CSV Data Import for Subscribers

Each line in the subscriber import file is for one subscriber, which is defined as a group of related routing entities.

The update commands in the subscriber import file contain all of the routing entities and Account ID values for one subscriber. During the import process, all specified routing entities and Account ID values are added to a new subscriber, or an existing subscriber is updated to contain only the specified values.

For example, if an existing subscriber has an IMSI, MSISDN, or External Identifier value that was not specified in the CSV import file, that IMSI, MSISDN, or External Identifier routing entity is removed from the subscriber and deleted.

The delete commands in the subscriber import file must indicate at least one Account ID, IMSI, MSISDN, or External Identifier value for each subscriber. The delete commands delete the whole subscriber, including all routing entities related to that subscriber.

By default, the IMSI, MSISDN, and External Identifier routing entity CSV files are for stand-alone routing entities. The import command adds a new stand-alone routing entity, updates an existing routing entity, or deletes a routing entity.

If an update command is for an IMSI, MSISDN, or External Identifier value that is part of a subscriber, then the updated destination values are automatically applied to all other routing entities for the subscriber.

If a delete command is for an IMSI, MSISDN, or External Identifier value that is part of a subscriber, the delete affects only a single routing entity. The delete command cannot delete the last routing entity for a subscriber. The user must delete the whole subscriber.