Creating a Project or Shell Cash Flow Curve Template

There are two types of cash flow templates:

When creating curves from templates, only the properties of the curve are copied; data and permissions are not copied.

You can pre-set curve options, except, for example, the business process records and cost sheet columns, which are set at run time.

  1. Go to the Company Workspace tab and switch to Admin mode.
  2. In the left Navigator, click Templates > Shells > Projects > <Select a Project> > Cost Manager > Cash Flow.
  3. In the right pane, click + Create in the tool bar.
  4. Enter information in the General tab of the New Cash Flow Worksheet window.

    For more details, see Project or Shell Cash Flow Properties.

Related Topics

Managing Cash Flow in Shell Templates

Project or Shell Cash Flow Properties (General Pane)

Project or Shell Cash Flow Properties (General Pane - More Options)

Project or Shell Cash Flow Properties (Curves Pane)

Cash Flow Curves

Cash Flow Curve Types

Project or Shell Cash Flow Properties Curves Pane and Curve Types

Last Published Wednesday, June 26, 2024