Working with the Company Cost Sheet

Like other cost sheets, the ability to work with the Company Cost Sheet depends on the permissions that you have.

Note: Contact your project or company administrator if you have questions regarding your permission levels.

A Company Cost Sheet, as shown in the example below, is comprised of a series of company projects or shells represented in rows.

This image displays an example company cost sheet. All rows in the log are projects or shells.

Note: There is only one Company Cost Sheet.

Within the Company Cost Sheet, the projects or shells are listed in order by Project Number and then by Project Name followed by other data sources, all shown in columns.

Data rolls up to the Company Cost Sheet columns from the individual project or shell cost sheets columns, by data source.

The Company Cost Sheet columns headings provide the following information, upon hover over:

If the Base Currency is different from the Shell Currency, then the current "Active" Exchange Rate is used to display Costs in the Company Cost Sheet.

Only published P6 data source, as defined by the Administrator (in the Standards & Libraries (Admin mode)), can be used for P6 as data source. If you add a column to the Company Cost Sheet and select P6 as the data source, then the data is acquired from the corresponding P6 Source column of the shells in the company.

The following explains how to work with the Company Cost Sheet.

Related Topics

Opening Company Cost Sheet

Searching for Projects or Shells in Company Cost Sheet

Importing Company Cost Sheet Data

Exporting Company Cost Sheet Data

Adding a Column to Company Cost Sheet

Restricting a Column on the Company Cost Sheet

Changing the Properties of a Column on the Company Cost Sheet

Creating and Opening a Snapshot of the Company Cost Sheet

Accessing Project or Shell Cost Sheet from Company Cost Sheet

Last Published Monday, August 28, 2023