Completing a Business Process Form

To complete a business process form

  1. Review the form carefully. If you have the proper permissions, you can perform the following functions, if the business process is set up for them or is of the proper type to accommodate them.
  2. In the Action Details area of the form, designate the next assignees (users and groups) who will receive the next step in the workflow as a task. (See Assign users to the next step) You can choose the next users to send the BP to if the BP has been set up this way. Some BPs have a fixed workflow. If this is the last step in the workflow, this is not applicable.

    You may also be able to designate the Task Due Date for the next assignees. (See Modifying Step Due Date.)

  3. When you have completed any necessary edits or additions, select an action or workflow action from the Workflow Actions drop-down list. If there is only one possible workflow action for a step, the action is auto-populated in the field. The action you take depends on the task assigned. For example, if this is a review step, an action that you may be able to take is "approve."
  4. Click the Send button.
    • If the workflow is not yet complete, the form will be forwarded to the next team members in the workflow.
    • If the workflow is complete (that is, your input was the last step of the workflow), the record will appear as complete in the business process log.

Note: You can also save your work as a draft at any point. This is recommended if you are going to leave your desk or have a lot of work to do on it. There is no autosave. If you change your mind after making a selection, click the Undo Action button, and then choose another action. In Classic View, after you have accepted the task or initiated an action, you can still review what you received prior to doing so without having to undo. Click View > Received or the Click here to view latest content button. The system displays another pop-up window of the original record as you received it. Assign users to the next step

Last Published Monday, August 28, 2023