Provisioning Data Import (XML)

Data can be imported from an XML import file to add, update, or delete existing data in the provisioning database.

An XML import file is an ASCII text file that contains a series of database manipulation requests in XML format as specified in XML Message Definitions. An import file may contain as many requests as the storage media used to hold the import file allows. Table 3-5 shows the database manipulation requests that are supported in an XML import file.


You can only add a subscriber to a subscriber table, if the Account ID, IMSI, or MSISDN is not already in the table. If the table already contains any of these values, the add function fails and an error condition report is generate that contains the reason for the failure.

Table 3-5 Supported Database Requests for XML Import Files

XDS Operation Description Section
updateSubscriber Update Subscriber Routing Data (type IMSI/MSISDN) Update Subscriber
deleteSubscriber Delete Subscriber Routing Data (type IMSI/MSISDN) Delete Subscriber
updateSubscriberNAI Update Subscriber Routing Data (type NAI) Update Subscriber NAI
deleteSubscriberNAI Delete Subscriber Routing Data (type NAI) Delete Subscriber NAI

Unsupported requests are skipped, and each occurrence is recorded as BAD_IMPORT_CMD in the import log file. Errors encountered while processing the import file are recorded in the import log. Unknown/invalid requests are skipped with each occurrence recorded as INV_REQUEST_NAME in the import log file.

Blank and comment lines are skipped. The format of a XML comment line is:
<!-- comment --/>

XML requests are processed in the order that they are read from the import file and must be ordered to satisfy any data dependencies.

Import file names on the remote server must be suffixed with .xml to be automatically downloaded and imported into the provisioning database.

Update requests may be unavailable to other clients for the duration of an import operation, if the import mode is set to blocking (see the Export Mode configuration variable in XML/SOAP Interface System Variables). Read requests are always available.