Data Export

The export feature allows a full text export of the database. Exported records can be used to perform data manipulation of subscriber data. Exports can be scheduled as one-time or recurring. Exported data can be offloaded to a remote server. The exported text file can be downloaded from the file transfer area.


Export is a time consuming operation recommended to be scheduled during off-peak hours.

Export options and scheduling are configured using the GUI on the Active SDS server on the Primary Provisioning Site. The GUI is also used to view the status of all in-progress or completed exports. We recommend you see the SDS Online Help for more information.

The type of data that can be exported is defined in Table 3-1. All export formats allow all available data to be exported for the given format.

The XML and CSV exports use the same format as the imports. See Provisioning Data Import (XML) and Provisioning Data Import (CSV) for more information.

The HLRR Export creates ent_sub HLRR PDBI commands. If data is exported in the HLRR format, only the MSISDN and/or IMSI values that have E.164 addresses are exported. The HLRR format produces commands that are in HLR Router's PDBI format.

If the All option is selected for export in the XML or CSV format, then each IMSI, MSISDN, and External Identifier value is exported once. If the MSISDN value is assigned to a subscriber, then the MSISDN value is exported with the subscriber data. If the MSISDN value is not assigned to a subscriber, then the MSISDN value is exported with the MSISDN data. The IMSI value is also exported with subscriber or IMSI data. Likewise for the External Identifier values - the External Identifier value is either exported with Subscriber or Local Identifier data.

The export file is an ASCII text file with 1 line per entry. The first line of the export file contains a comment that indicates the export mode, the data base level when export was started, and the time the export was started. Before each type of data is exported, a comment line indicates the type of data that follows. The last line of the export file contains a comment that indicates when the export finished. If the export was run in non-blocking mode, then the database level at the end of the export is listed before the time value within the comment.

Export file formats vary, depending on the export format type as shown in the following sections.

Export XML File Format in Non-Blocking Mode

<!-- mode, level, yyyymmddhhmmss -->
<!-- type -->
. . .
. . .
<!-- type -->
. . .
<!-- level, yyyymmddhhmmss -->

Export CSV File Format in Non-Blocking Mode

# mode, db level=level, start time=yyyymmddhhmmss
# type
. . .
. . .
# type
. . .
# db level=level, finish time=yyyymmddhhmmss

Export HLRR File Format in Non-Blocking Mode

# mode, db level=level, start time=yyyymmddhhmmss
. . .
# db level=level, finish time=yyyymmddhhmmss

Export Log File Parameters

Parameter Description Values
mode Export Mode

blocking = Updates are blocked during export

realtime = Updates are allowed during export

level (Optional) Durable database level (at start or end of export).

If exporting in blocking mode, the level is not displayed on the last line of file.


yyyymmddhhmmss Date and time (in UTC) export started or completed.

yyyy = 1970 - 2099 (year)

mm = 01 - 12 (month)

dd = 01 - 31 (day of month)

hh = 00 - 23 (hours)

mm = 00 - 59 (minutes)

ss = 00 - 59 (seconds)

type (Optional)

Comment with type of data being exported.

Export in hlrr format does not have this field because hlrr format only exports one type of command.

reqMsg Exported data in an update request message format.