Business Process Forms

The forms are consistent throughout the system, with a similar look and feel. When you send a workflow business process form to the next step, the assignee receives a task.

When you first open a task, it appears in "view" mode. Depending on your BP setup, the "view" version of this form might let you:

If you accept the task, the form becomes editable. Depending on your BP setup, the editable, or "action," version of this form might let you:

The form appears similar to a paper form—you complete the form by typing information directly into the form fields or choosing options through drop-down lists, pickers, or checkboxes.

Note: The section labels are determined by the design and may vary. The basic form functionality remains the same.

In This Section

Parts of the Form

Auto-sequencing and Unique Values in Fields


CBS Picker

WBS Picker

User Picker and Group Picker

Shell Data Picker

Last Published Monday, August 28, 2023