Data Import

SDS provides automatic file-based bulk import of provisioning data. Files from a remote directory can be imported and the values within the files used to populate the database. The files can contain data in CSV or XML format. The type of data that can be imported for each format type is defined in Table 3-1.

Import options are configured using the SDS GUI. We recommend you see the SDS Online Help for more information.

Imports are not scheduled through the GUI. The imports are initiated by the presence of a file placed in the Remote Import Directory.

Import files that are placed in the specified location on the remote server are detected within five minutes and automatically downloaded using SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) to the file management storage area on the active server. For a file to be imported it must:
  • Be named correctly. CSV import files must match the file names shown in xxx XML import files must have *.xml file extensions.
  • Have been placed in the remote directory after the time when the import last ran.
  • Not have been previously imported. A file that has already been imported into the local directory will not be imported again, even if the status is failed. To import a previously failed file, correct the file as necessary, rename the file, and place the renamed file in the remote directory.

Once fully downloaded, each file is automatically imported into the Provisioning Database in the order of their time stamps from the remote server.

The import file is an ASCII text file that contains a series of database manipulation requests. Each request must be formatted on a single line.

An import log file is created for each file that is imported, and a copy is automatically uploaded to the same location the import file was downloaded from on the remote server. The log file has the same name as its corresponding import file with .log appended. Import log files on the local system are viewable for up to 7 days or until manually removed.

The import log file contains:
  • Date and time (in UTC) the import operation started and completed including percentage of the import file (lines) complete.
  • The time started is blank for the imports which are queued, but not yet started. The time completed is blank for the imports that are in-progress.
  • All requests that resulted in failure along with associated error code (value and string representation), and line of the import file containing the failure.
  • Total number of requests successfully committed and failed.
The format of XML or CSV import logs:
mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss Started (0 of linesToImport) 0% complete

[error errorValue errorString : line lineOfFailure] [description]

. . .

[error errorValue errorString : line lineOfFailure] [description]

mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss <Completed|Interrupted> (linesImported of linesToImport) percentCplt% complete

Successful: successfulCmds Failures: failedCmds Total: totalCmds
The xxx table describes the import log file parameters.

Table 3-4 Import Log File Parameters

Parameter Description Values
mm/dd/yy Date, in UTC, that the entry was logged.
  • mm = 01-12 (month)
  • dd = 01-31 (day of month)
  • yy = 00-99 (last two digits of the year)
hh:mm:ss Time, in UTC, the entry was logged.
  • hh = 00-23 (hours)
  • mm = 00-59 (minutes)
  • ss = 00-59 (seconds)
linesImported Number of lines of the import file that have been processed
linesToImport Total number of lines of the import file to be processed
percentCplt Percentage of import file (lines) processed
reqMsg Request Message that resulted in error
errorValue Message Response Error Value
errorString Message Response Error String
lineOfFailure Line number of the failed Request Message
description Description of any Request Message failure.
successfulCmds Total number of Request Messages successfully committed
failedCmds Total number of Request Messages that resulted in failure
totalCmds Total number of Request Messages that were processed
Example of a successfully completed import log file:
02/06/13 13:28:01 Started (0 of 200) 0% complete

<removeSubscriber ent="subscriberRouting" ns="dsr"><imsi>310910421000102</imsi></removeSubscribe r>
[error 2001 INV_REQUEST_NAME : line 5]

<updateSubscriber ent="subscriberRouting" ns="dsr"><imsi>310910421000102</imsi><ltehss>LTE_HSS_9 </ltehss></updateSubscriber>
[error 2006 DEST_NOT_FOUND : line 17]

<deleteSubscriber ent="subscriberRouting" ns="dsr"><imsi>310910421000199</imsi> </deleteSubscriber>
[error 2007 IMSI_NOT_FOUND : line 36]

[error 1028 BAD_IMPORT_CMD : line 77]

02/06/13 13:28:03 Completed (200 of 200) 100% complete

Successful: successfulCmds Failures: failedCmds Total: totalCmds
Example of an interrupted import log file:
02/06/13 13:28:01 Started (0 of 200) 0% complete

02/06/13 13:28:03 Connection terminated

02/06/13 13:28:03 Interrupted (100 of 200) 50% complete

Successful: 100 Failures: 0 Total: 100

The status of all imported files can be viewed from the SDS GUI. We recommend you see the SDS Online Help for more information.