Cost Manager (Standard)

The standard Cost Manager and the Generic Cost Manager work much the same way, but with different areas in the system. This table lists the areas and the indicates which cost manager works with each area.

The cost data from Project (Standard) and Shell (CBS) can both roll up to the Company level. The cost data from Shell (Generic) does not roll up to Company Level. See the Working with a Generic Cost Manager section for more information about Generic Cost Manager.

Cost Manager



Project (Standard)

Shell (CBS)

Shell (Generic)

Cost Manager (for CBS codes)






Generic Cost Manager






The Generic Cost Business Process works with the Generic Cost Manager, in the context of a Shell, only. See the Working with Generic Cost Business Processes section for more information about Generic Cost Manager.

There is one accounts sheet per company. There is no template for an accounts sheet. After creation, you add columns and rows. The columns can be formulas, they can roll up data from company cost (accounts) business processes, or they can roll up asset data, project or shell cost data, or resource data. Adding rows to the accounts sheet creates the account codes that are used. You need to activate the account codes after adding the rows.

Optional steps:

To roll up transactions to the accounts sheet, you must create and set up company-level cost business processes (also known as an account type business process). These BPs use account codes rather than the CBS codes used in project or shell level cost BPs. These are discussed in the Business Process sections. Other options assume that you have configured and set up an Assets Sheet (for rolling up asset data).

See Also

Cost Manager

Cash Flow

Cost Sheet

Schedules of Values (SOV)

Funding Sheet

Commitment Funding Sheet

Accounts Sheet

Generic Cost Manager

Rules and Rule Exceptions

Cost Rules Impacting Cost Manager

P6, Cost Manager, and Cash Flow

Last Published Monday, August 28, 2023