux

To add a Kibana service:

  1. Open a terminal window, running as root.

  2. Change directory to ELK_INSTALL/setup:

    cd ELK_INSTALL/setup

  3. Run this command to add the service:

    ./ --add --install_base_dir BASE_DIR

  4. Use one of these methods to verify that the service was added:

    • The output of the following ps command must show a running Kibana process:

      ps -ef | grep kibana

    • Use the systemctl command:

      systemctl status kibana

      This should give an output with the status "active (running)," as shown in the following sample:

      kibana.service - Kibana
      Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/kibana.service; enabled;vendor preset: disabled)
      Active: active (running) since Tue 2020-09-01 23:05:38 PDT; 9s ago
      Main PID: 67149 (node)
      Tasks: 11
      Memory: 111.7M
      CGroup: /system.slice/kibana.service

Verifying that the Kibana Service Starts Automatically

After you install the Kibana service and verify the installation, test to make sure the service starts automatically after you reboot the Linux server.

  1. Reboot the Linux server.

  2. Verify that the service has come up automatically.

    systemctl status kibana

    This should give an output with the status "active (running)," as shown in the following sample:

    kibana.service - Kibana
    Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/kibana.service; enabled; vendorpreset: disabled)
    Active: active (running) since Tue 2020-09-01 23:05:38 PDT; 9s ago
    Main PID: 67149 (node)
    Tasks: 11
    Memory: 111.7M
    CGroup: /system.slice/kibana.service

Removing the Kibana Service on Linux

To remove the Kibana service:

  1. Open a terminal window, running as root.

  2. Change directory to ELK_INSTALL/setup:

    cd ELK_INSTALL/setup

  3. Run this command to remove the service:

    ./ --delete

  4. Use one of these methods to verify that the service was deleted:

    • The output of the following ps command should not include any Kibana process:

      ps -ef | grep kibana

    • Use this systemctl command:

      systemctl status kibana

Access to the Kibana menu is controlled through the Kibana Administrator role. Therefore, only users with the Kibana Administrator role can view the Kibana menu and access Kibana.

See Accessing Kibana From PeopleSoft.

If you see the following errors on the Kibana visualization tiles, you should follow the instructions provided in the corresponding section to fix the issue:

  • Access denied error message

  • Internal error message

  • Site not found error message

  • Create new index pattern error message

Each of these errors and their solutions are described here:

Access Denied Error Message

If a user sees the Access Denied error message on a Kibana visualization tile, follow these instructions to resolve the issue:

  • As a first step, refresh the browser or clear the cache on the browser.

  • Verify that the call back information on the Search Instance page is set correctly.

    1. After modifying the call back information, save the page.

    2. Select the Validate button to ensure that the validation returns a positive message.

    See Creating Search Instances.

  • Verify that the orcl_es_auth index exists in Elasticsearch.

Internal Error Message

If a user sees the Internal Error message on a Kibana visualization tile, follow these instructions to resolve the issue:

  • Verify that the search definition associated with the tile is deployed and indexed.

  • Verify that the Kibana dashboard is deployed.

    See Managing a Delivered Dashboard.

Site Not Found Error Message

If a user sees the Site Not Found error message on a Kibana visualization tile, follow these instructions to resolve the issue:

  • Verify whether the Kibana server is down.

  • Verify whether Kibana is configured correctly.

    If the environment is SSL enabled, ensure that end to end SSL configuration is successful. However, it is advisable to verify the Kibana configuration in a non-SSL environment first before configuring Kibana in an SSL enabled environment.

Create New Index Pattern Error Message

If a user sees the Create New Index Pattern error message on a Kibana visualization tile, follow these instructions to resolve the issue:

  • Verify that the Kibana dashboards are deployed.

  • Verify whether an index pattern is specified as default on the Management page in Kibana.

    See Creating a Visualization.

If you are creating a visualization and unable to save a visualization, you should ensure that you have either of the following privileges:

  • The Search Administrator role is assigned to the user.

  • The create access privilege is assigned to the user on the Kibana Privileges page.

    See Specifying User Privileges.