Rules and Rule Exceptions

The system employs a rules engine to help control costs as they roll up to the Cost Sheet. Your administrator creates rules to work with the rules engine. For example, your administrator might create a rule that enforces a budget limit on contracts so that invoices do not exceed the contract amounts.

When a cost exceeds a rule, it triggers a "rule exception," and the system displays a message window warning you of the exception. The window shows the level of the rule, an identifier, the rule that was exceeded, the current value of the field, and the value that triggered the rule exception.

Rule exceptions can be triggered by:

Some users can override a rule violation. These users are specified when the administrator creates the rule. These users can choose to override the exception, or accept it.

If you override the rule exception, the system sends your user information and any comments you include to the audit log. If notification was specified when the rule was created, those users who were designated will be notified by email of the override.

If you accept the rule exception (click Cancel), you will stay on the current step.

Note: The system does not display the rule exception warning if the cost data comes from an email action, an integration transaction. If you have override control, the system will assume that you want to override the rule and sends information to the audit log.

When your Administrator creates a rule template:

The rule is implemented during runtime (as a cost type BP is routed in its workflow or is Finish Edited) and according to your choices.

See Also

Cost Manager

Cash Flow

Cost Sheet

Schedules of Values (SOV)

Funding Sheet

Commitment Funding Sheet

Accounts Sheet

Generic Cost Manager

Cost Manager (Standard)

Cost Rules Impacting Cost Manager

P6, Cost Manager, and Cash Flow

Last Published Monday, August 28, 2023