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User Data Repository Diameter Common
Release 12.4
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Range Based Address Resolution (RBAR) CSV File Formats and Contents

The following tables describe the CSV file content and attribute column positions for all configuration data supported by the RBAR Application Type.


Address Individual and Address Range elements are in different CSV files for performance reasons.

"Applications configuration elements" in the RBAR Help describes the configuration data elements listed in Table 5-61 and configuration considerations for the data elements that must be observed when the elements are edited in the CSV files.

Table 5-61 Supported Application CSV Format

Column Data Description
0 Application Type (Rbar)
1 SuppAppl (Keyword)
2 Application ID
3 Routing Mode (Proxy)

"Addresses configuration elements" in the RBAR Help describes the configuration data elements listed in Table 5-62 and configuration considerations for the data elements that must be observed when the elements are edited in the CSV files.

Table 5-62 Address Individual CSV Format

Column Data Description
0 Application Type (Rbar)
1 AddressIndv (Keyword)
2 Table Name
3 Address
4 Destination
5 Pfx Length
6 Old Table Name
7 Old Address
8 Old Pfx Length

"Addresses configuration elements" in the RBAR Help describes the configuration data elements listed in Table 5-63 and configuration considerations for the data elements that must be observed when the elements are edited in the CSV files.

Table 5-63 Address Range CSV Format

Column Data Description
0 Application Type (Rbar)
1 AddressRange (Keyword)
2 Table Name
3 Start Address
4 End Address
5 Destination
6 Pfx Length
7 Old Table Name (Key)
8 Old Start Address (Key)
9 Old Pfx Length (Key)

"Address Tables configuration elements" in the RBAR Help describes the configuration data elements listed in Table 5-64 and configuration considerations for the data elements that must be observed when the elements are edited in the CSV files.

Table 5-64 Address Table CSV Format

Column Data Description
0 Application Type (Rbar)
1 AddressTable (Keyword)
2 Name
3 Comment
4 Routing Entity (Imsi, Msisdn, Impi, Impu, ExternalId, Ipv4, Ipv6PfxAddr, Unsigned16)

"Destinations configuration elements" in the RBAR Help describes the configuration data elements listed in Table 5-65 and configuration considerations for the data elements that must be observed when the elements are edited in the CSV files.

Table 5-65 Destination Table CSV Format

Column Data Description
0 Application Type (Rbar)
1 Destination (Keyword)
2 Name (Key)
3 Realm
4 Fqdn
5 Avp Insertion (No, Yes)

"Exceptions configuration elements" in the RBAR Help describes the configuration data elements listed in Table 5-66 and configuration considerations for the data elements that must be observed when the elements are edited in the CSV files.

Table 5-66 Routing Exception CSV Format

Column Data Description
0 Application Type (Rbar)
1 RoutingException (Keyword)
2 Application ID
3 Exception Type (UnknownCmdCode, NoRoutingEntityAddress, NoDrtEntry)
4 Action (FwdUnchanged, FwdToDest, SendAnswer, SendAnsExp)
5 Destination Name
6 Answer Result Code
7 Vendor ID
8 Error Message

"Address Resolutions configuration elements" in the RBAR Help describes the configuration data elements listed in Table 5-67 and configuration considerations for the data elements that must be observed when the elements are edited in the CSV files.

Table 5-67 Address Resolution CSV Format

Column Data Description
0 Application Type (Rbar)
1 Resolution (Keyword)
2 Application ID
3 CMD Code
4 Routing Entity 1 (Imsi, Msisdn, Impi, Impu, Ipv4, Ipv6PfxAddr, Unsigned16, ExternalId)
5 Re 1 Avp 1 (PublicIdentity, SvcInfoSubscrId0, SvcInfoSubscrId1, SvcInfoSubscrId2, SvcInfoSubscrId3, SvcInfoSubscrId4, SubscriptionId0, SubscriptionId1, SubscriptionId2, SubscriptionId3, SubscriptionId4, UserIdentityMsisdn, UserIdentityPublic, UserIdentifierExternalId, UserName, FramedIpAddress, FramedIpv6Prefix, SvcInfoPsInfo3gppcc, Unprovisioned)
6 Re 1 Avp 2 (PublicIdentity, SvcInfoSubscrId0, SvcInfoSubscrId1, SvcInfoSubscrId2, SvcInfoSubscrId3, SvcInfoSubscrId4, SubscriptionId0, SubscriptionId1, SubscriptionId2, SubscriptionId3, SubscriptionId4, UserIdentityMsisdn, UserIdentityPublic, UserIdentifierExternalId, UserName, FramedIpAddress, FramedIpv6Prefix, SvcInfoPsInfo3gppcc, Unprovisioned)
7 Re 1 Address Table Name
8 Routing Entity 2 (Imsi, Msisdn, Impi, Impu, Ipv4, Ipv6PfxAddr, Unsigned16, Externalid)
9 Re 2 Avp 1 (PublicIdentity, SvcInfoSubscrId0, SvcInfoSubscrId1, SvcInfoSubscrId2, SvcInfoSubscrId3, SvcInfoSubscrId4, SubscriptionId0, SubscriptionId1, SubscriptionId2, SubscriptionId3, SubscriptionId4, UserIdentityMsisdn, UserIdentityPublic, UserIdentifierExternalId, UserName, FramedIpAddress, FramedIpv6Prefix, SvcInfoPsInfo3gppcc, Unprovisioned)
10 Re 2 Avp 2 (PublicIdentity, SvcInfoSubscrId0, SvcInfoSubscrId1, SvcInfoSubscrId2, SvcInfoSubscrId3, SvcInfoSubscrId4, SubscriptionId0, SubscriptionId1, SubscriptionId2, SubscriptionId3, SubscriptionId4, UserIdentityMsisdn, UserIdentityPublic, UserIdentifierExternalId, UserName, FramedIpAddress, FramedIpv6Prefix, SvcInfoPsInfo3gppcc, Unprovisioned)
11 Re 2 Address Table name
12 Routing Entity 3 (Imsi, Msisdn, Impi, Impu, Ipv4, Ipv6PfxAddr, Unsigned16, ExternalId )
13 Re 3 Avp 1 (PublicIdentity, SvcInfoSubscrId0, SvcInfoSubscrId1, SvcInfoSubscrId2, SvcInfoSubscrId3, SvcInfoSubscrId4, SubscriptionId0, SubscriptionId1, SubscriptionId2, SubscriptionId3, SubscriptionId4, Msisdn, UserIdentityMsisdn, UserIdentifier Msisdn, UserIdentity Public, UserIdentifierExternalId , UserIdentifierUserName, UserName, FramedIpAddress, FramedIpv6Prefix, SvcInfoPsInfo3gppcc, Unprovisioned)
14 Re 3 Avp 2 (PublicIdentity, SvcInfoSubscrId0, SvcInfoSubscrId1, SvcInfoSubscrId2, SvcInfoSubscrId3, SvcInfoSubscrId4, SubscriptionId0, SubscriptionId1, SubscriptionId2, SubscriptionId3, SubscriptionId4, Msisdn, UserIdentityMsisdn, UserIdentifier Msisdn, UserIdentity Public, UserIdentifierExternalId , UserIdentifierUserName, UserName, FramedIpAddress, FramedIpv6Prefix, SvcInfoPsInfo3gppcc, Unprovisioned)
15 Re 3 Address Table name

"System Options elements" in the RBAR Help describes the configuration data elements listed in Table 5-68 and configuration considerations for the data elements that must be observed when the elements are edited in the CSV files.

Table 5-68 Option CSV Format

Column Data Description
0 Application Type (Rbar)
1 Option (Keyword)
2 Uri Supported (No, Yes)
3 RemoveDestHost (No, Yes)
4 Exclude Space (No, Yes)
5 Allow SubsequentDSR App Invoc (No, Yes)
6 Realm
7 Fqdn
8 Resource Exhaustion Error Code
9 Resource Exhaustion Error Message
10 Resource Exhaustion Vendor ID
11 Unavailable Application Action (ContinueRouting, DefaultRoute, SendAnswer, SendAnsExp)
12 Unavailable Application Route List
13 Unavailable Application Result Code
14 Unavailable Application Error Message
15 Unavailable Application Vendor ID
16 ASCII Exluded List [0]
  (repeated x 20) . . .
35 ASCII Excluded List [19]
36 TBCD Excluded List [0]
  (repeated x 5) . . .
40 TBCD Excluded List [4]