General Spends Business Processes

General spends business processes enable you to invoice at the CBS or breakdown level, supporting multiple invoices per SOV. These business processes do not calculate retainage or stored materials. General spends business processes are designed in uDesigner. For more information, refer to the Unifier uDesigner User Guide or Unifier Help.

You can use CSV import to create new general spends business processes or to add SOV line items to existing business processes. You can export general spends business process templates at the log level (for header and line item templates, with no data exported) and at the record level (for line item templates with SOV line item data exported). You can modify the templates and import them to create new records (at the log level) or to add line items to an existing record (at the record level).

An Integration interface must be defined to support CSV import. If you find that you cannot perform the file import, see your Administrator.

Also, new records can be created and line items added using Integration through Web Services. Integration through Web Services must be coordinated with an Oracle Primavera representative.

In This Section

Import New General Spends Records

Import General Spends Line Items into a Business Process

Lump Sum and Unit Cost

CSV Integration

Last Published Monday, August 28, 2023